The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1059

Jibril took a closer look and found that the beaten beast didn't even have a scratch on its neck, let alone a river of blood.

And on top of its head, a reddish strip appeared in the girl's iris.

Jibril's attack just now only caused the light red bar to drop by about 1%.

The Flügel cleverly understood the game settings, and took a deep breath at the same time.

"...Sorry, I take back what I just said."

The attack power is digitized, the enemy's life is digitized, and the opponent can be killed by superimposed damage. Very simple rules.

The issue is……

She has physical limitations now!

"That... Is it too late to quit the game now? Lord God of Disaster?"

The Flügel asked softly with an awkward smile.

Rope didn't answer her.

And in the roar, the monster's next attack came.

After that things became very simple.

After several confrontations, Jibril only lowered the monster's health bar a little, and after exhaustion, the sharp beast claws easily took the life of the Flügel girl.

The darkness of unconsciousness.

Trance, coldness, the illusion of traveling through time and space.

After Jibril got up from the ground covering her head, the surrounding environment changed again.

A small, quiet space filled with pure white flowers blooming everywhere. A round of pure white full moon hangs in the sky, which is a scenery that can never be seen in reality.

"I understand……"

The girl twitched the corners of her mouth, looking at the dark-haired black-haired young man in a wheelchair who was sitting in a wheelchair with the door pushed by a tall puppet in the distance.

"You are indeed a wicked god. Watching the beautiful girl being torn apart by monsters, you can find satisfaction in her desperate expression... This game was created for this purpose, right?"

"Don't say it too much, this "game" has no pain setting. "

Rope said with a smile.

"Jibril, how do you feel?"

"Forgive me for being rude, it's indescribably terrible! You can easily defeat a mentally handicapped enemy, but because of your physical limitations, you let me fail. This is no longer a "battle". "

The Flügel mercilessly criticized the game of the God of Disaster.

The opponent's attack has been seen through, and all her attacks hit the enemy.

In reality, this is a 100% harbinger of victory.

But in the game, Jibril could only drink and hate on the spot because of physical problems.

She was in a bad mood.

"This is also part of the setting." Luo Pei said.

"Get "reward points" by killing, and then use the rewards to exchange for "strength", "agility", "stamina", and even a unique "secret method", and finally use skills to defeat enemies that are several times your own, so step by step. The feeling of the summit is the essence of this game. "

"After talking so much, you just want to see me slumped, right?" Jibril hit the nail on the head.

"Hahahaha, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Rope stood up from the wheelchair.

"However, originally this is also part of the "setting". Players who enter this world for the first time will be killed by that monster, and then get their own weapons in this space, and then use these weapons to slaughter monsters. Hmm, something similar to shaming power. "

Jibril patted the dust off her skirt and asked.

"What is your purpose in creating this 'game'? No pain means that it cannot be engraved into a deep memory. The monster's attack mode is fixed, which means that it is impossible to learn the real killing skills. If it is for making soldiers, such a game is completely unqualified. "



"I just want to make the world more interesting under my rule."

Luo Pei's eyes were deep, as if he saw the future.

"Happy games, constantly improving quality of life, and ultimately these foundations will become my ruling pleasure standing at the top of the world."

"Master Artoxiu will not let you achieve your goal easily. At this moment, he is the one who stands on the top throne."

"I know, that's why I have to get rid of him... Well, you'll understand after the war is over."

Lopez raised her hand, interrupting Jibril's rebuttal.

"Jibril, do you find my game interesting?"


The Flügel girl said very rationally.

"My unhappiness may be because I didn't fully understand the rules of the game, or you didn't explain clearly to me. I won't deny the joy of "being frustrated and overcoming it." "

After she single-handedly killed the dragon spirit, the joy almost flew to the sky.

"Just fighting? Well, if Tetu can quickly write the "story" into the world, I'm afraid you won't just make such a simple evaluation..."

Rope shook his head regretfully.

"Not only is there a collision of forces, but this world also has quite a large and rich story."

The story line of "Blood Source: Curse" is more brilliant than the battle in a sense.

It is precisely because of this that a large number of "soul scientists" were born in Luo Pei's original world. They enjoy exploring the plot of the world and organizing stories.

And these are exactly what Tetu, the god of games, is doing.

The virtual world is still an unfinished product.

"Add a story..."

Jibril thought of the colorful world she saw outside from the window of that dilapidated room, and for some reason, a surge of anticipation rose in her heart.

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