The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 105

"Before the third Holy Grail War, the Holy Grail was indeed what you imagined. Heroic spirits competed and made wishes. However, in the first two times, no one won because of too simple problems."

"The problem came from the third time. Someone illegally summoned the eighth Heroic Spirit, Avenger." Rope said while recalling the setting of the Holy Grail War. "Avenger's true identity is Ahriman, the evil god of the Zoroastrian Cult. No, perhaps it would be more appropriate to call it 'a human being treated as Ahriman'."

"His own strength is not worth mentioning, and he routinely returned to the Holy Grail after his death. However, it was this that made the accident happen."

Thinking of what happened to Angola Mainyu, Rope couldn't help feeling lamented—the ignorance and crimes of the human race are so unimaginable.

"Angra Mainyu, which represents 'all the evils of this world', has polluted the purity of the Holy Grail, making it only possible to fulfill its wishes through destruction. This is also the origin of these black muds."

"Since he can still fulfill his wish, then..."

Hearing this, Saber wanted to stand up and touch the Holy Grail, but was held firmly in place by Rope's chains.

Although the black Saber is also very cute, but Rope, who really saw the black mud, didn't want the pure King Arthur to suffer the pain of being tortured by maliciousness.

"Forget it, he can indeed grant his wishes, but only in a way of destruction... that is, if you wish to 'save Britain from disaster', he will destroy Britain, without this country Wouldn't there be no disasters? This is the way of thinking of the Holy Grail now."

"how come……"

Saber whimpered, there was nothing more tragic than someone telling her that her wish could not be realized when her wish was right in front of her eyes.

"Then what are we after! After an unimaginable battle, is the last thing we get is destruction?"


Luo Pei didn't answer, and didn't know how to answer. If Saber didn't want to open this matter, there was no way to solve it.

"Sure enough, Sir Lancelot is right, I'm just having a boring dream..."

Thinking of the purple-haired knight's words, Saber became depressed, hugged her knees very girlishly, and buried her head in it.

"At least I tried..."

Luo Pei took the opportunity to touch Saber's hair, the golden sand-like touch gave him a strange satisfaction.

But Saber's next words made him break out in a cold sweat.

"Rope... Since you know the truth about the Holy Grail, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She turned her head, there was no emotion in her glazed pupils, as if she wanted to die.

Tell? How to tell?

Putting such a large combat power aside, and then telling you that the Holy Grail is just a human trash can, and your wish cannot be fulfilled? Don't be kidding, Saber at that time was already close to a magic barrier, and she might take it as a lie if she said these words.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if she really believed it, Luo Pei would not want to lose a large combat power for no reason. You must know that the King of Heroes was still alive at that time.

There are various reasons, and deceiving Saber is the best choice in terms of profit.

...Of course, this must not be said to Saber, and the favorability will be cleared.

"...Saber, you keep asking me why I only desire victory and don't need the Holy Grail, right?"

Luo Pei stood up with a serious face and began to perform wildly.

"This is the answer! If the evil of human beings is released, not only will the city suffer, but even the human species itself will go extinct. I don't want to see this ending, so I want to disintegrate it! For the hope and future of mankind, This kind of thing shouldn't exist in the world."


Saber felt a little warmth in her heart, this was the only warmth she had after losing all hope, and she couldn't help but hold on tightly.

"It's up to you to choose."

Lo Pei boldly put his arms around Saber.

This was the first time he hugged a girl sincerely, and the opposite was a king.

He whispered softly in Saber's ear: "You are my friend and the person I admire, and the right to make a wish on the Holy Grail belongs to you. If you wish, we will destroy it. With my magic power and technology, There's nothing wrong with leaving you in reality."

A little bit of ambition was exposed, but Saber didn't have time to think about it.

These words are not nonsense, although the body of the heroic spirit is composed of the magic power of ether in the Holy Grail, the systematic Lopez couldn't be more relaxed if he wanted to keep Saber.

But it depends on the other party's opinion...

Chapter 96: Hope Weaved by Lies

Luo Pei was just asking tentatively. He knew that the current King of Knights was still at the tip of his horns, and had gone through the process of hope to despair, hope and then despair. Let alone Saber, those from the Age of Gods were stronger than her will. The steadfast heroes are not necessarily relieved.

Sure enough, my king's strategy will have to wait until the fifth time...

Luo Pei glanced at the description on the pop-up window of his system. Not surprisingly, he will definitely return to the Moon World once in his next few missions, and there is no need to be too eager. As long as the groundwork is done now, nothing is impossible of.

Just as Rope expected, Saber would not agree to his unreasonable request now.

She gently pushed Luo Pei away, looked into his eyes and asked seriously.

"If the Holy Grail is destroyed now, will the Holy Grail War be purified?"

Not reconciled.

The Holy Grail War is the only chance to redeem yourself. Just being polluted proves that you can be purified. Saber is like a child who loves fantasy, desperately looking for loopholes in Rope's language, trying to deceive himself and others to set up an empty goal for himself again .

Of course, Luo Pei is also happy to see such a situation, it is better than giving up hope and becoming a new hero in despair.

Saber is now a heroic spirit inspired by Gaia before she died, which means that she is still alive. If she really dies and returns to the Hall of Valor, that is something that Rope really does not want to see. The memories of her time together are wiped out.

"Just like people will discharge their own garbage, the Holy Grail is also repelling the evil of this world. The Holy Grail War is a grand ceremony every sixty years. It may become a pure and flawless Holy Grail next time... Probably."

Scratching his face, Lopez lied to Saber with nonsense that made him blush.

"Then next time... as long as I win next time, will my wish come true?"

Listening to Saber's slightly shifted voice, Luo Pei was almost overwhelmed by his guilt.


"Great, it's just bad luck... Next time, next time it will definitely work!"

Saber seemed to have found her goal again, although her face was distressed, she was no longer as desperate as before.

In a burst of brilliance, she took out her scabbard and handed it to Luo Pei.

"I want to ask you one thing, Rope. Although you are very willful, please call me in the next war. No matter what, I want to get the Holy Grail!"

The number of places to participate in the battle is limited, and the Holy Grail is also very fancy for the Master's qualifications.

Saber also can't guarantee that someone will be able to summon her in the next war, so taking advantage of the present, she wisely made the first move.

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