The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1047

"This is the old man's responsibility. To displease the Nightmare adults, I offer these arms and eyes as an apology. Please forgive the ignorance of the impolite... If it is not enough, the old man will kill himself immediately to show that the blood-sucking species The hope that belongs to the God of Disaster..."

It seems that the "elders" of vampires still have smart people.

For a moment, Rope nodded.

"Well, it's not a bad reaction, you have qualified etiquette, but..."

With the pause of his voice, except for Bernice and the kneeling elder, all other vampires disappeared in ashes just like the young man.

Bernice's eyes widened, trembling all over.

It's not a good feeling to have a brush with death.

The Great Elder didn't expect that he would be the one who survived, and the expression on Wuwu's face was full of astonishment.

"You don't need too many people to talk to, just one qualified person is enough, don't you think so?"

The violent god asked with a smile.

Chapter 86: Kneeling and Surrendering to the Strongest God

The mutation that occurred in this bright room is destined to be known only to the few vampires present.

It is impossible for other vampires to know that in less than five minutes, almost all the "elders" of the higher-level vampires were killed for no reason.

The reason was nothing more than a slip of the tongue.

For the first time, Lily saw the cruelty behind the "gentle" mask of the god of disaster.

But how should I put it, after the fear is over, there is the excitement running up and down all over the body, a kind of longing for the unimaginable strong to break through the "sky" with ease.

The vampire young girl is worshiping the god of disaster.

"Let you see such a farce, the guilt of the old man is hard to discern, and the lives of those ignorant people, let the old man replace the blood-sucking species and give it to the nightmare species and the disaster god behind you as an apology..."

The half-disabled vampire grand elder said with a wry smile that he adjusted his mood faster than Luo Pei expected.

Beside the First Elder, Bernice Caipera kept her eyes on her nose, her nose on her chest, motionless like a stone statue, for fear of making any jokes on such a serious occasion.

The experience of passing by the god of death, once is enough.

"Sit down and talk."

Luo Pei raised his head to the wise elder and extended his index finger.

"Besides, it's not good to talk to me while hurting. This is my gift to forgive you."

As if turning back time, the Great Elder watched in amazement that his severed arms and shattered eyes returned to normal.

Healing technique?

No, there is no elf feeling...

The vampire grand elder couldn't judge the methods of the black-haired youth.

"Does the Nightmare species even have such abilities? ... It is indeed a race created by the Lord God of Disaster. It is different from the inferior species that degenerate step by step like us. How enviable it is to have the protection of the god species... ..."

While doing his best to compliment the Nightmare, he sat down across the round table.

"The old man's name is Renadot Finn, and he temporarily occupies the position of the "Great Elder" of the blood-sucking species. Lord Nightmare, please forget about the unpleasantness just now, let us talk in detail about my kind's details about your Creator, the God of Disaster. "

"Well. You can call me Rope."

"Lord Rope."

Renadotte bowed his head respectfully.

"First of all, I would like to express my sincere apologies to you, no, to you and the God of Disaster. Because of the cowardice of the inferior species, the "Elder Council" sent only one "noble" to go there after a private discussion. Conveying the request of the vampire to submit, this is the ineffective supervision of the old man, please forgive me. "

can speak.

From just now to now, the vampire elder has fully demonstrated the speech skills of a person in power who has lived for a thousand years to the superior.

Try to eliminate uncertain factors as soon as you open your mouth. The behavior of "sending out trainee assassins to test the attitude of the God of Disaster" was attributed to the group of dead vampire elders, and he himself took the responsibility of taking advantage of the atmosphere that he had just received the gift of the nightmare species. In this way, 9% Ten can turn big things into small ones, and small things into nothing.

Rope likes smart people.

Because talking with smart people can always produce a very pleasant feeling.

"Nobility"? "

Lopez patted Lily's head and asked.

"As far as I know, Miss Lily said that she is just a "trainee assassin"..."

"That was once, Lord Rope."

Renadotte's expression was unusually serious.

"Miss Lily is excellent both in strength and in handling affairs. I have been silently paying attention to her for a long time, trying to turn her into a vampire "noble" and even enter the Council of Elders, but when I made this decision, the Council of Elders had already sent She went to your camp to perform a sacred mission, but unfortunately I didn't have time to inform Miss Lily. "

"Oh? Is that so..."

"Yes." Renadot nodded.

The black-haired young man smiled more and more happily.

Of course he didn't believe Renadotte's nonsense, he probably just saw that Lily was so favored by his side, and he scrambled to win the favor of the nightmare species.

But the other party has such a keen mind, which is the focus of Luo Pei's happiness.

Leaving this smart old vampire was indeed the right choice.

The vampire young girl with short purple hair became a "noble" with an inexplicable expression like this.

Even if she was just a poor vampire brat if she was brought to this occasion by a vampire, she is now an undoubted "noble".

"Hahahaha, that's funny, you guy."

Rope let out a hearty laugh.

"Go on, let me see what you can do for, for the God of Disaster, so that he can become the Lord God of Asylum for you and other vampires."

"It's an old honor to make Lord Luo Pei happy."

A gleam of light flashed in Renadotte's dark red pupils.

He spread his palms, and the shadow power surged, eliminating the "existence" from the cup on the table.

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