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Gu Panpan quickly jumped up and blocked in front of Shao Qing. She grabbed the flower head of the piranha. She grabbed the upper jaw of the piranha in her left hand and grabbed the chin under her right hand. She resisted the desire to close. Huatou, from the perspective of Shaoqing, can see that she is strained like a rat-like muscle because of excessive force.

Gu Panpan was too rushed to see a barbed position in the left hand. The barb directly penetrated the back of her hand, and the blood slid out of the palm of her hand.

I tasted the **** taste, the pirate was even more powerful, and I was constantly struggling, so that Gu Panpan was sweating: "It's barbed... There are... anesthesia, I can't hold it, fast!"

A Tu and Gu Chuan quickly shot, one tried to use the soil to control the piranha, one tried to use ice to make the speed of the piranha slow, but all failed, only to see the piranha swaying a head, the same as King Kong Barbie I hope that I will be taken out, but fortunately, Gu Chuan hugged.

The narcissus flower, which had no control, was blossoming, and the cockroach bite over to Shao’s situation. It seems that it is preparing to swallow the Shaoqing and slowly digest it.

Shao Qing bit his teeth and inserted the knife into the mouth of the eater. He resisted the upper and lower jaws. Unfortunately, he persisted for a second and was bitten.

The inner wall of the piranha produces a liquid like sulfuric acid that erodes everything that enters its mouth.

Gu Chuan was taken to the ground by Gu Pan, and he was anxious to shout: "Shao Qing! You can find a way to conquer it!"

It is said that the wood abilities can accept the mutated plants for their own use, but most of the abilities are conquered by milder variegated plants, such as those mutated medicinal plants, which are the favorite of the wood abilities. Because it can aid in treatment.

A wood-based abilities have conquered a plant that exudes a stimulant-like aroma. When fighting, they can improve their fighting power and let them forget the pain for a short time.

However, there are still few who dare to accept such mutant plants as piranhas.

Wood abilities can conquer one plant per level. If they are beyond their control ability, they will be countered, and Shao Qing, just did not accept any plants.

So Gu Chuan will let her give it a try.

The current situation can only let Shao Qing try it. Their abilities have no effect on the piranhas. Gu Panpan has anesthesia again. If he does not fight together, he can only go a long way.

Shao Qing took a deep breath and calmly studied the weakness of the piranha while she was dodging. She looked carefully and found that when the eater was attacking, she would subconsciously protect the slender stems.

Its stem is tender green and looks more fragile than the petals. It is estimated to be like the human neck.

Shao Qing had a rollover and escaped the action of the eater's flower suddenly biting. The fingertips that suddenly slammed out were the nails that quickly became longer, the gray-black nails reflected the cold luster, and the quick-released cannon was inserted into the cannibal. The stem of the flower, the green liquid splashed out immediately.

The green liquid fell on the ground, and the soil that immediately corroded was blackened, not to mention that the back of Shao’s hand was corroded and could not see the skin, leaving only the dark red flesh.

The flesh and blood of Shao Qing are dark red, which is darker than the average person, especially the blood. The flow is very slow, the color is deep, and when it comes out, it quickly solidifies.

She slammed her stalks, no matter how bad her hands were. The whole flower head of the piranha was like a snake that was shackled by seven inches. It was struggling like a madman, but it was not bitten because of the position of Shaoqing. To her.

Shao Qing also made a fuss, the ten fingers were trapped in the flower stems, the green liquid became more and more, the more the flower head struggled, the last plop, fell to the ground, twitching, the flower head slightly bite.

Seeing Shao Xia bite on the wrist, the dark red blood smashed out and flowed into the wound of the nectar.

Visible to the naked eye, the tender green stems are slowly eroded by dark red, while Shao Qing pours blood while using woody abilities to control the piranha.

About ten minutes later, when her forehead was cold sweat, the twitching eater fluttered and turned into a broken light spot, and quickly poured into the body of Shao Qing.

Shao Qing’s eyes were black and she was unconscious. Her last consciousness was that Yan Hanqing hugged her with a panic.

I don't know how long I have slept. Shao Qing only feels that the power in the body has been violent. She longs for strength and longs for fresh flesh and blood. The instinct tells her that she is now evolving.

The instinct also told her that she could draw strength from the fresh flesh.

There seems to be the freshest flesh around me. With a very fragrant taste, she continually seduce her. Shao slowly woke up and couldn’t help but want to bite the throat of the people around me.

She bowed her head, and Yan Hanqing was at her bedside. The strong young man shrank into a ball, and it was very hard to rest on a low bench. The eyes were dark.

I have been sleeping for a long time.

The little buns fell asleep on the other side of Shao's feelings, holding her thighs and constantly licking their mouths.

Shao Qing quickly woke up and quickly took out a few spar from the space, including the woman and the spar left by the mutant zombie.

She needs energy to evolve, otherwise she will fail this time, and she has absorbed a few spar. The feeling of filling is filled with Shao's feelings. She can clearly feel that a force is swimming in her body. grow.

After waiting for a certain level, just like breaking through a film, the power of cockroaches quickly broke out, and Shao Qing could hear his bones and joints creaking.

She knows that she has broken through, not only the wood abilities, but also her physical fitness, and she has to go up to the next level. With her strength and speed, the general strength is the abilities, it is not necessarily her. Opponent.

With her fist clenched, Shao Qing took a breath and the strength was stronger, she had more money to protect her children.

Her movements awakened the guardian side of Yan Hanqing, Yan Hanqing's vigilant blink of an eye, found that after Shao love, relieved, voice hoarse: "You can wake up."

"I slept for a long time?" Shao moved a bit, and Yan Hanqing caught the palm of his hand and carefully tightened the bandage on her hand: "Your body temperature is very high, Gu Chuan said that it is in the promotion, the body Being remodeled, I slept for a dozen hours, and my body temperature gradually dropped."

Shao Qing looked at the man's serious face. He couldn't recognize his hand and touched it. He said in his tone: "You are so good, or you marry early, consider how I am?"

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