The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1038

Like its casual outfit of pink jacket, light green lining, and blue denim shorts, Tetu's words are also full of leisure and a bit naughty.

He is the god of games after all.

Joyful and joyful, the essence of playing in the world is naturally more lively than the "God of Suspicion" Fan Lou who keeps a straight face all day long, making Luo Pei feel more relaxed just by looking at it.

he asked with a smile.

"The meaning of these words is that you are accusing me of providing "growth nutrition" and helping you activate your marrow? "

"Of course not. Well... how should I put it..."

Tetu frowned in embarrassment, as if he was thinking about how to organize his words.

"You see, in this world, inferior creatures will avoid dangerous things, such as flames, poison pools, and those spirit bones flying in the sky, right? Your essence is similar to me. Although Knowing that you will not hurt me, the God of Disaster, but staying with you and absorbing your supplies, the pressure is really too great..."

The gods are also divided into grades and grades.

Just like Kainas is bigger than Okan, and Artosh is bigger than those two gods. Tetu is the weakest one since ancient times.

In the war years, survival was a problem, and there was naturally no market for "games" for entertainment.

And without a market, Tetu would not be able to draw power with the help of the marrow—this is why it has a will and a soul, but it has been unable to manifest for a long time.

"It's disrespectful to compare me to those things, isn't it?"

Rope said jokingly.

Tetu stuck out his tongue cutely.

"Then I apologize, will the powerful God of Disaster forgive me? I finally got out, and I don't want to go back there... In the past, apart from playing chess with a human boy with "game" talent, I had almost no entertainment . And there is no "God of Games" for entertainment... I want to cry. "

"Well, I'll forgive you if I apologize."

"So easy!"

Tetu looked at Luo Pei pretending to be surprised, then tapped his cheek with the index finger of his small hand, showing an extremely gentle smile.

"Sure enough, it's not as scary as your essence, God of Disaster..."

At first, when he was still in the state of spirit, Tetu was worried that Luo Pei was planning to do something terrible by taking it away, and he was on tenterhooks. But after observing in the haze, and only now after slightly probing with a relaxed tone, Tetu is sure that this God of Disaster is a very gentle existence that is completely inconsistent with his essence.

so good……

The God of Games straightened his posture, bowed slightly, and said softly in a voice similar to that of Kugimiya Rie.

"You are willing to take care of me and help me who is useless to be born, thank you very much!"

"Trying to confuse the apology with thanks? Forget it, whatever."

Rope shrugged.

"You have your own name, don't you?"

Tetu nodded vigorously.

"Hmm! My name is Tetu! My occupation is "God of Games"!" "

Different from Fan Lou, who is so stubborn, Tetu has a very clear position on himself when he was still in a hazy state, and he also has his own unique name.

"I didn't expect my birthplace to be in such a city full of misfortunes. To be honest, I'm a little surprised..."

Tetu looked up at the crumbling goblin city in the ocean.

""Game" is something that brings joy to others. When the essence was not activated, I always thought that I would appear in a leisurely afternoon in a peaceful age after the end of the long war. Absorbing the energy remaining after the death of the "God of Forging", it's like being born on a corpse..."

Tetu's tone of voice was a bit complicated.

Because the scene in front of him is really far from its essence.

Violent ravages, arbitrarily taking lives, no matter what it is, it has nothing to do with "happiness" or "happiness".

"The pain before breaking out of the cocoon and rebirth is inevitable," said Rope.

"If you want to progress from war to peace, there must be a winner, otherwise there will be chaos. Can you understand the meaning of the saying "peace requires a price"? "


Tetu laughed again.

"However, Mr. God of Disaster, you can't change your selfish desire to "rule the world" by bringing up such a great truth, right? How cunning. "

"It is precisely because of this selfish desire that it drives me to embark on the path of ending the war."

The black-haired youth was very calm.

There is no need to explain at all, his purpose is the "star cup", and everything else is just incidental to the process.

"Yeah. There's no need to explain it for this sake, I'm just talking casually. Besides, it would be a good thing if a gentle god like you gets the domination of the world."

Tetu agreed quickly.

In other words, the gods are very honest about their views.

If you agree, you will fully accept it, and you will not make unnecessary entanglements.



The dark-haired youth pointed to himself.

"Just like your name is 'Tetu' and mine is 'Rope'. It's always the God of Disaster, the God of Disaster called, it's very inconvenient, right? "




"...What's wrong?"

Looking at Tetu who repeated his name over and over again, Luo Pei felt a little strange.

The latter shook his head, his eyes were full of excitement, and he asked in a brisk tone.

"Have I become your friend now? Notifying each other of names and chatting so happily, we are already friends, right? I'm so happy! I can harvest friends who are also gods as soon as I'm born!"

"Just for this kind of thing?"

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