"Very good."

He reached out and stroked the tiger's head,"From now on, you will follow me!"

"What day is your name?"

He asked the white tiger's name. He remembered that the six brothers and sisters were named from Monday to the weekend. There was no Saturday. He didn't know what day this one was.

The white tiger shook his head. It had just opened its spiritual wisdom not long ago. Before its spiritual wisdom was opened, it had no concept of human names.

Fortunately, it ate the human fruit. If it was other species, its spiritual wisdom would not be opened so much, and it would need to be slowly improved in cultivation.

"Then you will be called Xiaobai from now on!"

Ao Xin is very satisfied with his naming skills.


But Baihu seemed very dissatisfied. His spiritual wisdom had just been awakened and he could not speak human language very well. He just stuttered and said,"Okay, difficult, difficult!"..."

He wanted to say it was unpleasant, but Ao Xin was overjoyed:"You also said good? Are you a good man? You want to say good man! Then you will be called Xiaobai from now on!"


Baihu blinked his big eyes and wanted to fight for it, but seeing that Ao Xin had already taken his hand off his forehead and walked forward, he had no choice but to accept this name.

"Zhao Changkong?"

He knew that Zhao Changkong was the Zhan Zhan Fruit, and he knew his identity by looking at his current appearance.

"It's me, who are you?" Zhao Changkong tried to stay calm, but looked at him very vigilantly. He was able to subdue the tiger man so easily, and even made the tiger man turn into a beast and act like a spoiled child. What kind of strength is this!

"Don't be nervous, I'm here to find someone."

He had no expression on his face, and Zhao Changkong didn't know whether he was happy or angry.

"Who are you looking for?"

Zhao Changkong asked

"Su Rou!"

Zhao Changkong was shocked when the name was reported.

This boy looks so young, could he be Su Rou's ex-boyfriend?

He has been together with Su Rou every night these days. If he knew, he might vent his anger on me.

Unless he is willing to be a fellow traveler with me.

No, I can't tell the truth!

He smiled and said,"Sorry, I don't have anyone named Su Rou here, please look somewhere else."


He believed that Tang Yingying would not lie to him, so it was Zhao Changkong who was lying.

"Call your men out, let me see them."

His tone was calm, but it sounded like an order to Zhao Changkong.

This made him even more angry. So what if the Conqueror Haki is strong?

In the early stage, Conqueror Haki can only clear soldiers. Even if you have points to learn Conquer, the level of Conqueror Haki must be extremely high!

Just like you can't learn Ryuo just by learning Armament Haki.

"This is my territory, Zhao Changkong. You are too overbearing!" His face was grim. Two of his subordinates with animal abilities surrounded Ao Xin, trying to threaten him to leave.



The white tiger roared, glaring at Zhao Changkong and others, his eyes filled with ferocity.

Dare to be presumptuous in front of his recognized master?

Haven't these scum been abused enough?

Zhao Changkong was shocked again. It seemed that the tiger man was really subdued!

But he couldn't retreat. If this man was really Su Rou's ex-boyfriend, he would not forgive himself!

Simply threaten him and scare him away.

Ao Xin reached out and stroked Xiaobai's head:"Okay, okay, don't be angry, just rest assured and heal your injuries."

Xiaobai groaned and lay down again.

He looked at Zhao Changkong. This man really didn't want to retreat, and he didn't want to continue talking nonsense, so he slowly moved forward:"If you want to die, try to stop me."

Under the pressure of his powerful momentum, Zhao Changkong took several steps back in succession, but he finally couldn't help but take action.


His arms turned into steel knives and rushed towards Ao Xin.

Behind him, the two animal-type ability users also rushed over.

However, Ao Xin only stretched out one hand. He pointed his gun three times in succession and smashed the heads of the three people!

Body like steel?

It's just a joke in front of him!

A finger-sized hole appeared on the heads of the three people, their eyes were full of unwillingness and fear, and they quickly lost their breath.

The crowd in the distance was shocked again.

They were far away and did not hear Ao Xin's words for Su Rou. They just saw him arguing with Zhao Changkong for a few words, and then Zhao Changkong and the other two were killed instantly!

"Brother Zhao is dead! Brother Niu and Xiaojie are also dead!"They were terrified, not knowing what kind of ending would await them.

"Brother Zhao died without even having the strength to resist. I didn't even see how he did it!"

Su Rou watched him approach slowly, her heart pounding. This sense of oppression was too strong.

What was he going to do?

If I could get close to such a big shot, wouldn't I be a hundred times better than Brother Zhao?

Besides, he's so handsome!

She quickly straightened her hair, pulled down the shoulders of her shirt to reveal her white flesh, tried to calm down, and prepared to show her most charming expression when Ao Xin arrived.

Ao Xin came to the crowd and saw Su Rou with her shoulders half exposed.

""Su Rou, I finally found you."

He smiled, very happily.

Su Rou was also very happy.

He knows me! Who is he? Someone who pursued me before? Or some bootlicker whose appearance I can't remember?

She and Tang Yingying are known as the two golden flowers, and they have many suitors. It's normal that I can't remember a few.

Since he likes me, it's even better!

Tang Yingying, with this big guy helping me, I want to see how you die!

Thinking about these messy things in his mind, he showed the sweetest smile of his life on his face:"I."

But she only said one word, and a hole appeared on her forehead.

A finger was pulled out of the hole, and brain matter and blood flowed out.

The beautiful girl fell down with a puzzled face.

She didn't know what happened until she died.

Seeing that he killed Su Rou without saying anything, the others were even more frightened.

Even the most beautiful Su Rou could be killed, what else could they show?

Ao Xin glanced at the crowd again and didn't see the man.

It seems that he didn't leave Zhao Changkong.

There is only one enemy left, but don't worry, you will meet him sooner or later.

No longer paying attention to the group of frightened people, he turned and left

"Let's go, Xiaobai!"

He called out to the white tiger and immediately transformed into a blue dragon, grabbed the white tiger in his hand, and flew into the air.

"Qinglong, it's the boss Qinglong! No wonder he's so strong!"

The people kneeling on the ground exclaimed, but soon, they fell into a fight over who was the boss.


An iron rod hit the head of a young man with messy hair, and the dull middle-aged man hit him again. The young man's head immediately bled and he fell to the ground twitching.

"I am the boss! Who would not accept this?"

The usually dull and honest middle-aged man suddenly exploded, shocking everyone.

However, in the end times, they were already used to seeing life and death, and after the initial shock, someone immediately jumped out:

""Who the hell are you? You dare to be the boss?"


The iron rod in the middle-aged man's hand smashed down directly!

The women quickly dispersed, and the men who were unwilling to submit to each other started a fight for the position of the boss.

After a long time, almost everyone fell to the ground.

Some died in the chaos, some were seriously injured, and some had broken bones.

Only one person was still standing with an iron rod, but he was also panting, and his left eye was still bleeding. I don't know who poked it blind.

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