Taking his hand off the rat's head, Ao Xin moved the tables and chairs that were blocking the door, and killed several zombies that were crowding in front of the door. Then, he dragged the zombies into the store and placed them in front of the rat.

""You must be hungry, try it."

He"invited" the big rat to eat in a gentle tone, just like feeding a pet.

But the big rat still didn't dare to move.


A slap was slapped on the big rat's head,"Eat!"


The rat bared its teeth and screamed. It didn't understand human nature and didn't know why it was being beaten.

After being slapped again, it seemed to vaguely understand that the person in front of it wanted to eat the rotten meat.

It tried to take a bite, and a strange energy rushed into its body.

The rat was stunned for a moment, and then began to bite the zombie meat frantically.

"Yeah, very good."

Ao Xin stood quietly beside it and watched it eat, while Ao Chen followed closely behind it, not daring to leave.

"Brother, why are you feeding it zombie meat?"

A group of big rats gnawing on zombies, this scene is super disgusting, okay?

At this time, even Yuan Fei, who was sitting alone in the corner, came to Ao Xin cautiously.

In fact, a group of rats as big as fat cats filled the entire restaurant, and the scene was a bit scary.

The rat gnawed on the corpses of zombies, and its stomach seemed like a bottomless pit. It ate a whole thigh without bulging.

Finally, when it ate both thighs, its body doubled in size again!

The rat king, who was as big as a medium-sized mastiff, bared his fangs, and his pupils showed a fierce light. He was no longer as well-behaved and obedient as before.

"" Squeak!"

The Rat King gave an order, and the rats, frightened by the domineering color, immediately jumped up and pounced on Ao Xin and others.

The Rat King even pounced on Ao Xin's throat, trying to bite it off.

What Azure Dragon? At this moment, the Rat King felt that he could slay the dragon!

"The beast is still a beast, and has no gratitude at all."

Ao Xin smiled faintly, and at the same time, he exerted force on his hands, and his ten fingers were like hooks, crushing the big rat's head, and exhaled a breath of hot air, and all the rats were burned to ashes.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The rat king, whose skull was crushed, was still struggling, moving his body around and trying to bite Ao Xin.


The dragon claws closed and crushed the rat's head alive. Only a pool of blood and a small crystal were left in the palm of his hand.

""Huh? What is this?"

Ao Chen looked at the crystal in his hand curiously. If it wasn't covered with the blood and brains of the rat, she would have taken it and looked at it carefully.

"Is it the crystal core commonly seen in novels?"

When the rats were completely wiped out, Ao Chen regained his former liveliness:"Can I become stronger if I eat this thing?"

""Hey~~ This thing is so disgusting, I don't want to eat it!"

Ao Xin pulled out a tablecloth and wiped the crystal clean.

This crystal is very small, only the size of a fingernail, with an octahedral structure. In the center of the crystal, there is a tiny thread floating. I don't know what it is.

"It can be considered a crystal core, but it is different from the crystal core you know."

Ao Xin explained:"This thing is only useful to us ability users. It is called awakening crystal. It can help ability users improve their fruit abilities and accelerate the awakening of fruits."

"As for improving your strength, you still have to rely on fighting to cultivate your domineering aura. This thing is useless."

Awakening crystals need to be formed by organisms devouring zombie flesh. Those who are infected by the zombie virus but not transformed into zombies will have a chance to give birth to such crystals in their brains.

Generally speaking, the leader of a biological group has a higher probability of giving birth to crystals.

In the previous life, when people discovered this kind of thing, they began to think of ways to raise various organisms and feed them zombie flesh to achieve the purpose of artificial output.

There are even crazy organizations that use humans as culture dishes!

Humans are also part of organisms, so naturally they can also produce this kind of crystal nucleus!

There are also crazy people who want to improve their strength by producing crystal nuclei. However, this kind of crystal nucleus will devour the brain and distort the soul.

Not only will it cause genetic mutations and no longer be human, but even the soul is no longer itself, becoming a new and more dangerous species!

They are called: Crystal People!

Crystal people evolve by devouring zombies, and the flesh and blood of their own kind also have a strong attraction to them.

Of course, the crystals in the brains of crystal people are also a great tonic for those with abilities. When the two sides meet, they will fight to the death.

He explained the use of awakening crystals to Ao Chen,"In the future, we will also have to build a culture base, which will not only accelerate the development of fruits, but also be a best-selling product when sold."

This is also the reason why he wants to build a power, not just to protect his family, there are many things that he can't do alone.

Now with Feng Kun's group of migrant workers, he can consider building a primary base.

After resting, the three walked out of the house. On the street, even though he killed so many zombies, the streets that had been cleared would soon have zombies wandering back, and the number of zombies in the city did not decrease at all.

On both sides of the street, you can occasionally see people fighting against some buildings. The apocalypse has been going on for more than half a month, and the annihilation of the military has let everyone know that they can only rely on themselves in the apocalypse.

They have to find a way to obtain supplies, kill zombies to get points, and after getting points, they have to fight to improve their strength.

Suddenly, the street became chaotic. Not only were people running into the house, but even the zombies seemed to have seen their natural enemies and fled in all directions.

Those were zombies without any intelligence. There was only one possibility for this situation.

That is the appearance of higher-level zombies. Under pressure, it would not allow these low-level zombies to appear around it.


The roar resounded through the sky. Ao Xin was already very familiar with this voice. Even Ao Chen could immediately recognize the source of the voice.

""Brother! It's a zombie!"

Not far away, a zombie with stiff limbs that could only jump forward drove a large number of zombies to chase humans.

Those who relied on their cleverness to use the terrain to trap the zombies and then kill them, the obstacles in front of them were broken in an instant.

Even the hard reinforced concrete walls were easily penetrated by zombies.

The iron sheets of the cars were like thin paper, and the thick electric poles were as fragile as biscuits.

The appearance of zombies made the buildings that humans relied on for survival become decorations.

Screams rang out again, and panic spread, but where could these ordinary people escape?

The houses were smashed, and the streets were full of zombies. They soon became food in the mouths of zombies, or were infected and became part of the zombie army.

Ao Xin held a steel whip and said to Ao Chen:"Stand far away, protect yourself, and go underground directly when there is danger."

Ao Chen nodded, she was already familiar with this process.

A loud dragon roar sounded, Ao Xin turned into a dragon man, holding a steel whip in hand, and strode towards the zombies.

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