Xiaobai was frolicking on the ground excitedly, while Ao Chen ran straight to the treasure sensing location.


Suddenly, a tiger roared in the forest. Xiaobai, who was frolicking, immediately pricked up his ears. After carefully identifying the direction, he jumped straight into the forest.

Where did the tiger come from?

Ao Xin was puzzled, but he followed.

When he arrived, he found that Xiaobai was already fighting with a tiger with crystals surrounding its body.

It was a crystal beast!

And unlike the alien species like Han Shuang, this kind of normal crystal beast has a more violent combat power!


The crystal beast tiger roared angrily, and the crystals on his body actually burned!

Ao Xin was shocked. This crystal beast looked not low in level!

Crystal burning is a power that only crystal beasts that have reached the fourth level have.

The flame is a strange purple color, and it can even directly ignite the ominous aura on the hairy corpse!

But this kind of flame is ineffective against normal creatures. It is not a real burning flame, but a kind of magic power, a flame called purple crystal magic flame.

However, even if the flame cannot burn creatures, this burning flame can also enhance the power of the crystal beast itself.

Xiaobai has now transformed into an orc, with lightning-like thunderbolts lingering around him. He swung his tiger claws and slapped the crystal beast.

Crystal beasts (humans), zombies, and creatures. There is a subtle restraint between them.

The amethyst magic flames of crystal beasts can ignite the bodies of high-level zombies, and the zombie virus is the core force of their evolution. The zombie virus has a strong infectivity on creatures. When creatures fight zombies, once they are scratched, they will almost immediately turn into zombies.

In addition, zombies need creatures as new virus culture dishes to promote their own evolution. The three-color domineering that creatures learn in the God-given space has a good destructive effect on the crystal body of crystal beasts at a high level, and the domineering entanglement can directly shock the crystal brain crystal of crystal beasts.

In addition, the ability users need the crystal brain crystal of crystal beasts to accelerate the development and awakening of fruit abilities.

Crystal beasts and zombies have no intelligence in the early stage, which is their defect.

But their evolution speed is faster, which is their advantage.

In the previous life, these three later stood in a three-way confrontation on Blue Star, and no one could destroy the other. At least when Ao Xin lived to the second God's gift, the situation was still like this.

Xiaobai's domineering talent is extremely high. At this time, he has reached the Iron Bone Realm. According to Ao Xin's estimation, Xiaobai should be the first creature to enter the Iron Bone Realm except himself.

In addition to the fighting talent of the beast, the stronger physical talent, and the exoskeleton given by the bloodline factor, he was able to fight the fourth-level crystal beast with the second-level strength without being defeated immediately.


Xiaobai roared. Although he could become a human and speak human language, he was still used to the tiger roar when fighting. How could the roar of a human be as powerful as that of a tiger?

A pair of sharp claws covered with armed color, and his finger gun was mixed with the power of Thunderbolt Fire.

With this finger, even the iron pillar would be pierced, but the crystal beast tiger blocked it with the crystal on the tiger claw.


The crystal beast also roared like a tiger, and he stood up. After the crystal beast was alienated, it no longer belonged to the original category of creatures. Its crystal skeleton shaped it into a posture more suitable for fighting.


The collision of tiger claws actually produced sparks.

Xiaobai suddenly grabbed the crystal beast's tiger paw, but his strength was far less than that of the other party, and his arms were instantly pressed down by the huge force.

But this was his plan.

The third eye on his forehead opened, and the rich energy of Thunderbolt Fire gathered in it.

With a crackling sound, a column of flame surrounded by lightning hit the crystal beast's forehead directly.

But the crystal beast did not panic. An extremely thick crystal appeared on his forehead in an instant.

The crystal continued to shatter under the thunderbolt, but his crystal was too thick. When the energy of the thunderbolt ray was exhausted, there was still a thin layer of crystal defense shield on the crystal beast's forehead.

But Xiaobai's desperate attack had exhausted all his strength.

His arms softened and were almost broken directly by the crystal beast.

"Master, save me!"

All the moves were used, but the stalemate lasted only a short time.

Xiaobai decisively admitted his defeat and asked Ao Xin for help.

Before he finished speaking, a steel whip fell, and the crystal beast had to turn around to resist.


With a loud bang, the crystal beast was knocked back by the whip!

Xiaobai took advantage of this gap to retreat quickly. After escaping the attack range of the crystal beast, he didn't even have the strength to maintain his orc form. He turned into a white tiger again and collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath.


At this moment, Ao Chen had already taken the devil fruit and returned. She heard the sound of fighting from a distance, and she quickly turned into a multi-treasure rat and ran over.

When she realized that Ao Xin could suppress the crystal beast, she emerged from the ground.

The little girl is very smart. It's okay to be weak, but she must not be a burden to her brother! After carefully checking Xiaobai's body, fortunately she was not injured, but just exhausted.

"Xiao Baibai, I will definitely be able to kill that crystal beast!"

She sat next to Xiao Bai and watched the battle from a distance.

""Yeah! Master will definitely win!"

Xiaobai is very confident in Ao Xin's strength, or rather, he has an inexplicable admiration for Ao Xin's strength. He thinks Ao Xin is the strongest in the world!

Can Ao Xin win?

Of course he can.

Because he suppressed the crystal beast without even using the human-beast form.

The strength of the giant force realm, the physique strengthened by the Azure Dragon, and the super exoskeleton provided by the invisible black bloodline factor.

That is to say, the bloodline factor has not yet fully awakened, otherwise, he would be able to easily kill the crystal beast with his physical strength alone.

The steel whip fell, and the crystals on the crystal beast's arms became fragile after suffering several heavy blows in succession. There were faint cracks in it.


The crystal beast roared, and the flames on his body became more intense!

He was fully mobilizing the power in his body, and the crystals burned faster, which could make his power more violent, but it would also last for a shorter time.

Ao Xin's fingers were hardened by the armed color, and he used the finger gun to continuously attack the throat and chest of the crystal beast.

And his legs also used the storm kick alternately..

Although his Storm Kick attack was not strong, the attack power of using the Storm Kick to directly kick the crystal beast's legs was also extremely strong!

He was not in a hurry to kill, the current battle was just a training.

But the crystal beast was very anxious. Although he was no longer the fierce tiger he once was and had no intelligence, his basic sense of life and death crisis was still stronger than that of low-level zombies.

The crystal beast was not as fearless as the zombies.

However, the more anxious it was, the more flaws it had in its attacks. Ao Xin responded calmly, using a steel whip, five fingers pointing guns, and two legs of Storm Kicks, constantly using the attack moves he had mastered.


The crystal beast suddenly became fierce, opened its middle door, and stabbed Ao Xin's chest with its claws.

It was this pounce that led to its defeat.


Moving at a high speed as if teleporting, Ao Xin came to its back, raised the steel whip and smashed it on its head!


The skull cracked, and the crystal in its brain area trembled.

In order to protect this crystal from being smashed by himself, Ao Xin could only attack from another place.

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