The hairy corpse was stained with ominousness. Even if you were not infected by it, you would still face bad luck if you came into contact with it.

Only extremely strong blood and energy could resist the ominousness.

He rushed forward, and his left leg suddenly felt cramped, causing him to stagger and almost get scratched on the cheek by the hairy corpse.

This was the ominousness that was gradually taking effect.

Dragon roars came in waves, and electric currents flowed through his body.

The blood and energy broke through the tendons of his left leg, and the domineering energy further flowed into his limbs and bones under the drive of the blood and energy. With a loud roar, a faint black air on his body dissipated.

That was the ominousness being dispersed.

The steel whip smashed down and hit the hairy corpse's arm again.

Its arm was like a diamond, and it was hit twice in a row, but there was no bone fracture!

This time, it used one arm to block the steel whip, and the other arm grabbed Ao Xin's chest.

The dragon claws pressed against the hairy corpse's claws, and the two wrestled. A zombie attacked from behind, and Ao Xin directly whipped it with the dragon's tail.

The zombies were whipped by the dragon's tail and retreated again and again, but it was still unlikely to be beaten to death by the dragon's tail.

Another roar of thunder sprayed on the face of the hairy corpse. At this distance, the hairy corpse had no chance to dodge.

The ominous aura that was hard to see with the naked eye corroded Ao Xin, and the blood circulation in his body slowed down a little.

Fortunately, the hairy corpse had no intelligence, so the ominous aura could only be emitted passively.

If it continued to evolve, it would be able to control this energy and cause greater damage to living things.

In this stalemate, he suddenly let go and stepped on the ground.


He came behind the hairy corpse in an instant and knocked over several zombies.

The hairy corpse leaned forward due to imbalance, and was hit hard on the back by the steel whip!

The hairy corpse staggered again due to the whipping of gravity, but Ao Xin behind him would not miss such a good opportunity.

The steel whip was whipped down one after another, and many of the red hairs on its back were broken by the roots, revealing its bloody back.

The hairy corpse roared, pounced forward, grabbed a zombie and started biting it.

Then, the wound on his back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Shave! He came to the side of the hairy corpse again in an instant and hit its head with the steel whip.

After entering a state of full concentration in the battle, Ao Xin's understanding of the shaving move in his previous life was quickly integrated into his body in this life. He became more and more proficient in using it.

The hairy corpse's head was hit hard on the biting zombie's flesh, and his entire face pierced through the corpse. through.

But his bones were extremely hard, and even after being whipped like this, there was no crack!


Covered with armed color, the steel whip was smashed down again by Ao Xin. The whistling sound of the wind showed the strength of this move. Mao Shi lifted the corpse of the zombie in his hand above his head and used his palm to block the steel whip.


The zombie corpse was beaten to pieces, and Mao Shi's fingers were also broken!

When Mao Shi raised his head to confront Ao Xin head-on, Ao Xin used his razor to get behind Mao Shi again.

The steel whip was smashed down again, and this time, there was a slight sound of bone cracking.

Mao Shi wanted to turn around to fight, but Ao Xin grabbed his neck directly with his left dragon claw and threw him to the ground. The steel whip in his right hand smashed down again and again, and Mao Shi struggled. He stepped on Mao Shi's back with his left foot again, and the powerful force suppressed Mao Shi so that he could not move.

The dragon's tail swung to drive away the zombies that were close to him.

Finally, after smashing dozens of times in a row, Mao Shi's head was It was completely smashed to pieces.

The brains flowed out and the blood splattered.

It finally stopped twitching and became a corpse.

Behind him, the zombies were still biting him, and some zombies pounced on the body of the hairy corpse, trying to devour the hairy corpse's flesh.

Although the hairy corpse was dead, the strong zombie virus in its body was still there. It was a great tonic for other zombies and a good thing that could promote their evolution!

But Ao Xin couldn't let them evolve now. After this battle, he didn't have much physical strength left. If another hairy corpse appeared, he wouldn't be able to bear it.

A steel whip lashed back and forth, and the powerful force broke the bones of each zombie, and they could no longer stand up.

The domineering spirit flowed into the flesh and blood, and the strength increased a bit.

The muscles bulged, and the dragon scales shone with a green luster.

A zombie jumped over and was hit on the head by his whip, which directly smashed his skull.

These were... The monster that needed several hits to kill was now killed in one second. He kept stomping his feet on the ground, becoming more and more proficient in using the shaving.

On the street, a blue dragon man flashed among the zombies. Every time he appeared, a zombie's head was smashed.

He killed frantically, and finally, the whole street became quiet. He released the fruit ability, and his chest rose and fell violently.

The blood and brains of the zombies inevitably splashed on his body. If he was just an ordinary person, these bloodstains alone would have infected him and turned him into a zombie.

But he was strong and could be immune to this level of zombie virus.

He pushed open the door of a store, which was a furniture store. He walked in and sat on a torn sofa, holding the steel whip at his side.

In this battle, he killed one hairy corpse, seven zombies, hundreds of flesh corpses, and thousands of zombies!

For two hours, his body never stopped for a moment.

But the growth of domineering was also amazing.

He could feel the integration of domineering into his flesh and blood, and his strength was much greater than before.

After entering the God-given space, he now had another 20,000 points.

The main reason was that the hairy corpse contributed the most.

A three-star hairy corpse could earn one thousand points. He killed it with the second-level Iron Bone Realm, which was one level higher than the first level. His points were multiplied tenfold, which was ten thousand!

He spent ten points to exchange for a sea king meat skewer, took it out and ate it.

The deliciousness of sea kings was something he had never experienced before.

And the sufficient energy contained in it was enough to fill his hungry body.

After eating, he burped. The God-given space did not provide drinking water, but there was some wine in the food that could provide additional effects.

For example, accelerating blood flow could make people more sensitive in battle.

For example, drinking it would gain a short-term violent effect, and the overall strength would be improved to a certain extent, but it would consume extra physical strength, and after the violent state ended, it would enter a weak state.

And so on.

Ao Xin exchanged for a bottle of the cheapest wine.

Its effect was to resist severe cold.

After drinking this bottle of wine, even ordinary people could move freely in zero-degree weather with bare chests.

Although accelerating blood flow also had a certain cold resistance effect, it was not as good as directly resisting cold.

But Ao Xin's purpose was just to relieve himself, and with his current physical fitness, he was no longer afraid of the severe cold.

After drinking the wine, the feeling of being choked finally disappeared.

Sitting on the sofa, he recalled the feeling of using shaving during the battle.

After a few more battles of this scale, he would be able to fully master the shaving!

As long as his physical strength is not exhausted, he can use shaving at any time without waiting.

Outside the door, several zombies from a distance have been attracted, and they are hungry and hungry.

The virus enters the body and is rapidly transforming and strengthening them.

Ao Xin watched this scene quietly. Evolution is not fast just by devouring corpses. It will take a long time for these ordinary zombies to evolve to the level of hairy corpses.

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