
Ao Xin carried the steel whip on his shoulder and looked at Li Hui with a smile:"What can you do?"

Li Hui's face turned cold.

Before the end of the world, he was the most dazzling one in the crowd.

In the end of the world, he was still powerful and invincible.

His invitation out of curiosity was ignored!

A punch blasted out like lightning, and Ao Xin directly swung the steel whip and smashed it down.

He would not fight a fair fist to fist duel. Now it is the end of the world. Who the hell talks about martial ethics with you?

Li Hui didn't care. His arm quickly turned into sand, and the fist in front still hit Ao Xin's cheek.

However, there was a sudden sharp pain in his arm. Li Hui was shocked and quickly turned into an element and flew into the sky. He could feel that when the opponent's steel whip hit his arm, it directly hit his elemental body!

The powerful blow directly broke his arm!

He has armed color domineering?

Li Hui was horrified. The opponent not only has armed color, but also his domineering level is definitely higher than his!

How is this possible?

He couldn't believe it, but the next scene made him have to believe it.

"Do you think you can escape by flying into the sky?"

How could Ao Xin let him go easily when he was attacked for no reason? He put the steel whip on his back and turned into a green dragon. He caught up with the yellow sand in the sky and grabbed it with his dragon claws.


Li Hui cursed inwardly:

""Fuck! You are the one who ate the Azure Dragon Fruit!"

Thanks to the existence of the God-given space, many battle scenes of ability users have been recorded and uploaded.

The most famous ones are the Azure Dragon Fruit, the Shasha Fruit, and a former female anchor who has the ability to create a queen flower.

However, to date, the female anchor has still not announced the name of her fruit ability.

In addition to them, there are some other ability users, but their achievements are not as good as those of Azure Dragon and Shasha, and their popularity is not as good as that of the female anchor.

Li Hui knew that he had kicked the iron plate. The opponent was not only domineering and powerful, but also the strongest fantasy beast ability user.

But such a person did not even mention his own ability, so that he made a misjudgment and directly broke an arm.

And it was his dominant right arm!

How can this be fought?

The yellow sand rolled up, trying to hinder the Azure Dragon's pursuit.

The Azure Dragon blew out a bad wind from his mouth, and countless wind blades crushed the yellow sand.

"Damn it!"

Li Hui was angry. The opponent had a good grasp of the fruit's ability and could directly defeat his blockade.

"You win! Stop chasing me!"

Helplessly, he could only give in and apologize to Ao Xin:"Sorry, it's my fault!"

But how could an apology make Ao Xin stop?

This guy is a strong competitor in the future. It would be nice if he could be killed at this moment.

A hot breath was exhaled, and countless yellow sands were baked into glass and fell down.

Seeing that he was chasing him, Li Hui could only speed up his escape.

The ability of natural flight is very convenient, and Qinglong's flight relies on grabbing the flame cloud, which is relatively cumbersome, so that the speed of the two sides is almost the same.

After chasing for several minutes, Li Hui suddenly fell to the ground. Ao Xin thought he was exhausted and couldn't use the fruit ability, so he also fell to the ground.

However, after landing, a zombie suddenly emerged from the side and rushed towards them.

Li Hui's elementalization passed directly through the zombie. Ao Xin did not see the zombie appear because his vision was blocked by the yellow sand.

This was caught off guard. Fortunately, he had the observation color to detect the danger, and quickly transformed into a human-beast form, took off the bamboo steel whip on his back, and faced the zombie

"Brother! This zombie will apologize to you! How about I write off all the offenses I've done to you?"

Li Hui stood behind the zombie and did not take the opportunity to escape, but started chatting with Ao Xin.

"Oh? How do you make amends?"Ao Xin whipped the zombies and repelled them. The violent force shocked Li Hui.

Is this the power of the Azure Dragon form of the Fantasy Beast? It's really abnormal!

"I will help you kill this zombie, and the points belong to you!"

Li Hui said:"Now the zombies are constantly evolving, first evolving into flesh corpses, and then evolving into zombies. This kind of monster is not something we can resist now, but with my help, it will be much easier for you to kill it, how about it?"

Ao Xin thought while fighting. Killing zombies is not impossible for him, after all, he already has experience.

But there is a natural ability user next to him who is eyeing him covetously, so he is inevitably restrained in the battle.

But if he wants to leave, the zombies can't stop him.

Killing a zombie is one point.

Flesh corpses are ten points.

Zombies are one hundred points.

But if you kill a zombie above a certain level, the points will be multiplied by 10 for each level you exceed.

Just like before, Ao Xin killed a two-star zombie in the Bronze Skin Realm, and killed it by one level, so he got one thousand points.

One thousand points is a lot for most people, but for Ao Xin, it is not difficult.

There is no need to kill this zombie at all.

Besides, it is not near his home and poses no threat to him

"But I think it's more valuable to kill you!"

After repelling the zombies, Ao Xin attacked Li Hui again.

"Fuck! Are you sick?"

Li Hui quickly transformed into an element and flew towards the zombie. After passing through the zombie, Ao Xin had to face this zombie again.

After repeating this many times, Ao Xin stopped chasing him. He taunted:"Don't run if you dare!"

Li Hui also retorted:"Come after me if you dare!"

Ao Xin:"Don't run towards the zombie if you dare!"

Li Hui:"Kill the zombie if you dare!"

Ao Xin:...


This guy is so cunning, using zombies as a shield. I really can't kill him in a short time.

It turns out that being a strong man in the end times is not just about strength. Only with a quick mind and thick skin can you resolve crises again and again.

Seeing that it was difficult to kill Li Hui, Ao Xin turned into a blue dragon and flew into the sky:"I hope that next time I see you, there will be zombies to protect you!"

As a result, Li Hui caught up from behind:


Qinglong turned around and said,"What? Are you looking for death?"

The elemental yellow sand revealed Li Hui's head, and he kept a distance from Ao Xin:

"I apologize again. It was my fault for recruiting you and attacking you."

"But I have a deal I want to discuss with you."

Ao Xin sneered:"Help me kill zombies? Do you think I'm stupid?"

He was not familiar with Li Hui and could not trust him at all.

Who knew if Li Hui would stab him in the back during the so-called cooperation?

Or even take his head in the end!

Li Hui shook his head:"No, I have a devil fruit and want to make a deal with you."


Ao Xin said seriously,"Devil fruit? Are you willing to trade?"

Li Hui said:"I have eaten the Sand-Sand Fruit. The magic potion requires a full 100 million points. I don't know when I can save enough. Of course, this fruit must be used for trading."

"Tell me about it."

Ao Xin sighed that this person was really lucky. Without his own prophetic advantage and Ao Chen's ability, he was able to get two fruits!

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