The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1028

- "Sigh of the Living".

"It may be the tradition of kingly routines to create opportunities for friendly forces when you die, but I'm sorry, I am not a villain who is bound to be defeated here... You should give me a good sleep."

The destruction caused by the giant king's battle is more magnificent.

The spindle-shaped light illuminated half of the continent, and even a blind person could sense what had happened from the terror flowing in the wind.

The light faded.

The earth was dug out of a bottomless black hole.

This is the first eruption of a force of mass destruction in this war, and it will surely form a chain reaction.

Standing in mid-air, the God of Disaster shook his hand, with the expression of completely crushing a struggling insect on his face. Hightom's determination, the dirge of the giants, are nothing more than the occasional dust on the white window to his desire to win.

A moment later, a burst of scorching waves came.

The black-haired young man turned his cheeks sideways, looking in a certain direction, his azure blue pupils penetrated the space.

"Are you looking at me? Okan!"

Soundless silence.

Then the earth burst open, and fiery red came out from it.

Since the concept of "forging" was born, it has been inseparable from "flame".

Minerals in the earth, fire, melting and shaping objects, these things return to nature is the process of planet formation.

Orkan is the kind of god that dominates "forging", and the "God Stove" that accompanies it is the concept of "burning" at the center of the planet.

When the fiery pyre-bearded giant drives the "God Furnace" because of unbearable anger, it will form the most intense volcanic eruption effect in history.

Just like Artosh's "Divine Strike", this is the only attack method of Orkan, who is not good at fighting.

The cracks in the earth became more and more exaggerated.

Immediately afterwards, flames swept across the world like a wave.


"Big boss! Confirm that the enemy's phantom horse has been defeated by our phantom!"

"Big boss! There is a report from the war zone in the Southwest Mountains that our giant troop was wiped out by the Nightmare, and we lost 30 mechanical warships!"

"The chief..."

On the lead ship of the goblins, Ronnie Delaunay lowered his head against the hilt of his sword, closed his eyes and listened to the constant war reports.

Although a month is not long, this level of war has almost exhausted all his energy, whether it is alcohol or refreshing drugs, the effects are greatly halved.

This is the case for most other goblin species.

——Already almost reached the limit.

If there is still a tie...

"Damn guys, why are you so calm..." Ronnie Delaunay scolded, "If we don't use the hole card, our "Marrow Explosion" cannot be easily used. To use something that is less than one shot, you have to set aside the number of gods who can destroy disasters... It's too embarrassing! "


The shock from the storm shook the goblin's mechanical lead ship.

Ronnie Drauunil immediately raised his head, without him giving orders, the goblin in charge of the investigation had already reported the situation to him.

"Report! There is a high-concentration elf reaction from directly behind! The user--the god of the gods. The god of disaster!"

Ronnie Delaunay was stunned.

"That place... Master Giant King..."

But it's not over yet.

As the creation of the God of Forging, all the goblins sensed the eruption preparation of the "God Furnace" in advance without looking at it.

"Even Grand Master? Where has the God of Disaster arrived?!"

Can no longer hesitate.

Ronnie Delaunayer instantly raised the hilt of his sword and gave an order.

"Notice for all warships! Use the coordinate space teleportation device to move the "Spiritual Equipment of God's Domain" underground in the capital, and use it now! At the same time, get ready for the launch of the "Marrow Explosion"! "

"However, the spiritual outfit is only 80% complete..."

One of the goblin species responded weakly.

"I don't have that effort anymore!" Ronnie Delaunay gritted his teeth: "There is a problem with the lord, and the giants will immediately go berserk because of the death of the giant king. We will fall into a completely disadvantageous situation! Listen clearly! It is the kind of complete disadvantage that has almost no chance of turning over!"

In the end, Ronnie Delaunay almost said it in a growling tone.

The goblin subordinates turned around and quickly carried out the orders of the great leader.

Ronnie Drauunil's brass pupils narrowed slightly, and then he wanted to turn around and go to the weapon storage room to confirm the situation of "Marrow Explosion".

"It seems that I heard something interesting..."

Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and slashed towards the direction of the sound with the completely exquisitely mechanical spiritual outfit giant sword made by the God of Forging himself.


It was a semi-fluid weird creature. On the dark blue body, there are creepy eyes. It held a rough-looking meat saw in one hand, and sparks bloomed with the spiritual giant sword.

"Nightmare species..."Mad Blade" Mikolash..."

Ronnie Delaunay asked in a serious tone.

"You should have been on the southwestern battlefield... Not only did you cross our fleet, but you also managed to hide from the "Mind Annihilation Device" and "Dream Shielding Spiritual Equipment"... How did you do it? "

"A dying weasel doesn't need to know that much."

Mikolash gradually formed the commonly used human face.

A ferocious and crazy smile appeared on the corner of its mouth.

"A hunter can always find a way to sneak into the lair of his prey? Isn't it?"

Before dealing with the overall crisis, the goblins may have to think about how to solve the invasion of a nightmare leader.

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