The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1025

What appeared in front of Luo Pei was a girl.

There are some characteristics of the elves on the face, pale hair, pale pupils, "pure white" like death, the incarnation of Inzaen Nibia is beautiful from the perspective of human aesthetics. asphyxia.

Facial expressions are dull though.

——Another girl with three no-lines.

"not bad."

Lopez, who was at the top of his looks, wouldn't be surprised by this, but he finally nodded, agreeing with the figure of Inzahn Nibia.

It can be imagined that from now on, the guardian of the dream, the phantasy species that brings death, the special doll will look like this.

"All in all, since you can't determine the location of Okan, let's move towards the center of the continent. You should gain something during this period."


The three-no girl in the mist took a step forward.


In this era, even human children would not make mistakes. After the famous phantasy species condensed into a human form, the first action was to fall to the ground.

The scene got a little weird.

Nibia buried her face in the dust and said in a muffled voice.

"Please forgive my gaffe, I'm not used to the manipulation of this body, I'll adjust it right away..."

She has always been a floating, flowing way of moving, suddenly using her hands and feet, of course she will not be used to it.

But fortunately, it is a phantom species, its adaptability has completely reached the level of abnormality, and it can adjust freely in minutes.

Even the dust on the delicate face was wiped off by the elf.

A smile formed on Rope's lips.

"It's not bad, Nibia, I don't mean to be sarcastic, it's really good."

"...Your happiness is my goal."

For some reason, Luo Pei actually heard that Nibia was in a bit of distress.

It turns out that my own apostle is so interesting...


The two walked among the mountains, their speed was not dissatisfied at all, and they quickly climbed over several mountains.

More and more battlefields are unfolding in front of Luo Pei, such as the crashed Elf species grass dome ship, the Nightmare species that are absorbing the "fouled blood" treatment, and the giant species that can be seen at a glance.

The white-haired girl dragged a wounded and crippled giant into the "small world" to be killed, her gaze sharper than that of a falcon swept to a place in the distance, and she spoke.

"My lord, it is the fleet of goblins."

The battle order ship of heavy industrial steel is a unique weapon of goblins.

A long time ago, even the grass dome ships of the elves were born after suffering from the losses of the steel battleships in the war, and then gradually became the mainstream combat power of the elves.

The distance is densely packed, and hundreds of fleets are approaching, with hot exhaust and sufficient ammunition.

What can be perceived is the breath of several fantasy species.

"Finally can't sit still." Luo Pei was not surprised.

"Nibia, tell our fantasy species not to indulge in the battle with the giant species, their real work is coming soon."


The march of destruction is about to reach the most enthusiastic rhythm.

Chapter 74 Demon God and Giant King

There is such an interesting saying in the original world of Rope.

"I don't know what's going to happen in World War III, but I know World War IV will be a battering of sticks and stones."

Nuclear bundling has firmly bound the world together, either everyone will live in peace, or everyone will die together.

Human beings alone have created such a terrifying war hypothesis. If human beings are replaced with other creatures, fantasy races that even feel absurd in imagination, then the war between them will definitely be more terrifying than nuclear bombs.

And so it is.

After the war between the God of Disaster and the God of Forging began, the Nightmare, Elves, Ex-Machines, Giants, Goblins, and Phantasms wrestled with each other, setting off a wave of destruction that lasted for a month on the second continent of the battlefield.

Wave after wave, there is not even a spare time.

The surface of the continent has been chipped, and there are potholes everywhere. The sea level dropped several meters out of thin air, and the sea water seemed to be evaporated.

This is still a situation where the various races deliberately kept their hole cards and did not adopt the ultimate move of large-scale destruction.

Both sides are waiting in the weariness of the battle, waiting for the enemy to make a mistake in judgment, so that the other side can win the most brilliant results in one fell swoop.

Thanks to this thought, the Second Continent miraculously maintained its basic structure without being crushed.

But this situation can't last long. The war is heating up, and both sides are becoming more and more frantic.

It is precisely because of this that one of the gods at the head of the faction, Rope, tried to find Okan, the god of forging, before everything broke out completely, and then solve the end war from the source.

Without Orkan's "Godfire Stove" and the forging inspiration given to the goblins, those creatures are just flies to fiddle with, and even the "Marrow Explosion" will become difficult to activate.

This world can be regarded as unlucky for eight lifetimes. From top to bottom, there is no race that cares about the world. On the contrary, the god of disaster from outside has been trying to keep the damage as small as possible. I didn’t expect to end up with the same as biting countless apples. world.

——It's so sad.


Away from several of the largest battlefields, the second continent is close to the central location.

When Luo Pei traveled here, there was no "road" in the conventional sense.

There was surging magma everywhere, tongues of fire, and even the ore was burnt fiery red. The red-haired girl would absolutely love the environment if Cthugha the Blaster was there.

Also relying on the judgment of the landform, Luo Pei determined that he was getting closer to Okan.

The "God Stove" is what the God of Forging extracts the flame from the center of the planet, and scorching burning is synonymous with it—after all, "forging" cannot be realized without "heat".

"You disgusting "behind-the-scenes" god, if the opponent is Artosh, there is no need for such troublesome things as war, and the first time you will be ecstatic and choose "one-on-one" to fight me one-on-one..."

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