The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1020

The metal structure is constantly deforming like a Rubik's cube, and its appearance is different every moment. In the middle of the cube, there seems to be a small world that is isolated from reality and has weird rules.

A fantasy species of "constructed metal" Milobos.

A rare metal structure fantasy species, it is also this characteristic that makes him very close to the "forging god" Okan, and agrees with the opponent's idea after seizing the world's dominance, and has become one of his fantasy species' combat forces.

"Then let's not talk about Artoxiu." Mirobos sighed: "Twenty-three weapons made of inactive god-like essence... once this power is detonated, it can even evaporate the surface of the ground, right? The power of forging makes me fascinated no matter when I look at it..."

"There are more exaggerations, Master Mirobus."

Ronnie Delaunay opened his hands and laughed wildly.

"Now in the center of the "Shenhuo Furnace", Master Okan personally forged the God's Domain Spirit Armor using the essence of God. As long as that weapon is completed, it is enough to generate the power to reshape a large-scale elf corridor! At that time, the elves and nightmares that have lost the support of the elf corridor will be crushed to death by us like bugs! "

"...Aren't you afraid of causing a collapse phenomenon?"

"who cares?"

Ronnie Delaunay asked back.

"The great master's wish is to "rebuild the world". As for whether the current one is intact or damaged, it doesn't matter from the moment it melts, right? "

"I thought that the gods would be more inclined to the "Star Grail". "

"Of course, it would be better to have the "Star Cup", after all, after the Grand Master gets the "Star Cup", he won't be afraid of the master of the Flügel. "

Ronnie Delaunay shrugged.

"However, it doesn't matter if you don't, as long as everyone has fun."

"The God of Disaster..."

Mirobos's spiritual vision casts in an extremely far direction.

"I've heard a few words about this deity from my compatriots. Is it really worthy of your death, even the God of Forging himself?"

Ronnie Delaunayer's smile gradually faded, and his palm clenched the hilt of the spiritual sword.

"It's scary, that God of Disaster. Although I haven't met Artoxiu, I think the God of Disaster is not much different from the God of War. Just thinking about his posture makes me tremble with fear. Woolen cloth……"

"Hmph, I'll protect you, kid."

"Haha, thank you so much, Master Mirobos, your promises are always reassuring."

Jumping a few times on the towering rock wall, Ronnie Drauunier came to the edge of the huge circular abyss.

Looking from the top down, the mechanical city is in full swing, the sound of roaring and wrought iron is continuous, and there are deep and clear knocking sounds from the bright orange flames below.

Goblins, giants, phantoms——

The three major allied races are preparing for the upcoming war, pushing their combat power to an unprecedented level.

If it fails this time, then the goblins will have absolutely no chance to stand up again.

Including the giant race, and the leader "God of Forging" Okan, everything will be reduced to dust under the wrath of the God of Disaster.

It can be described as a huge war game that has been rare for thousands of years.

This made Ronnie Delaunay's blood boil, almost burning.

"Calm down, calm down..." He comforted himself: "Good luck won't last forever, if you meet the gods this time, you will die 100%..."


Super fun!

The desperate madman was very excited.

Ronnie Delaunay took two steps back slightly, then used his strength to run, jumped into the abyss, and shouted frantically in mid-air.

"Little ones! Bring me new warships! Keep it coming! Keep it coming! Let the God of Disaster and its nightmares see the forging technology that intelligent creatures fear and respect!"


In the city, there are endless cheers.

Mi Robles did not follow Ronnie Delaunay back to the city.

Its square shape is constantly changing, forming a unique mysterious magic formula of the fantasy species, and the power of the structure allows it to establish a mechanical link with the earth veins in an instant.

Mirobos looked at the sky in the northwest direction, like the calm before the storm, full of oppressive atmosphere over there.

"Is it coming soon..."

The Phantasmal's voice became dull.

"It's time to make preparations, the gods are coming, and the meeting gift is indispensable... Ronnie Drauunier! I took the two finished "Marrow Explosions"! "

The voice of the leader of the goblins came from the abyss.

"No problem! Master Mirobus!"

Afterwards, the fantasy species disappeared from the space in a burst of distortion like an ink painting.

The giants are still carrying the materials for forging, but some giants have been equipped with sophisticated weapons and gleaming metal armor since I don't know when.

War is at hand.


On the edge of the Second Continent, the elf fleet carrying the God of Disaster converged with the fleet led by Lawrence.

After confirming that goblins and giants exist in the Second Continent, they are no longer at the level of "first movers".

High-level combat power, the three leaders of the nightmare species, Lawrence, Mikolash, and William. Queen of the Elves, Xin Ke Nilvalen. Ex-Machinas are the five ancestors. The phantom species Inzahn Nibia, and the multiple phantom species it leads.

Ordinary combat power. 4,000 Nightmare species, 20,000 Elves soldiers thirsty for "foul blood", and 5,000 Ex-Machinas.

And the top of the chain of domination, the main god of all races. The deity species "God of Disaster".

Like the goblins, they are also a lineup that makes people dread even thinking about them, and they also have the majestic power to disintegrate this earth into mud.

It is conceivable that the largest conflict since the war era will soon erupt on this continent.

And the result of this conflict will become a stepping stone for one of the two gods to step towards the throne.

Rope didn't think it would be him.

Chapter 71 Constructing a fantasy species, the "Marrow Explosion" activated at close range

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