Ao Xin pulled the giant python out of the river and dived to the ground again. He held the python's head with his dragon claws and threw it to the ground.

He opened his mouth and roared with thunder again, hitting the giant python's abdomen.

The giant python rolled over, and its vitality was extremely strong.

But its chin was pierced and hooked by the dragon claws, and the only move it could use was to wrap around it.

However, Qinglong was holding Yanyun in the air, and it was difficult for the python to wrap around his body.

Another roar of thunder smashed the python's head to the ground again.

Ao Xin changed back to human-beast form, grabbed the python's head with one hand, took the steel whip from his back with one hand, and stabbed it hard along the gap in the python's chin.

The top of the steel whip was round, but under his huge force, it still penetrated the python's head!

The steel whip pierced the python's head and inserted into the ground.

Ao Xin grabbed the giant python's tail with his dragon claws, pulled it straight back with force, and stepped on it tightly with his feet.

In this way, the giant python's head was pierced by the steel whip and stuck to the ground, and the tail was stepped on by his feet again.

It couldn't break free for a while.

Ao Xin took advantage of this time to enter the God-given space, spent 10,000 points, and exchanged for a custom weapon!

It was a good knife-level chain.

The chain was passed through the wound on the giant python's chin and wrapped around the boulder on the shore.

With the giant python's strength, it is not impossible to drag this boulder.

But this will pull the wound on the chin, causing it severe pain.

Then he came to the tail of the giant python, pierced its tail with a steel whip, and inserted it into the ground.

With its head and tail fixed, it is difficult for it to exert its extraordinary strength.

Clapping his hands, Ao Xin released the human-beast form.

It is really not easy to subdue this giant beast.

This thing is like the sea king in the world of pirates.

After all, the river is limited, and the sea monsters in the sea are even bigger!

He stuffed a zombie corpse into the giant python's mouth, and when it saw that it didn't eat it, he stuffed it into its throat.

The throat was blocked, and the giant python was extremely uncomfortable, so it had to swallow the zombie corpse.

Its body was still twisting wildly, but every time it twisted, it would cause the wounds on its head and tail to hurt. The severe pain made it quiet for a while.

But its pair of snake pupils refused to give in.

Its scarlet eyes stared at Ao Xin. Once he got out of trouble, it would immediately attack!

"Using the water monster as a petri dish is the best solution."

Ao Xin smiled at it:"Brother Snake, stay here first, there will be zombies to eat every day! Wait for me to find someone to salvage the seastone and build you a seastone house. Then you won't have to suffer so much, just be my crystal beast with peace of mind!"

The probability of ordinary creatures turning into corpses after eating zombie meat is as high as 98%.

The success rate of some group leader-like creatures is higher, but it is less than 50%.

However, for water monsters like giant pythons, as long as they are fed zombie meat, the probability of awakening crystals appearing in their minds and becoming crystal beasts is infinitely close to 100%!

But water monsters are extremely difficult to capture. Even in the previous life, there were not many people who could use water monsters as petri dishes.

Now that the water monster has been subdued and the seastone is basically confirmed to be nearby, Feng Kun's migrant workers can be transferred here to work.

However, from the west of the city to the Yellow River Although the distance to the shore was not far in the past, it was like a natural chasm in the doomsday.

Feng Kun was able to get through with the power of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, but it would be difficult for others to get through.

After notifying Meng Kui, Meng Kui said that they would be able to arrive within a day.

Then, he stayed beside the giant python and killed all the zombies that were attracted.

After the zombies were cleared, those who were hiding in the surroundings dared to come out.

They saw the battle between Qinglong and the giant python, and also saw Qinglong turned into a human.

At this moment, they naturally knew that the fierce man in front of them was the rumored"Qinglong Boss"."!

"Can you take me with you, bro? I'm willing to pay!"

"It’s already this time, is money still useful?"

"Brother, I am willing to pay for supplies. I still have some food. Can I exchange some points from you?"With so many zombies killed, it is hard to imagine how many points Ao Xin has now. These people are just for exchange. At least the Armament Haki can be exchanged, so that he can have the capital to fight against zombies in the future.

Ao Xin looked around. There were quite a few people hiding here, more than 20 people!

Most of them were strong men. It was difficult for the old, the young and the women to survive in such an environment.

""Is there anyone who can operate a sand mining ship?"

Ao Xin saw several sand mining ships on the river not far away. They can not only be used to collect sea floor stones from the riverbed, but also the sand from the Yellow River can be used as building materials.

When he heard his question, someone immediately answered loudly:"Me! I used to operate a sand mining ship!"

In fact, sand mining is not allowed in the entire Yellow River, but there are always people who do this kind of business without capital.

"I will start working here in two days. You work for me and I will pay you points."

These people include sand miners, restaurant owners, people who live nearby, and a few who ran away from the city and hid here.

But they are able to hold on until now, and their physical fitness is still good.

"No problem! We will definitely get there!"

They were overjoyed. After escaping outside the city, although there were fewer zombies, there were no supermarkets or shopping malls, and there were no supplies to obtain.

Their supplies were basically used up. If they did not have points to sustain their lives, they would starve to death even if they were not bitten by zombies.

He waved his hand to let these people leave. It was really a nuisance to have them around.

Ao Xin left a message for Ao Chen in the God-given space, saying that he would not be back in the next two days and asked them not to wait for him.

The key was to worry that the giant python would break free from the shackles of the chain and escape.

This kind of giant beast cannot be trapped easily.

With nothing to do, he began to practice the shaving in the six styles. With the experience of his previous life, he quickly found the key points after obtaining permission to practice.

When it got dark, he lay directly on the giant python and fell asleep.

The zombies here were basically cleaned up by him, and those farther away were more likely to be attracted by the popularity of the city and would not come to the outside of the city.

Even if zombies occasionally came, his sight and hearing color remained passively turned on. As soon as there was wind He would wake up at the slightest movement.

Moreover, ordinary zombies could not bite through his tough skin, even with his Iron Bone Realm body.

It was just that the giant python under him was not very honest, always in the cocoon state, which made him sleep uneasy. It was not until the second half of the night that the giant python, perhaps tired of tossing, gradually gave up struggling and fell asleep.

In the early morning, when the sun shone on his face.

Ao Xin shook his aching neck, and the giant python's slippery body was not very comfortable to sleep.

He yawned, spent three points, exchanged for a Sanji version of seafood rice, and ate it happily.

This kind of rice does not have the effect of replenishing physical strength like water meat, but the seafood in it is the smallest sea king in the world of One Piece, which contains extremely rich energy.

Otherwise, with Ao Xin's current body, he might have to eat half a cow to be full!

After he was full, he pulled the corpse of the zombie he killed yesterday and stuffed it into the giant python's mouth.

With the size of the giant python, a lot of zombie meat is needed to complete the crystallization.

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