The middle-aged man was just an ordinary person. His attacks were disorganized and he swung his fists randomly. Feng Kun kicked him several meters away.

The surroundings were quiet.

The gap between the two sides was obvious.

Feng Kun sneered:"Come on, all of you! You want to challenge me? I lose if I move a place!"

He has the Tyrannosaurus Rex fruit. Even if he doesn't transform into a beast, his physique is not comparable to these people.

In addition, he has a better physique due to years of physical work.

It is easier to kill zombies, which means more points. He also exchanged for the three-color domineering practice method very early.

Although he has not awakened his domineering so far, his physique has been further improved, and he has already crushed those who dare not fight.

He is very crazy and arrogant, otherwise he would not dare to have the idea of subduing the three fantasy beasts.

If he hadn't been defeated by Ao Xin in one move, how could he be willing to be a younger brother?

The arrogant words made the crowd angry, and Feng Kun's ridicule continued:

"A bunch of weaklings, have you ever killed zombies? Do you still want to be treated the same as us?"

"It's unnecessary for the boss to give you any points! In my opinion, giving you food and drink is enough!"

"With your strength, do you think you deserve to get a point?"

The ridicule angered the crowd, and a young man who looked quite sturdy said angrily:

""Let me do it! I'm going to break his arm completely!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Feng Kun was in front of him. He kicked him again. The man didn't even get on the field before he was kicked over. He held his stomach and cried out in pain on the ground.

Entering the crowd, Feng Kun didn't give them any chances. He used one arm and two legs as weapons and swept in all directions!

Everyone was terrified. They felt that the one fighting with them was not a human, but a human-shaped beast!

Soon, the crowd fell down or fled.

Only Feng Kun was left on the scene.

Ao Xin stopped him from chasing and said to the group of people:

"Those who want points, come here, those who don't want to work, do as you please!"

Everyone looked at each other, but they had to bow to life in the end. A young man in a short vest came forward and whispered:"Boss, I am willing to work!"

Ao Xin nodded and pointed to the side of the migrant workers group:"Go and stand there."

As he spoke first, the rest of the people came one after another.

Ao Xin said to Meng Kui:

"Organize and register them, and these people will be under your command."

Meng Kui agreed and began to work busily.

Without paper and pen, he asked everyone to add his friends in the God-given space, and recorded their names in the internal communication group. He asked Feng Kun to lead ten people to pull building materials and equipment, and he assigned everyone's division of labor.

Some people who can operate sand mining boats will drive the sand mining boats over, some will clean the river bank, and some will design the base construction plan.

He led a few people to fight the zombies that were gradually attracted, while supervising everyone's work.

Ao Xin broke the bones of the giant python, making it unable to move, and pulled out the steel whip from the tail of the giant python. He looked up to the west.

The west is the provincial capital.

It is also one of the most dangerous places for zombies in the country.

As a populous city, there are also hot weapons"assistants". The zombies there have evolved to the level of three-star hairy zombies.

Even whether there are four-star martial zombies, no one can say for sure.

Because no one dares to go. Explore.

More than one person with special abilities in the provincial capital has died, and the shadows on their lives are enormous.

But these powerful zombies happen to be the objects for Ao Xin to practice.

He can kill ordinary zombies in seconds with his bare hands, and he can kill one-star flesh corpses with a steel whip.

Even two-star zombies are not difficult to kill after he transforms into a dragon.

This kind of crushing battle is better than nothing for practicing domineering.

If it weren't for the talent of [Domineering Genius], he might have just awakened and reached the bronze skin realm at most.

Therefore, the provincial capital is hell for others, but for him, it is a holy place for practice!

After thinking about it, he returned to the giant python, touched its bones, and broke each bone to prevent it from suddenly attacking and hurting people.

After instructing Meng Kui to stuff zombie corpses into the giant python's mouth every day, he went to see the communication group of Biancheng for the first time.

And said:

"I am Ao Xin, the user of the Azure Dragon Fruit. If any zombies appear, please feel free to contact me and I will deal with them.

His words made the entire group quiet.

After a while, the group suddenly exploded.

"Holy shit! Boss Qinglong! The boss has shown up!"

"Big brother, can you take me with you? I am willing to give birth to your baby!"

""Boss, how did you become so strong? Can you share your experience?"

A group of people flattered Ao Xin, and even ignored Ao Xin's words to help them clean up the zombies.

Finally, a comment drowned in a group of messages caught his attention:

"Boss, there is a zombie here at the South City Auto Repair Shop! It is so powerful that the big trucks can't stop it. Many people died! I want to run, but the zombie is outside and I dare not move."

Although it is just text, there is a hint of crying between the lines.

Ao Xin directly called her name:"I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, he left the God-given space and turned into a green dragon and soared into the sky.

He ran straight from the north of the city to the south of the city. For his current strength, his physical strength was enough.

When he arrived near the auto repair shop, he had already seen the zombie wreaking havoc in the sky.

Wherever the zombie went, no one could stop it.

Looking to the southwest, there was a large group of people hiding in the chemical plant.

The leader of their faction was named Zhang Heng.

He was also a talent, but he had no time to pay attention to him now.

Falling from the sky, a roar of thunder struck, hitting the zombie's forehead.

As the zombie roared angrily, a pair of dragon claws pierced into the zombie's shoulders and lifted it off the ground.

Flipping in the air, the zombie slammed headfirst onto the ground.

As a result, a big hole was smashed into the hard concrete floor!

He transformed from the green dragon form into the dragon man form, took off the steel whip behind him, and hit the zombie head-on, causing his brain to burst.

On a residential building not far away, behind the window, a girl with twin ponytails saw the green dragon descend from the sky and easily kill the zombie, and her big eyes were full of admiration.

""Strong man, is this the strong man in the end times?"

She saw the Azure Dragon soaring into the sky and wanted to say hello to Ao Xin, but Ao Xin didn't even notice her and flew away to the west.

The girl was a little depressed, but soon cheered up again.

"I want to kill zombies too! Become a strong man like him!"

After killing the zombies, Ao Xin headed west. When he ran out of energy, he landed on a tall building, looked at the chaotic streets below, entered the God-given space, and left a message for his parents and sister in his family group.

He also told Meng Kui and Liu Xiyao to pay attention to the new zombies in Biancheng.

This is a good opponent for both of them.

In the end times, personal strength always ranks first.

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