The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1049

"Great Elder, do you really believe that Master Nightmare has "decision-making power"? "

"Ask nothing, tell nothing, Caipela."

Renadotte covered his forehead and said with quite a headache.

"Go and take care of that lord, and provide everything you need. Even if it takes your life, you will not allow a little resistance, understand?"


Bernice nodded and disappeared into the room.

Renadotte breathed a sigh of relief this time.

"It's the first time in my life that I saw a spirit species, and it was on such an's scary..."

Thinking of the farce of entering the door, the vampire elder broke out in a cold sweat.

If there is no Lily, and the adult is a little more irritable, then...

He didn't dare to think about it.

But overall, the results are good.

With the approval of that adult, the vampires will gradually prosper in the future, and finally gain the honor of standing on the earth and become a race with a main god.

Renadotte showed a long-lost smile.

Chapter 87 The Harem Gathering of the God of Disaster

Two months after that meeting, the vampire completed the ceremony of joining the "God of Disaster Camp" as arranged, and obtained a small portion of the seal.

Maybe it's a problem with the "recipe" of vampires.

The queen of the elves, Xinke Niervalen, and the witch of the orcs, the witch ring, don't like vampires very much. A long time ago, when they were not under the command of the God of Disaster, the commoners of the two races were often captured by blood-sucking species as "food".

But this problem was solved after Rope created the "Treasure Tree of Blood".

The coral-shaped treasure tree that continuously flows out luscious blood has become a treasure that is more than enough to supply food for all blood-sucking species.

With this, there is no need to hunt blood-sucking blood-sucking species hard, and naturally there is no reason to be resented by other races.

"I didn't expect Mrs. Luo Pei to actually have those "bats" in his pocket. Sending a "trainee assassin" to issue a request for surrender, I thought the reason why the adults went in person was to bury them completely in the "Forest of Eternal Night"..."

The hall compartment of the Star Clock Tower is brightly lit.

"Queen" Xinke Nierbalian was wearing a crimson backless dress, holding a goblet, tasting the psychedelic wine that could not be produced by outside technology and only existed in dreams.

Opposite her, wearing a light blue dress and wearing long gloves, the witch ring laughed.

"Don't pay too much attention to it, Miss Xinke, the Lord God has already made a decision, we servants just obey and don't question the qualifications of the Lord God."

"I'm not questioning, just surprised."

Xin Ke sighed.

"Because the elves followed Mr. Rope earlier, they can easily accept the blood-sucking species that used to have gaps. In the future, any race interactions and transactions can be easily executed, but what about you? The progress is not going well, right? ?”


Yu Wuhuan raised her index finger beside her mouth, her face pale with fright.

"Miss Xinke! Don't say that kind of thing here! If that adult hears it, he will probably send the Nightmare to help me clear up the voices in the clan, given his character!"

"Strange guy, wouldn't it be good for Master Luo Pei to help you establish absolute dictatorship?"


Yu Wuhuan lowered her fox ears.

"Everyone has come from hard times. I can't bear to see the orcs die because of this kind of thing... Besides, it's just some complaints. I will fully deal with it within two months."

"A soft heart is a taboo for rulers."

"So I have delegated the "enforcement power" to my subordinates. If it was all done by me, I would definitely not have the heart to carry out harsh punishments in such a peaceful environment...Let's not talk about that. "

Yu Wuhuan skipped the topic and asked Xin Ke Nierbalian.

"Miss Xinke, do you know why Master Luo Pei summoned our race leaders this time? Is it to prepare for war with the God of War?"

"Looks like a 'family reunion' or something. "


"I don't know exactly what Mr. Luo Pei thinks, but..." Xin Ke scanned the surroundings.

"Didn't you notice? All the people present were women, and none of the Nightmare species, the heirs of Mr. Luo Pei, were allowed to come in."

Yu Wuhuan followed Xin Ke Nilvalen's line of sight to look around like an auditorium, and found that what the other party said was indeed correct.

Lily, a young vampire girl, changed her shabby appearance and wore an exquisite black dress, talking enthusiastically with the queen of sea dwellers in the blisters. In the distance, an Ex-Machina whose name seems to be "Huby" stood on the edge of the balcony, looking down at the bottom of the clock tower with an expressionless face.

All of them are related to the God of Disaster, without exception, women with outstanding looks.

"A 'family gathering'...? "

The corners of Yu Wuhuan's mouth turned up, and his eyes revealed tenderness.

"I didn't expect Master Luo Pei to call us "toys" as "family"..."

"That lord is different from other gods, so we can gather here and have a friendly conversation like this, isn't it?"

Xin Ke raised her glass to the orc maiden that she once looked down upon.

"Please teach me a lot in the future, Tamaki."


The fox-eared lady respectfully returned the salute.

"What are you talking about?"

A crisp and indifferent voice interjected between the two.

Xin Ke and Yu Wuhuan turned their heads and found that at some point, a girl whose whole body was white like a pure white rose came to them.

"Isn't this Inzahn Nibia-sama?"

Xin Ke and Yu Wuhuan bowed to the fantasy girl together.

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