
Cen Huan was excited!

The last random bundle was a starter pack, and two golden legends gave her a powerful boost.

Cen Huan rubbed his hands. After silently reciting the koi blessing three times in his heart, he opened the gift bag.

[Congratulations on obtaining a

base barrier] [Base barrier: When combined with the base wall, it can form a protective barrier, which can protect and manage the base.

"Wow! The host is simply possessed by the European Emperor! This is a plug-in existence in the base management tool!".

Meng Meng's excitement was visible to the naked eye, "Among the hundreds of hosts in Meng Meng, there are less than ten hosts who have drawn this~

" "However, I can't build the wall, how can I use it?" Cen Huan grasped the key.

"The host is stupid, although the fence is a replacement for the wall, but it is also a wall~" Meng Meng laughed at Cen Huan mercilessly.

"So now I can stack it directly on the fence?"

"Yes, it should be noted that the base barrier is the only one, and it cannot be duplicated. Base coins are needed for maintenance every day, and if you run out of money, it will disappear immediately!" Meng Meng reminded.

If you understand, you will spend money.

Cen Huan basically already knows the urine nature of this system, as long as the money is in place, it can give you any anti-heaven props.

This base barrier is that it can detect the status of residents at any time, and according to the set base regulations, exclude residents who violate

the regulations from the base, and prohibit him from entering the base again! Seeing this, Cen Huan directly added to the base regulations that the credit base currency is for a period of one month, and if it is not repaid when it expires, it will be kicked out of the base directly!

And set the base currency overdraft limit for each temporary resident to be 400.

It's enough for an ordinary person to pay rent and a week's worth of food.

This base barrier currently costs one Tier 1 Crystal Nucleus a day.

Fortunately, Cen Huan came all the way from Yunshi to fight a lot of zombies, there were hundreds of them at the first level, more than a dozen at the second level, and two at the third level.

There is a big bag of crystal nuclei harvested!

Cen Huan clicked on the fence to use the barrier, and then found that the blue transparent energy shield slowly rose on the fence that had just been built, and it rose above his head to converge, forming a semicircular dome, and then the color faded and slowly disappeared.

[Successfully install the base barrier, please add the maintenance fee]

"Meng Meng, this work of adding maintenance fees will be handed over to you in the future. "

Cen Huan added a level 2 crystal nucleus to it, and it showed a 100-day countdown to maintenance. In order to prevent her from forgetting to add, she directly handed over the matter to Meng Meng, and by the way, opened the authority to dispatch the spatial crystal nucleus to her.

"Okay, host, Meng Meng must work hard!" Meng Meng swears.

Then Cen Huan carefully studied this barrier, and I have to say that the function of this barrier is very powerful!

It can also act as an alarm, she can see all the buildings, flora and fauna, and residents within the dome area, and she will automatically alarm if there is any emergency.

The alarm is divided into two kinds, one is that someone makes trouble and directly prompts it in the system, which is generally directly kicked out of the base and then prompted to Cen Huan, and the other is that there is an external attack that will broadcast a warning throughout

the base! It will also automatically distinguish the classification of people in the base, and if a non-resident does not apply for a temporary residence certificate within four hours of entering the base, it will automatically transmit it out of the base.

If the expiration date of the resident card is not extended, it will be automatically teleported to the gate at 12 o'clock on the day of expiration.

Those who violate the rules of the base will also be kicked out immediately, and will be blacklisted, and will never be allowed to enter

! The most important thing is that it can expand with the expansion of the base! Only the larger the scope, the higher the maintenance fee.

The only drawback may be that it can't be used as an umbrella, it can only target the inhabitants within range, and it can't resist zombies.

In other words, this barrier has no effect on zombies at all, and zombies can directly enter the base.

So to deal with zombies, you still have to rely on the high city walls and the Adeptus Guard

! Cen Huan thought of this, and felt that it was urgent to upgrade the base and accept new

ones! When the end of the world came, half of the people directly became zombies, and now that the end of the world has been almost a month, I don't know how many humans under him have died in the mouths of zombies or been scratched and bitten to become one of them!

When all the people in a city have turned into zombies, high-level zombies will gather low-level zombies and attack nearby human settlements.

Therefore, only by building a wall as soon as possible, expanding the scale of the base, and recruiting a special ability team can we deal with the tide of corpses

! Cen Huan doesn't want her hard-working base to be destroyed! Absolutely impossible

! Then she can only keep developing!

Cen Huan looked at the wooden sign of the hope base on the fence gate, and secretly strengthened his mind.


Grandpa Liu's grandfather and grandson had just returned from the field, and they sold the branches, dead grass and stones they had picked up for a day to the trading desk at the exchange, earning 20 base coins.

spent 5 base coins to solve the dinner of the two of them, and then spent 9 base coins to buy Liu Xiaoying a new set of clothes. I'm going to rest on the exchange chair.

As a result, when the exchange closed at eight o'clock, they were directly kicked out.

Grandpa Liu had no choice but to take Xiaoying to the private house, and he didn't know if the rent was expensive, in case he couldn't afford to rent it, they would probably have to sleep under the eaves today, and Grandpa Liu was a little apprehensive.

As soon as he walked to the private house, he saw Cen Huan raise his hand from a distance, and in the next second, a blue transparent cover appeared above his head!

This frightened Grandpa Liu and Liu Xiaoying, Liu Xiaoying curled up tightly in Grandpa's arms, but in her heart she silently thought that it was the city lord's sister who was doing magic.

When the pale blue light disappeared, Grandpa Liu was surprised to find that a fence had appeared in the base!

Just as Cen Huan walked back, he met the stunned grandfather and grandson, so he had to explain: "My ability is to build, and this fence is built today, so that everyone is safer." By

the way: "Xiaoying also picked up a lot of materials today!Contributed to the base, it's very good, keep up the good work!"

Then he passed them back to the City Lord's Mansion.

Liu Xiaoying excitedly grabbed her grandfather's hand: "Grandpa, grandpa, the city lord's sister praised me! It's so good, Xiaoying is also useful!"

Grandpa Liu also shed tears excitedly, of course he knew that the city lord was just comforting them, but the torture they had suffered for half a month was finally over

! But the city lord's ability is really powerful, and the wood and stone that no one wants can also be turned into magic!

In the future, only by working hard can he repay the city lord's great kindness!

Of course, in order to become a permanent resident of the Hope Base in the future!

Grandpa Liu calmed down, pulled Liu Xiaoying to a private house, and pasted his card on the machine next to the door.

[Drop, do you choose

to rent a house to move in?] Grandpa Liu's choice is [Please choose the way to rent a house: daily rent of 15 base coins, monthly rent of 300 base coins (ps: rent includes water and electricity)]

Grandpa Liu

directly chose the monthly rent, since he has decided to settle here, the longest date he can choose at present is the monthly rent!

Grandpa Liu chose yes.

[Successfully rented a house, balance -279, do you want to join the family?]

Grandpa Liu clicked Yes, and then put Liu Xiaoying's card on it, and then the machine emitted infrared rays to scan the two of them.

[The binding is successful.]

Then the door of the house opened automatically, and the green light on the credit card machine turned red, indicating that the house was already owner.

Grandpa Liu took Xiaoying in, and as soon as he entered the house, he was surrounded by warmth!

Although the base was safe and there were no disgusting and terrifying zombies, the climate was completely the same as outside, and Grandpa Liu found out when he was guarding the field today.

Looking at the luxurious and warm decoration inside, Liu Xiaoying sighed that it was much better than their house in the countryside

! Liu Xiaoying looked excitedly east and west! When she turned on the switch, the bright light of the electric lamp illuminated the whole room brightly.

Grandpa Liu came to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and the clear water flowed out of it, and Grandpa Liu couldn't help but pick up the water and splash it on his face! I felt that this tap water was incomparably sweet!

The grandfather and grandson walked around the whole room, and slowly calmed down, and then Grandpa Liu drove Liu Xiaoying to wash.

Liu Xiaoying came to the bathroom, washed herself with warm hot water, and then put on the new clothes that her grandfather bought at the exchange, and finally carefully washed the dirty clothes, as well as the shoes that her grandfather bought for her, and put them on the windowsill to dry.

At 10 o'clock at night, the lights went out in the only lit house in the Hope Base, and Grandpa Liu and Liu Xiaoying slept in the safe house for half a month.

And there

are countless survivors in the darkness who are fighting hard.

Looking forward to hope,

looking forward to the coming of light......

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