Xiaobai let out a low roar from his throat, warning others not to get close.

Seeing this, Han Shuang's attacking movements became faster.

She had been eating hairy corpses for several days, and the zombie virus in her body caused the crystals to grow further.

With a groan of pain, the crystal on her shoulder was shattered by the zombie, and a large piece of her flesh was torn off.

The crystals on the surface of a crystal person are like human domineering, which requires physical strength.

Her strength is limited, and the crystals she can release are also limited.

In order to inflict heavy damage to the zombie, she concentrated most of the crystals on her fists.

The crystals on her arms were much weaker.

The flesh on her shoulder was torn, and her attack also fell on the zombie.

The crystal at the tip of her fist was cone-shaped, and the powerful force smashed the zombie's head.

She grabbed the cracked head with both hands, twisted it outward, and rushed forward again, punching out from the broken head again!

She was covered in blood, but her fists never stopped.

The zombie's head was not directly smashed. When she attacked the zombie frantically, the zombie was also attacking her frantically.

Finally, the zombie's head was completely shattered and fell into the dust.

Her shoulders were covered with white bones, and her chest also exposed her sternum and collarbone.

Blood kept dripping, but she didn't care. She grabbed the corpse of the zombie and gnawed it in her mouth. She came behind Ao Xin and Xiao Bai protected Ao Xin, who couldn't move, and didn't allow anyone to get close.

A three-meter-tall human-shaped tiger roared continuously, and a thin woman who looked like a sick ghost grabbed the zombie and gnawed it in her mouth.

Who wouldn't be terrified when seeing such a scene?

"We have no ill intentions, we are just concerned about the boss's situation!"

Seeing the two people's defensive look, Luo Yi hurriedly smiled and stepped forward to explain.

However, what greeted him was Xiaobai's more rapid and low roar, which meant to warn him that if he dared to get close again, he would not be polite!

Tang Yingying hurriedly pulled Luo Yi, fearing that Xiaobai and Han Shuang would fall out.

These two, one is a beast with spiritual intelligence, and the other is an alienated crystal person, neither of them is easy to deal with!

"We won't get close, we won't get close, don't be angry."

Tang Yingying pulled Luo Yi back, telling Xiaobai and Han Shuang not to be too nervous.

Han Shuang, who had always refused to eat in front of people, actually ate the zombie corpses in public to recover from her injuries, regardless of criticism. It can be seen that she is ready to protect Ao Xin at all costs.

She envied Ao Xin's luck. Not only was he strong, but he also had two strong men who were loyal to him.

Luo Yi organized everyone to keep all the zombies and corpses outside, waiting for Ao Xin to wake up.

In the center, Han Shuang and Xiaobai looked at the bleeding Ao Xin with worry on their faces. They were already strong, but they could still hear the time. From time to time, there were sounds of bones breaking.

The source of the sound was clearly from Ao Xin's body!

Ao Xin's bones were breaking?

This was not good news!

However, they didn't know what happened to Ao Xin, and they didn't have any healing ability. They could only stand guard and watch, and could do nothing else.

Although Ao Xin couldn't move, he saw everything around him.

He was moved by the sight of Xiaobai and Han Shuang desperately protecting him.

Xiaobai was only at the Bronze Skin Realm. Although he could kill zombies with his beast instincts and the Fantasy Beast Fruit, he definitely couldn't kill them instantly!

But he could condense a large amount of energy at one time. The Thunderbolt emitted rays, creating explosive damage.

This allowed him to smash the zombie's head with one move.

But the price was that the vertical pupil on his forehead was damaged and bleeding, and he could not use it for a short period of time. He also felt tired because of the huge consumption of physical strength.

But he still chose to do it, because he wanted to protect his master!

And Han Shuang, who could obviously grind the zombie to death slowly, chose to end the battle quickly by exchanging injuries, in order to protect himself!

From this moment on, they will be regarded as his confidants!

The energy from the invisible black blood factor in his body is too overbearing, and the intense tearing sensation makes him There was a kind of heart-wrenching pain.

This heart-wrenching is not an adjective, but it really was tearing the organs, flesh, fascia, bones, etc. in the body.

After the tearing, this energy rushed in to repair it, and then continued to impact and continued to break.

He was suffering from the pain of broken bones all the time.

The domineering energy was integrated into the bones, making his bones harder. After an hour of repeated impacts, a large pool of blood flowed out on the ground.

The energy in the body was finally completely integrated into his body.

The body was able to move again, and he staggered forward a step. This was the result of his physical fitness being unable to adapt after a significant increase.

"Are you okay?"

Han Shuang breathed a sigh of relief. For this man who didn't look at her strangely and treated her as his own, she was willing to give everything for him.

Xiaobai also asked in poor Chinese:"Juyin, what happened just now?"

Ao Xin exhaled and smiled:"Thank you for your protection, I'm fine."

He first turned his neck a few times, then jumped a few times on the spot, and then took two steps forward. After gradually adapting, he suddenly jumped up, stomped his feet in the air continuously, and with a bang, he rushed forward a step! He stepped out again, and rushed out suddenly again!

In this way, he stepped on the air and reached the roof of a tall building next to the street.

It's the Moon Step! He finally practiced the Moon Step!

Because of the extreme speed given by the invisible black blood factor, his speed of stepping on the air is several times faster than before, so he can complete the air walk.

Not only the Moon Step, he kicked out with his left foot quickly, rolled up the vacuum to form a slash, and cut off the electrical box on the roof!

But that's all. Although he can use the Storm Kick now, the power is very touching. It's not as powerful as kicking the enemy directly.

Looking up at the clouds in the sky, he exchanged a few bottles of strong liquor from the God-given space to wash the blood on his body.

After washing, he stepped on the Moon Step and walked down from the roof again

"Boss, have you completely mastered the Moon Step?"

Tang Yingying dared to step forward and ask what happened just now:"Why did you suddenly stop moving just now?"

Not only was she curious, everyone looked at him eagerly, like a spectator.

"When I exchanged for the invisible black blood factor, this energy collided in my body and caused"

"But now I have completely integrated the bloodline factor, and I just need to develop it slowly in the future."

The bloodline factor is not in an awakened state directly, and it needs to be developed step by step to achieve its true effect.

"Oh my god! Boss, you already have 100 million points?"

The girl opened her mouth into an O shape. The two only redemption options in the God-given space are everyone's dream.

But seeing the price of 100 million points, she couldn't help but sigh and feel that there was little hope.

Since Ao Xin has already redeemed, doesn't it mean that he already has 100 million points?

The end of the world has only started for more than a month!

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