Looking at the steel base in front of you, the towering chimneys, the rows of factories, and the honeycomb-like steelmaking furnaces lined up next to them, the old tiled houses have become dark, and the tall new factories stand aside, with light blue bluestone tiles and matching glass.

At first glance, the derricks, arches, reinforced concrete and stone are scattered, and at this time it seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, without the hustle and bustle of the past, and without the air full of soot and oil.

The entire Baowu Iron and Steel Base covers an area of nearly 50,000 acres, with a daily output of about 300,000 tons.

After solving the few zombies wandering at the door, Xiao Lei drove the car directly into this steel factory, and the entire factory was empty except for steel, raw materials and machinery, like a no-man's land.

The car drove all the way into the factory, Cen Huan looked at the piles of building materials outside the window lightly, I don't know why, the more she walked in, the more she felt a little flustered.

Narrowing his eyes suspiciously, he cautiously scanned his surroundings.

The off-road vehicle stopped in front of a factory, Qian Yong sent a message that there was no road ahead, and everyone got out of the car and carefully checked the surroundings, but found no one or zombies.

Cen Huan forcibly suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, but frowned and pursed his lips.

As usual, he took out food and a tent and gave it to Qian Yong, but Cen Huan still decided to take a look at the neighborhood for himself.

raised his hand and beckoned Zhao Lin and Chen Dabao, and asked them to go into the factory together to solve physiological problems.

As a result, they entered a boiler room, and there was soot and dust everywhere, Zhao Lin was okay, she was used to being informal since the end of the world.

But Cen Huan and Chen Dabao couldn't bear it, so Zhao Lin had to follow Cen Huan and Chen Dabao to continue walking inside, and finally found a factory where the workers rested.

After Cen Huan finished solving the problem, he came out first to wait for the two of them, looking at the dilapidated scene around him, Cen Huan felt a little embarrassed in his heart, no man's land was already barren, and in just a few months, moss grew madly from the crack of the door, covering the steps.

Cen Huan looked around cautiously, although this place looked deserted, she always felt a little hairy in her heart.

"Host! There are red-eyed zombies in front of you!"

Cen Huan's heart suddenly became alarmed! His spirit instantly tensed, and his body was a little stiff unconsciously, and he faintly entered a defensive state.

Sure enough

, Cen Huan almost knelt down for his sixth sense!

"Where is it?" "

It's far away, it's a little strange, the zombie has a broken leg." "

Broken leg?" Cen

Huan stared closely in the direction Meng Meng said, and Chen Dabao suddenly patted her on the shoulder.

"Little fairy, what's wrong with you?"

Cen Huan lowered the killing intent in his eyes, and immediately changed to a calm smile, took Chen Dabao's hand, and looked at Zhao Lin next to him: "Let's go, Xiao Lei should be worried after coming out for a long time."

Chen Dabao keenly felt that Cen Huan was a little wrong, but because Zhao Lin was also there, he didn't say much, and cooperated without a trace: "What is there to worry about, if there is a zombie, I will tear it directly

!" "Yes, yes, Sister Bao is mighty!"


Night falls.

There was a bonfire burning in the factory, and the entire space had been cleaned, and Zhao Lin had helped wash away all the dust with the water ability when he returned.

The people of Qian Yong's team were playing cards lively, Cen Huan sat by the bonfire with an indifferent expression, the Tang knife in his hand turned over the coal block one by one, and the tip of the knife was burned red.

"What the hell is going on? Eh, stop! Don't fake a smile again, I've known you for so long, I can't see that you have something on your mind?"

Chen Dabao quietly bit his ear next to Cen Huan, and showed an expression of anger if you laughed at me.

Cen Huan's heart rose with infinite warmth, and her intuition told her that the red-eyed zombie must be destroyed, but even though it was a zombie with a broken leg, she didn't dare to take it lightly.

Looking at Chen Dabao with a concerned face, she really felt that she was blind in her previous life, and she couldn't distinguish between true feelings and false feelings!"

"Ahem, I found a zombie in the factory just now. "

Hmm, there are really zombies? So what are you waiting for? There are so many of us! There are still people who can't do it?"

Saying that, Chen Dabao was about to get up and call Xiao Lei, Cen Huan quickly pulled her to sit down and cover her mouth.

"You calm down, if you can get it, won't I just go straight on?"

Chen Dabao calmed down and looked at Cen Huan innocently with round black eyes.

Cen Huan was a little discouraged, Chen Dabao didn't know anything, what qualifications did she have to lose her temper at her, and the key was that Chen Dabao asked because he was worried about her.

"I'm sorry, Dabao

, I..." "Stop, I know you have a secret, but if you don't want to tell it, I won't ask, just tell me what I should do."

Chen Dabao hooked Cen Huan's waist, with a comforting smile on his face, which made Cen Huan feel even more uncomfortable, sighed, and slowly spoke.

"Dabao, do you remember that red-eyed zombie we met?"

Dabao opened his mouth blankly before he could retract his smile.

"The zombies in that factory are also red-eyed, and their level may be higher than the one last time. "

Then we..."

Cen Huan shook his head, "We can escape, but if we let it continue to escalate, it will definitely become a big hidden danger in the future in the city."

Chen Dabao patted his head and stood up: "Then what are you still worried about, anyway, sooner or later, I will call Xiao Shishi."

With that, he ran to the door in a hurry.

Cen Huan smiled, yes, sooner or later, she didn't have the transparency that Chen Dabao thought, she felt a little blind when she went out last time, and she seemed timid when she went out this time.

In her previous life, she was used to relying on Lin Feng and Su Ke'er, and she never had her own opinions, even if she was reborn and came back, she couldn't be decisive and make a 100% correct decision for a while.

In this case, it is better to follow your own heart, as long as you don't regret it.

In a trance, Chen Dabao had already taken Xiao Lei to the front, and there were many Qian Yong's team behind him.

"Captain, we are also people who hope for the base, and I am a local, I should be the first to go in danger

!" "Yes, Captain! We are your residents at the base

, and we are your soldiers outside!" "Little fairy, you don't have to worry, I've been studying hard lately, what are red eyes, and I'll dig out green eyes for him!"

"Captain, I... I won't hold everyone back!" Zhao

Lin also clenched his fists, and his fawn-like eyes lit up with war.

Looking at the teammates in front of him, Cen Huan's heart surging up, and the fire reflected on everyone's firm side faces, since this is the case, then fight!

After making up his mind, Cen Huan carefully formulated a battle plan. Inevitably there were many dreams at night, and everyone unanimously decided to act immediately.


In the night light, the entire team was divided into two groups, and they quickly walked inside the steel plant, passing one factory building after another, silently approaching the location of Cen Huan's words, everyone holding the Tang knife prepared by Cen Huan in their hands, and the blade flickered in the faint starlight.

The steel mill was silent, and the occasional crow's cry broke through the silence, and then fell into infinite silence.

Cen Huan and the others quietly approached the factory factory prompted by Meng Meng, Cen Huan raised his hand, and everyone squatted down in tacit understanding.

Cen Huan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Mengmeng say that the zombie had been seriously injured and was still breathing.

Immediately, I lifted my heart again.

The red-eyed zombie is still here after being tortured and killed to the point of surviving, which means that the person who fought it or some other force is still in this factory!

If it's a person, it's fine, if it's something else, it's ......

Thinking of this, Cen Huan was more cautious, and cautiously gestured to the people behind.

Pulling Chen Dabao quietly to the door of the factory, just getting closer, the fishy smell went straight into the nasal cavity, mixed with the smell of barbecue.

instantly made Chen Dabao retch, and the two pinched their noses and barely touched the door.

The factory was dark, and he couldn't see his five fingers, Cen Huan looked at Chen Dabao, who nodded knowingly.

Raise your other hand and light up a fireball that illuminates the neighborhood.

Cen Huan raised his eyes, his pupils shrank sharply, and his body instantly stiffened in place!

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