Suddenly, Ao Xin felt something and immediately moved his body. Just as he moved away, a skeleton arm stretched out from where he was standing.

It was the observation Haki!

There were not many students following him.

Because he was too fast, those students could not keep up at all.

In addition, the zombies that could be seen everywhere stopped wave after wave of people, causing the people across him to have no choice but to stop.

Someone shouted at him to slow down, but he turned a deaf ear.

Now his heart was full of his family, how could he have the mood to save these people?

At the school gate, he saw five zombies blocking a BMW, smashing the glass, and dragging the owner of the car down.

It was a beautiful woman with heavy makeup.

Her curvy figure was very tempting, but the zombies had no sympathy for women.

As the beauty screamed, they tore open her stomach alive and began to devour her intestines and internal organs! As the zombies devoured the beauty's body, the rotten flesh on their bodies was slowly recovering.

Zombies are not only infected, they also eat some human flesh and use it to evolve.

But as long as they are not eaten too thoroughly, the basic shape of the body is still there, especially the head is still there, and the body will soon be occupied by the zombie virus and become a new zombie. After eating a few bites of the beautiful woman's intestines, they sensed footsteps coming from behind.

Scarlet eyes looked at Ao Xin

"Look at you paralyzed!"

Ao Xin swung a stick and smashed a zombie's head! His physical strength had been fully restored through the water and flesh, and the baseball bat wrapped with electric current killed these zombies in a few seconds.

Then, he changed back to human form, got into the car directly, and rushed out of the city at full speed.

On the road, there were endless vehicles fleeing. They thought that zombies broke out in the city, so they wanted to escape to sparsely populated areas to survive.

However, there is no pure land in this world!

If you want to survive, you have to fight!

Fight zombies, get points, exchange items from the God-given space, and become stronger!

This is the only way to survive.

In the car, the broadcast was still playing at this time. It was a national emergency notice:

"Everyone, please don't panic, stay at home, close the doors and windows, our troops have been dispatched, and our biological laboratories are also developing antidotes, please maintain order! Don't panic!"

The first wave of zombie virus spreads in the air.

People with weak constitutions will be infected.

Therefore, hospitals and nursing homes are high-incidence areas of infection.

When the end of the world comes, the main way of spreading the zombie virus is to bite blood.

In this case, the soldiers with the best constitution have a very low chance of being infected!

Therefore, when the end of the world comes, the army can still play a certain role.

However, Ao Xin knows that this cannot last.

If the army wants to quickly eliminate the zombies, it must use hot weapons such as firearms.

But in this way, it will not be able to get points.

Without points, it cannot become stronger.

When the zombies continue to become stronger and eventually fearless of conventional hot weapons, the army will become more and more weak, and the social order will collapse faster.

Therefore, the only chance of survival now is for all people to be soldiers! Fight zombies!

This is a survival competition of survival of the fittest!

The car was driving fast, and even if there were zombies blocking the road ahead, he chose to rush over rudely.

Because traffic control has been paralyzed, once you avoid zombies, it is very likely to cause a chain accident, which will affect your speed to go home.

"The boundless horizon is my love!"

Suddenly, the phone rang. He glanced at it and saw the note was"Xiao Chen".

It was his sister. He answered it directly.

""Hello? Brother! Where are you? There are so many zombies outside! It's so scary!"

As soon as the call was connected, the anxious and frightened voice of the younger sister came.

It is normal for a 16-year-old girl in her prime to panic when suddenly encountering such a thing.

Ao Xin said:"I'm fine, how are you? Are mom and dad okay?"

Hearing his full voice, it seemed that nothing happened, and Ao Chen was relieved:

"Mom listened to you, took leave in advance and took me home. Dad is still in the hospital. We just contacted him and he said he locked the office and it's okay for now."

""Brother, you are amazing! If you hadn't forced mom to take a leave, we might have died outside now!" After

Ao Chen and his brother chatted about the day, they gradually became less scared.

Because they returned home early, they did not encounter the zombie wave. They only knew about the doomsday after the God-given space was opened.

Standing on the balcony and looking at the scene outside, they were so scared that their hearts were pounding!

""Brother! Do you have any inside information? Not only did you let my mother and I go home early, but you also prepared so much food and canned food! Did you know that the end of the world was coming?"

Ao Chen has been very confused for a month. Her brother buys a lot of daily necessities and sends them home every day. When they asked him, he didn't say anything, and they didn't know where he got so much money.

Ao Xin himself certainly has no money, and a month is not enough to make money.

But since the end of the world is coming, what else is there to be afraid of? He borrowed all the illegal black online loans!

If he couldn't explain it to his parents, he might even mortgage his house!

But with the existence of the God-given space, there is actually no need to store too many supplies.

These are just for emergency use.

Tell your sister not to go out, and don't open the door to anyone except when dad comes back, and wait until you get back.

Ao Chen also responded repeatedly.

While chatting, a luxury car in front overturned to avoid the zombies that suddenly pounced on it, which directly caused a chain of car accidents!

Many vehicles crashed into it and the car was destroyed and people were killed.

Ao Xin had expected this scene a long time ago. It was too late to stop the car at this moment, and there were many speeding vehicles behind him. , and did not allow himself to stop the car slowly.

After putting his phone into his backpack, he reached out and grabbed the back and baseball bat, and he turned into a blue dragon and broke through the roof of the car and flew into the sky.

The flame cloud lifted his body, and the blue dragon soared straight up.

The magical scene shocked everyone on the road.

This made the already fierce car accident even more serious.

Just a few seconds after he broke through the roof and flew out, the BMW had already crashed into the disabled car in front and burst into a violent noise.

Without time to pay attention to the noisy car accident scene below, the blue dragon drilled into the clouds and flew straight in his direction.

Occasionally, he took out a piece of water meat from his backpack to replenish his physical strength. He couldn't fly for too long now.

Finally, when all the water meat was exhausted, he also landed from the air and turned back into human form. After a rough glance, he didn't see any zombies around, so he quickly entered the God-given space, exchanged five more pieces of water meat, and stuffed them all into his backpack.

Now there are only these five pieces of water meat and a thunder fruit in the backpack.

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