The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1057


Jibril uttered monosyllabic perfunctory words.

She understood every word of those words, but why couldn't she understand them together?

It's no wonder that the girl is ignorant, it's just that the Flügel personality makes her not interested in purely entertainment things like "games".

Among the Flügel, the word closest to this is "hunting".

"By the way, is Miss Jibril busy now?"

"The Flügel have always been idle..." Jibril murmured slightly dissatisfied, "After you killed that god who played with fire, we became even more idle..."

"In that case, why don't you try my "game"? "

Lopez handed the sphere of light to Jibril, and said with a smile.

"You are lucky. This great innovation, you will be the first to experience its existence."

"Will I be kept in your dreams like a specimen? Or if I touch this thing, it will be torn apart like a rag? Or do you plan to use it for "innovative" experimental questions? ……Kidding. "

Jibril tilted her head.

"You are a god, and I have no right to refuse based on strength alone. It's just that, Lord God of Disaster, can you allow me to ask you a question like you answered my doubts last time?"


"As long as there are intelligent creatures in this world, they will know that the battle between you and Lord Artoxiu is just around the corner."

Jibril stared at the smiling black-haired youth.

"Why are you so relaxed, doing things that have nothing to do with combat preparations here?"

do not understand.

Her creator, the God of War, is the strongest Deity species.

There is no doubt about it.

It stands to reason that Rope, who is considered an opponent by Artosh, should also value his enemy as much as Artosh.

But Luo Pei didn't. Instead, he was as relaxed as a wild trip, making "games" in the cozy woods.

"Battle ready? I'm always ready for that kind of thing."

The black-haired youth smiled and pointed to his chest.

"My vision for the future does not conflict with my preparations for battle. Even if Artosh appears in front of me now, I will definitely be able to fight him with the strongest posture. In addition, I am not Artosh's "enemy of fate." ", why do I have to let his figure occupy all of me? "

What Rope said made Jibril speechless.

A sense of self-confidence, a high fighting spirit, and even beyond the peak of God of War to look forward to the details of the future, these are not something she can do.

As expected, it's only natural for her to be ignored by Artosh-sama... Jibril thought bitterly.

Maybe this is the spirit species.

Putting aside these things that already had answers, the girl stood up from the ground and moved her body as if stretching.

"Okay, that's the end of the question. Just like you, I'm ready for any tricks you have, and it's time to pay for my bad luck."

"Don't make it sound like I'm going to do something terrible to you, it's just a 'game'..."

Luo Pei shook his head, letting the sphere of light slowly fly into the air.

The virtual light flooded the Flügel and Deus species.

The feeling of weightlessness occupied Jibril's mind.

During the bizarre shuttle, the girl saw many ominous things.

A priest who chopped something up with a knife. A bloodthirsty monster roaring upwards. A blond woman sitting with her head bowed on the clock tower. Lying on top of the idol, a terrifying existence surrounded by flames...

Unheard of strange creatures opened up in Jibril's eyes like a new world.

Complete darkness followed.

Cold and shaking, when Jibril regained consciousness, she was surprised to feel cold and powerless.

Flügel feel the cold?

...that's ridiculous.

Looking at the surrounding environment, except for the darkness and the gloomy lights overhead, it is just an ordinary mortal world.

The girl wanted to move her body, but found that her limbs were firmly tied to a weird chair bed, and she couldn't break free with brute force as usual.

At this point, Jibril finally understood the source of her powerlessness.

She was deprived of the power of the Flügel.

Pat, clack.

With a disturbing voice, a black-haired young man in a white coat appeared in Jibril's sight.

For some reason, seeing the appearance of the God of Disaster, who was clearly the enemy, made Jibril somewhat relieved.

After losing her strength, this environment and atmosphere put a lot of pressure on the girl.

"Since you are the first player, as a bonus, I will personally act as the commentator and NPC for you. By the way, check if there are any holes in this world that need to be filled..."

The black-haired youth took something out of his pocket.

Sharp needle point, tubular clear glass.

"Have a good time, Jibril."

Didn't you say it's okay not to do terrible things to me! ! !

Following the injection, Jibril lost consciousness for the second time.

Chapter 92 Death and Rebirth, the Flügel Girl Suffers

Dilapidated wooden floors, old houses, dust everywhere.

There are fragments of glass jars on the shelf. It may be because they have been left for too long that it is not clear what is stored in them.

There was an uncomfortable stale smell in the air, even mixed with a faint smell of blood.

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