The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1022

The phenomenon of space squeeze.

Behind the gray mist, the warp squeezed away Inzahn Nibia's "Death" like a transparent barrier.

Constantly changing square metal blocks appear in it.

‘‘Construct Metal’ Mirobos, have you harmonized my ‘World’? ! '


Mirobos said in a dull voice.

"Space is also a 'construct', but most creatures ignore this. As a fantasy species, how to analyze this structure and find loopholes that can be exploited is what I am best at. Just like a delicately built building block, taking out a piece will not make it collapse at all, and even no abnormality can be seen from the "appearance". "

No wonder just now...

Inzahn Nibia understood the source of the uncomfortable feeling just now.

"Construction Metal" Mirobos sneaked into his small world from the subspace, so he was able to escape the perception of the disaster god Rope at such a short distance.

"Finally—meeting for the first time, Lord God of Disaster."

The cubic body of Mirobos opened.

The black-haired youth's pupils shrank slightly.

Inside, there are two missile-like objects emitting unnatural heat.

Surging, berserk, unactivated essence, the power is firmly locked in the metal.

The highest-level creation of the goblins——"Marrow Explosion".

"Your "Meeting Gift" has been delivered. With such a distance, even if you want to offset it with an attack of the same quality, you can't do it. "

Mirobos' voice finally showed some joy.

"Before you formally confront the god of forging and the goblins, get injured a little, otherwise it will be too unfair to Mr. Okan..."

Just like a forging press, something like a switch at the end of the "Marrow Explosion" was snapped shut.

In the next less than a second, the metal outer wall gradually cracked, and a dazzling light was released from it.

——The detonation was successful.

The two completed "Marrow Explosions" completed their first and last swan song at a distance of less than 50 meters from the God of Disaster.

Chapter 72 Turn back time, start negation!

The speed of light in the air is about 290,000 kilometers per second.

For a distance of 50 meters, the time from the activation of the "Marrow Explosion" to the time it touches Rope is measured in seconds, and can be calculated to almost ten digits after the decimal point, which is completely negligible.

At this desperate speed, even a creature whose physical reaction speed has been deduced to the extreme is unlikely to recover.

But Rope is a kind of god.

The supreme race that transcends all things and transcends the world.

And apart from the status of "God Seed", he is also a demigod of the evil god family who has been recognized and honored throughout the multiverse.

After thinking for a moment, Luo Pei came to a conclusion to deal with.

The violence of "disaster" cannot be used, and the immortality of the body cannot be used to resist.

The results of the two will make the phantasmagoria, "Apostle of the Oneiroi" Inzaen Nibia dissipate between the heaven and the earth. Judging from the location of the "Marrow Explosion", the full spread of the power will even affect ordinary nightmare and elf species, causing large-scale casualties.

So, there's only one left——

"Divinity. Two-way split."

In the ancient times, an unimaginable battle broke out between the ancient god "Lord of Death" Azakalon and Yog Sothoth, "the one who returns all things to one". However, by virtue of "aging" and the closeness of time, he just tore off a large piece of time divinity from Yog Sothoth.

This massive amount of divinity was accompanied by Azakalon's long digestion, and some of it flowed out, favoring its priests.

And in the last world, Rope took the life of that priest, and inherited this not too much divinity, but it undoubtedly stood at the top of all divinities—the divinity of time.

Extending from this great divinity is the divine art involving the most basic rules.

Atmosphere, wind, space, rampant plasma, gray mist, hiding in the small world of Inzan Nibia, trying to use it as a shield for the fantasy species Milobos, everything that moves...

Compared with Dio Brando's low-level time stop that seems to be frozen in space, it is more profound to remove itself from the inherent time axis of the world and maintain an independent time and space. At this moment, Rope truly stopped time.

——The movie hits the pause button, and everything will come to a standstill.

Luo Pei pushed aside the "light" in front of him, and saw the two inactive spirit essences that had completely disintegrated and exploded frantically.

There is also the fantasy "constructed metal" Milobos.

"Because the opponent is a god, so there is no need to maintain the dignity of the phantom, so decisively carry out a sneak attack, what an ugly behavior..."

But then again, if he dared to come alone with two "Marrow Explosions", this phantasy must have made some kind of awareness, right? Trampling on one's own dignity, in exchange for a favorable situation for the God of Forging, even ignoring the possibility of failure and death.

The "loyalty" in this world is really distorted to the extreme.

Thinking of this, a part of Luo Pei's body gradually changed to the appearance of a dark blue demon god.

He stretched out his slender and weird palm, and used the second divine spell without hesitation.

"Divinity. Initial negation."

If the "stationary" time magic is an old-fashioned revolver, then the magic that Rope uses now is a Gauss sniper rifle.

——Not a grade at all.

In the phenomenon of events presented before the God of Disaster, the activation of the "Marrow Explosion" is the "Initiation" and the explosion is the "Consequence". Rope's "initial negation" magic is equivalent to deleting the "cause" of "activation of marrow explosion", allowing the refutation caused by time disorder to harm the world and prompt the world to form a self-defense defense.

——that is, the phenomenon of “Great Backtracking” worldwide.

At the same time, after returning to the past, because the "inception" has been deleted, the two "Marrow Explosions" will be completely annihilated by the refutation.

Become something that never existed in the first place.

Soon, the rewind happens.

The dissolved metal shell is reshaped, locking light into it, and then the "myeloid explosion" disappears and the whole thing disappears like an illusion.

The world is moving seconds ahead.

It doesn't matter if the giants are tortured by plasma or the elves are killed. Mirobos, who appeared from the "small world" of Injaen Nibia, returned to the dormant state.

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