The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1017

Luo Pei has never belittled the power of technology, nor has he underestimated the power of "manufacturing", and "Marrow Explosion" is the best proof.

And no one can guarantee that Okan won't forge any novel gadgets under the tremendous pressure he brings, and it's always right for Lopez to be more cautious.

Although these gods have the name of "competing for the domination of the world", they don't bother to care about what the world will become after they are high, just like Artoxiu's "God Strike". Just be cool. Compared with Luo Pei, he has a lot less worries.

"Lord Rope."

Xin Ke moved closer to the side of the black-haired young man, with a little uneasiness in her gorgeous eyes.

"According to the careful inspection jointly conducted by Warlocks and Ex-Machinas, the goblins probably extracted more than double digits of inactivated essence to make the weapons of that day..."

"No problem. I'll take care of the marrow explosion." "Rope said.

"Once the goblins show signs of using the marrow explosion, I will come forward to solve it immediately. You just need to fight normally and kill the giants and goblins. You don't need to leave any alive."


"Now that the traces have been found, let the large troops start to meet Lawrence. The remaining Machina species on the road will also be together. Only when this race gathers together, can they explode their due combat effectiveness. Also, don't use Indians lightly. The phantom species led by Zayn Nibia is reserved to deal with the king of the giant species."

Luo Pei glanced at the strategic report on the table, then stood up and stared at his concubine and subordinates.

"There are no new proposals, so let's act according to the current situation and refer to the original plan."

The subordinates saluted respectfully and exited this luxurious command room one after another.

Only Xinke Nierbalian can stay and serve at the side of the God of Disaster.

"Master Luo Pei, the war is about to end, right?"

Lopez stretched out, looking up at the top of the grass dome.

"Well. Probably within these twenty years, after Okan, there is only that guy left..."

Xin Ke knows who "that guy" is in the mouth of the God of Disaster.

At present, the well-deserved strong man in the world, although it has been nearly a thousand years since he stepped out of the temple, his dominance and majesty still faintly remain in the hearts of all creatures in the world.

But the girl doesn't care about that.

Even if the opponent is the god of war, she firmly believes in her main god, and her owner will win the final victory.

"So...if the war is over, what will you do with the world?"

"I thought you were going to ask me how the elves would be treated."

"Everything you bestow is a favor, how dare Xin Ke surpass it."

Xin Ke's eyes wandered.

"...Don't you think, the world is interesting right now?"


Luo Pei glanced at the girl, and when he saw the anxious expression on the other side, he immediately knew what Xin Ke was worried about.

It is common sense that the behavior and philosophy of the gods are linked to the essence of the gods.

And the essence of Luo Pei is disaster, fear, and dreams. These are not things that normal creatures can accept with peace of mind.

He smiled and shook his head.

"Put away your worries. I am not dominated by the essence. I have already answered the same question as Inzaen Nibia. Your thoughts are completely unnecessary."

"Please forgive me."

Although Xin Ke was apologizing, she couldn't hide the joy on her face.

No one likes to live in hell, even if they become the upper class nobles in hell.

"By the way, is the blood-sucking species caught by you still on board?" Luo Pei asked. Apart from the war, he came back this time to deal with the blood-sucking species.

Luo Pei is still very interested in this group of friendly species.

Xin Ke nodded: "In matters of race, I placed her in a normal room on the Grass Dome Ship, and she is not too difficult to vampire."


Luo Pei stood up and walked towards the command room.


The average room on the Grass Dome wasn't great by elf standards, but it wasn't bad either.

But no matter what, it is much better than the vampire's residence in the Forest of Eternal Night.

Vampires are a predatory race, and they cannot survive without bloodsucking. It is too difficult for this kind of civilization to let them engage in construction.

Lily is very happy to be treated like this as a "captive". According to the notoriety of vampires, vampires usually captured by other races do not have a good end. , but like the lower species, such as the goblins and the former elves, they usually throw the vampires into the sun after being tortured to be wiped out.

This also caused the vampires to become less gregarious.

But there is also a little bad here.

That is no food.

The vampire loli curled up in the darkest corner of the room, avoiding the sunlight that came through the window during the day, biting her nails with a painful expression.

Calculated according to the normal time, she hadn't eaten for a full month, which was simply torture for a blood-sucking species like her who was less than a hundred years old.

Hunger tormented her sanity, and the light in the crimson pupils seemed somewhat dim.

"Could it be that she wants to starve Lily to death..." The vampire loli is about to cry: "It doesn't matter if it's blood from the orcs, or even sweat... I'm really going to starve to death, what a horrible disaster!" god……"

She said the last sentence in a very low voice.

This is the only thing Lily can complain about now.

Even though she knew that it would be impossible for her to meet the highest-ranked spirit species as a mere little vampire, but the feeling of hopelessness in her heart was still not very good.

If I had known that the elders didn't have good intentions when they delivered this task, they would have been treated as pawns... The not-so-stupid Loli buried her face between her arms and wept softly.

"I seem to hear someone scolding me?"

There was no sign of opening the door, but the voice of a second person was heard in the room.

from the position above.

Lily raised her head slowly, and in her crimson pupils, a handsome black-haired young man was halfway through the wall, looking down at her.

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