In the surprised eyes of Xiao Sa, his master was quickly turning into himself!

That handsome appearance was exactly the same as before his hair turned red!

He was stunned to see his master, who had turned into himself, rushing towards the big man beside him without knowing the height of the world.


The only difference from the original appearance of Xiao Sa is that Xiao Huangmao has turned into a beast, but he still has a tuft of yellow hair on his head....

He didn't know why he made a dog bark, but he felt that he was much stronger now than before.

His self-confidence immediately exploded:"Is this the feeling of being strong? Die!" He suddenly jumped up and pounced on the young man in front of him who bought his Thunder Fruit, but his throat was easily pinched.

Ao Xin pinched his neck and held him in his hand:"Dog-Dog Fruit·Husky Form?"

As he said, he lowered his head and looked at the red-haired Husky squatting beside his legs to please him. These two guys must be twin brothers!

Moreover, he got the Samoyed form, Alaskan form, and Husky form in succession. Does he have to collect the three sled idiots by himself?

Oh, no, the Husky form has been eaten by this little yellow-haired boy.

"Big brother, I was wrong, big brother, spare my life, big brother!"

The little yellow-haired boy woke up the moment his neck was pinched. No wonder Xiao Sa was so cowardly, it turned out that this was the big boss! The damn guy didn't even remind himself!

He also admitted his fear instantly:"Big brother, I surrender! You are the protagonist of this world! Big brother, please give me a chance to follow!"

Damn! He got two natural system in a row, neither of which was his, and the third one was in the form of a husky?

The little yellow-haired boy complained in his heart, it seems that he has no chance to be the protagonist, but this big boss is really strong, maybe it's not bad to follow him.

Moreover, he didn't even use the ability of the thunder fruit, and he easily controlled himself, which shows that his domineering strength is far beyond his imagination!

Ao Xin threw the little yellow-haired boy to the ground. He covered his neck and gasped rapidly. He almost thought he was going to be strangled to death just now.

After gasping for a few breaths, he hurriedly crawled to Ao Xin:"Big brother! My name is Wei Mingxuan, I am willing to be your little brother!"

"And my little Zabuza! It ate the Flame-Flame Fruit and will definitely be able to help you!"

He dropped out of school before graduating from junior high school and mixed in society. He understood these social ways very well. Several big brothers in society had praised him for his promising future.

Ao Xin still didn't speak, but Xiaobai came up curiously and sniffed around him.

He didn't care when he saw Xiaobai before. He had seen powerful zombies. It was just a tiger. How could it be stronger than a zombie?

But when Xiaobai walked in front of him, the faint pressure made his legs weak. Sure enough, he could be brought by the boss. How could this tiger be a waste?

And what did the boss mean? Why didn't he speak? Why did he let this tiger circle around him? Was he going to eat him?

Ao Xin was thinking about how to deal with this little yellow-haired boy.

I thought he was a small figure who had died in the corpse tide, but he got devil fruits one after another, and it seemed that he was getting better and better.

His fate changed, and his luck seemed to have improved.

Luck, is there such a thing as luck? He didn't know.

However, according to the settings of some online articles, collecting these people with luck will also improve the luck of your entire force.

Keep it for now, and let Meng Kui and others train it later.

"Get up."

After thinking it over, he decided to accept the little yellow-haired boy.

"Thank you, big brother! Thank you, big brother! I, Wei Mingxuan, will never let you down!"

The little yellow-haired man was overjoyed, but said to Xiaobai nervously:"Hey, hey, Brother Tiger, can you not surround me? I'm scared."

Xiaobai snorted disdainfully:"Coward!"

The little yellow-haired man was shocked at the time:"Talk, talk, talk! The tiger is talking!"

That is to say, even the pets he brings have eaten the Flame-Flame Fruit, so the pets brought by the boss should be stronger!


Another dog barking sounded, and he was furious.

That was the barking from Xiao Sa. Ever since he ate the Husky Fruit, he seemed to be able to understand Xiao Sa's barking.

This woof clearly meant"coward!" Damn, you are even more cowardly than me, how dare you call me a coward?

But when he saw Xiao Sa squatting under Ao Xin's legs, looking like Ao Xin's loyal lackey, he was so angry that his teeth were itching.

"Humph! Isn't it just wagging your tail? I can do that too!"

He instantly transformed into a beast, wagging his tail and trying to rub against Ao Xin's trouser legs.

"Get out!"

Ao Xin kicked him out, and this guy gave him a chill!

""Woo woo, big brother, I am also your loyal dog."

The little yellow-haired boy came over again, wagging his tail. Seeing Ao Xin was about to lift his leg again, he quickly stepped back:"Big brother, don't kick me! I won't go over!"

"Be normal, or I’ll beat you up if you keep talking nonsense!"

Ao Xin’s warning made the little yellow-haired boy dare not get close. He rolled his eyes and noticed Ao Chen who had been following behind Ao Xin:"Sister, do you want to keep a dog?"

""Get lost! If you keep talking nonsense, I'll break your dog legs!"

Ao Chen told him to get lost without any hesitation.

Dejectedly changing back into human form, the little yellow-haired boy carefully asked Ao Xin:"Hey, big brother, can I know your name?"

"Why haven't I heard any news about the person with the ability of the Thunder Fruit?"

Ao Xin said,"My name is Ao Xin. You should have heard of this name."

"Ao Xin?"

The yellow-haired boy's mouth instantly opened as wide as it could:"Fuck, Boss Qinglong! I've made a fortune! Boss, can I also get a 95% discount on my purchases?"

Ao Xin nodded,"I'm going to the capital, you can wait for me in Biancheng."

The yellow-haired boy said,"Brother, are you going to kill that BOSS?"

Ao Xin said,"Yes, the fourth-level martial corpse is a good opponent for training, and the devil fruit there is just right for us to take down."

"Big brother, I'm going too!"

The little yellow-haired boy said,"Don't worry about me! I have Xiaoza and now I also have a devil fruit, so it's no problem for me to escape!"

"Besides, if I take photos of Big Brother fighting, more people will admire him!"

He was still thinking about the points he would get for his popular videos.

Ao Xin saw through his thoughts at a glance:"In the end times, if you don't dare to fight, you will still be useless even if you have billions of points. It's useless to rely on some crooked ways."

"You are too weak. If you follow me, you will only be a drag. Take Xiao Sa to Biancheng. If you can successfully reach Biancheng, it will be a proof of your strength."

After that, he turned into a blue dragon, carried Ao Chen on his back, grabbed Xiao Bai, and flew into the sky again.

The confused little yellow-haired Wei Mingxuan and the red dog Sakaski were left behind.

""Eh? Brother! I don't know the way!"

But Ao Xin had already gone far away, his shouting echoed in the wilderness, and he said to Xiao Sa in frustration:"Xiao Sa, do you know the way to Biancheng?"

"Woof! (My stupid master! I haven’t been to Biancheng!)"

Little Yellow Hair:"Eh? You must have scolded me a lot before!"


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