The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1003

"Since the war of the demon species, there is no sign of even half of the goblin species on the ground, and the giant species have no one to follow them to find their lairs. I should have caught a few last time... Well, it seems impossible. , the weasel's "Self-Destruction Spiritual Equipment Art"..."

Xin Ke coped with it tediously, her thoughts had already turned to the main god she served.

Forming a "partner" relationship with the God of Suspicion...

Although reason tells her that this may be the unique ecology of the gods, Xin Ke is still a little jealous, hoping that it is herself who is always embraced and loved by the God of Disaster. In terms of appearance, Xin Ke does not think she will lose to the poor suspicious god.

- the nature of women.

Especially the Nirvalen family, known for their "intense sensibility" among the elves.

"Speaking of, Lord William, what you once said... in that system, isn't there any convenient and easy-to-use technology to deal with the current situation?"

She hesitated for a moment, instead of calling out the evil god's honorific title "Old Lord", she replaced it with "that".

Obtaining permission from Rope and getting details from the leader of the Nightmare species, William, the elf girl, Xinke Niervalen, already knew the old days ruler and the truth of this multiverse.

At that time, the thoughts in her mind were absurd and unbelievable.

But it lasted for a while. If a woman who was born in the war didn't even have the strength to bear this, Xinke Niervalen wouldn't be worthy of being the leader of the elves.

But even after accepting it, Xin Ke was still deeply afraid of the absurd, horrific, bone marrow horror story, and faintly regretted it. If Luo Pei and the leaders of the Nightmare species had reassured repeatedly that "Fouled Blood" was not in danger, she might collapse immediately.

Some things, it is not good to know, but not knowing is a manifestation of happiness.

"No," William said.

"The power of Lord Cthulhu is in a state of constant "chaos". Ordinary search mysteries cannot be refined enough to judge the position beyond the gods, and the old twisted magic... the Lord Creator did not intervene is the best proof. Once you use an exaggerated form to search for goblins, the double-edged sword of "chaos" will cut directly into this world. Not only will the gains not be proportional to the efforts, but it will also very likely attract the attention of other troublesome beings... This is not creation What the Lord wants. "

Moreover, the existence of subordinate races is to reduce troubles for the main god, and there is no reason for subordinate races to cause trouble for the main god.

Xin Ke also turned his gaze out of the window.

"It's really scary... The chaotic evil gods outside the world, fortunately, Lord Luo Pei is very gentle..."

The hall returned to silence.

After a moment, William turned slowly, a strange expression on his mimic face.

"Miss Nierbalen, I remember that the elves were once an ally of the fairies. What do you think of the fairies?"

"What do you think? ... If I had to say it, it would be "Vine". "Xin Ke said: "The magic skills and strength are good, but too cowardly, like to attach to other races, like vines. "

"Then is it possible for them to turn to goblins?" William asked again.

"Impossible. During the war between the goblins and the elves, many elves were killed. Even the vines have feelings of hatred."

"Is that so... isn't it a fairy who is proficient in "illusion" and "dream" magic like us..."

William's tone suddenly became a little low.

Xin Ke Nilvalen felt that the spiritual power of the leader of the nightmare species seemed to start to spread in a wonderful waveform, permeating the entire grass dome ship.

The hand ax of the secret technique appeared in William's hand.

"Master William?"

As soon as William's words fell, the nightmare's body erupted with terrifying power, and disappeared in place in an instant.


The woman's panicked voice, accompanied by a loud bang through the wooden floor, the leader of the nightmare species reappeared in the hall.

It's just that in its hands, it tightly clutches the neck of a petite girl.

The girl had scarlet pupils, short lavender hair, and a rough and rough clothing, with a painful expression on her face.

Xin Ke couldn't detect any trace of the girl's "existence" at all, and the detection technique was the same.

But the girl was there, captured alive by William, who was cold and filled with murderous intent. The ax blade of the secret poison was lying on the edge of the jaw. As long as the nightmare species moved a little, the terrible poison of secret art would take the girl's life.

"So, what about vampires?"


Of course, it is impossible for the God of Disaster to know about the sudden situation on William and Xin Ke's side.

Lopez had cut off the mind console two days ago, and the Lord of the Flame Demon God, "Blaster" Cthugha, who had come to an accident and had become closer to him, was walking on the land of this world.

It should be fulfilling a promise.

In the initial stage of the war, there is nothing else to do. The Sail Building and the Ex-Machina are well arranged. Don't worry about it. I simply take Cthugya to see this world.

"No fun, no fun, no fun."

The girl condensed from flames followed the black-haired young man with her mouth curled up, letting the skeletons capable of poisoning inferior creatures fall on her shoulders, her mouth full of complaints about this world.

"I thought this world would be so wonderful and rich. Apart from barrenness, it is still barren, and the few intelligent creatures are also attracted by boring wars. I want to return to Fomalhaut."

"Then why don't you go back to Fomalhaut?" Lo Pei asked with a smile.

Cthugya puffed up his chest, and said it as a matter of course.

"Even if it's so boring, this is a rare way to enter the world! Little Luo Pei, you don't understand how powerful the seal of those ancient gods is on me! It's several times stronger than those of my compatriots!"

"Just be honest and say you like it here."

"Don't! It's really boring!" Cthugya said, "Except for the race you created, I can't find any traces of creatures that believe in me in this world!"

"...The belief in evil gods is very rare even in the multiverse?"

What's more, it's you... that tyrannical blaster...

Even in the heyday of the evil god, not many people believed in Cthugha. Because it is too dangerous, believing in Cthugha is almost equated with "seeking death".

"It's boring...huh?"

The red-haired girl stopped in her tracks, and glanced at the depths of the deep forest next to her, or beyond.

Then Rope followed Cthugya's gaze and noticed it too.

It's like scanning the ground casually when you're bored and seeing a few ants in the ant colony.

"Tsk... No matter which world, the human figure will always exist like a mouse, so stubborn that I want to admire it." Cthugya said with a little disgust.

"But you can't deny that the chaos and change of human beings are the most suitable seeds for evil gods to develop their beliefs. We should praise their numbers."

Luo Pei pointed to the forest and asked with a smile.

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