The group of roommates got a wooden board from somewhere and were lifting Wang Fan onto it.

But Wang Fan was too fat, and several people tried hard to lift him off the bed but failed.

Seeing Ao Xin coming back, Liang Yu shouted,"Ao Xin, come and help! Wang Fan is too fat, and we can't move him!"

Ao Xin worked out all day and didn't even go to class. They suspected that this kid wanted to transfer to a sports school. But at this time, they needed someone with strength, so they waved to him.

However, Ao Xin completely ignored them, grabbed his luggage that he had packed long ago and prepared to go out.

The virus has appeared, which means that the end of the world will come at any time, and he must hurry home.

Seeing that he was about to leave, several roommates were shocked, and Liang Yu stopped him angrily:

"Your roommate is in trouble, and you want to leave without helping him?"

But Ao Xin didn't have time to deal with him?

In the previous life, after they sent Wang Fan to the hospital, the end of the world came in a few minutes.

Wang Fan turned into a zombie and pounced on them.

In order to save his life, Liang Yu actually pushed him down to block Wang Fan's pursuit!

If he hadn't been lucky, he would have died there at the beginning of the end of the world in his previous life!

His pupils narrowed slightly, and the murderous aura that he had honed between life and death in his previous life burst out unconsciously, which frightened Liang Yu who was blocking the way.

He took a step back unconsciously, and Ao Xin pushed him away, grabbed an equipment bag in the corner and walked out the door.

When he went out, he heard Liang Yu's scolding voice behind him:"Who are you! It's okay if you don't help, but you actually pushed me!"

He was annoyed that he was frightened by Ao Xin. This Ao Xin has become very abnormal since he was cheated and dumped.

After thinking about it, he muttered to himself:"I won't argue with a lunatic!"

However, when Liang Yu was about to go out to ask his classmates in the next dormitory for help, he suddenly heard a scream from behind!

""Ah!!!" screams resounded throughout the dormitory building.

Not only were people in Dormitory 504 screaming, but there were also many people who fainted like Wang Fan and had spots on their bodies.

At this moment, an inexplicable and terrifying pressure descended, and everyone felt their hearts sink. Then, all of these unconscious people underwent amazing changes.

Their flesh and skin quickly rotted, emitting a disgusting corpse stench, and those spots spread and expanded. They were corpse spots!

Corpse oil and pus dripped down.

These people's eyeballs bulged out, and their nails became as sharp and slender as those of wild animals!

"Zombies! Wang Fan has turned into a zombie!"

Ao Xin recognized that this was Zhang Qiang's voice. The next moment, Zhang Qiang was bitten on the neck by the transformed Wang Fan.

While his trachea was bitten through, the zombie virus was also injected into Zhang Qiang's body.

In just half a minute, Zhang Qiang's body turned into a zombie at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The corridor was in chaos.

Zombies rushed out of the dormitories one by one, and countless students ran outside crying for their parents. At this moment, Ao Xin also felt a power awakening from the depths of his blood.

That power was violent and powerful.

It was the power of the devil fruit he had eaten before. The power of the blue dragon emerged in his body, he raised his head and roared, and let out a loud dragon roar!

Green scales appeared on his skin, which were dragon scales, and dragon horns appeared on his head.

His hands and feet turned into dragon claws, and broke his shoes.

He began to turn into a dragon.

This scene of change immediately shocked the students in the corridor. , thinking that he would become a monster like those zombies.

After changing into human-beast form, his physique increased greatly, and his strength, defense, speed, recovery ability, etc. were greatly improved.

At this moment, a low roar of zombies came from behind him. Looking back, it was Wang Fan and the infected Zhang Qiang biting him.

He stretched out his dragon claws, pinched the throats of the two, and with just a little force, he pulled the heads of the two zombies off.

The blood of the zombies was spilled all over the ground, and the smell of blood and corpses hit the students' sense of smell in the corridor.

After the two zombies died, another zombie rushed out from another dormitory in front of him, and Ao Xin opened his mouth and spit out a hot breath.

It was a scorching flame that roasted the zombie in front of him.

But after this breath of hot breath, he suddenly felt that his physical strength decreased a lot.

The ability of the devil fruit relies on physical strength. Even if you have domineering power in the future, it actually consumes a lot. It's physical strength.

The first divine gift period is a stage of body building!

He is not a demon like Kaido, nor does he have Kaido's monster-like physique.

Therefore, even if he gets the Blue Dragon Fruit, the power he can exert is far less than Kaido.

He stopped spitting out hot breath and tore open the equipment bag thrown on the ground. This is a set of baseball equipment.

There are baseball bats, baseballs, gloves, and other equipment.

This was originally prepared for the convenience of taking on the train.

If you only take a baseball bat, it will be regarded as a weapon and cannot be taken on the train.

But if it is a full set, it will be different. It will be identified as sports equipment and can be carried.

Now that the end of the world has broken out, the transportation system must have been paralyzed.

These supporting facilities are no longer useful.

He threw the other things on the ground and only picked up the baseball bat.

This baseball bat is a thickened and weighted version specially customized by him, which is very suitable Headshot zombies.

It's not that he can't afford a steel knife, but a baseball bat is more cost-effective.

As for swords, although he can buy handicrafts and sharpen them himself, such things are too easy to bend the blade, and they will be scrapped after a few cuts, which is far less useful than a baseball bat.

He swung the baseball bat, which was wrapped with a trace of electric current.

The Azure Dragon Fruit can manipulate the three natural elements of wind, fire and electricity.

Although its power is not as strong as the natural system, it is enough to enhance the attack power!

The baseball bat wrapped with lightning hit a zombie on the head.

There was a loud clang.

Even though the zombie's defense is far superior to that of humans, its skull was blown open by a stick!

This is the strong physique given by the Azure Dragon Fruit.

Ao Xin killed people everywhere in the corridor and soon attracted the attention of other students.

It was precisely because he kept killing zombies that gave those students a chance to breathe.

""What is that? Why is it killing zombies?"

Some people were puzzled, but some people also saw Ao Xin's dragon transformation process:

"I know! He is Ao Xin from Room 504! When the zombies appeared, he became like this!"

Liang Yu, who had already run to the corner of the corridor, looked at Ao Xin with a complicated expression. He didn't expect that this roommate who had been unable to get out of the shadow of a broken heart had such a powerful ability!

But, how did he get this ability?

"He looks like a dragon, just like a dragon man!"

The human-beast Qinglong is easy to identify, and this appearance that is 80% similar to Kaido quickly caused heated discussions:

"It looks like the form of Kaido in the Devil Fruit. Didn’t it break out on the Internet a few days ago that strange fruits similar to Devil Fruits appeared everywhere? Are they all true?"

""Shit! Now that you mentioned it, I remember it too! Ao Xin, this must be the Azure Dragon Fruit! Those fruits must be real! Damn, there was a streamer who wanted to sell it, but I and a bunch of people were mocking him! How great it would have been if I had bought it at that time!"

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