The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1062

The location is the magnificent capital of the elves.

In the spacious living room, Xinke Nilvalen is presiding over the final meeting related to the war.

The main executors are "Oneiroi Apostle" Inzayn Nibia, the three leaders of the Nightmare species, the great elder of the Vampire species, and the commanding unit of the Ex-Machina species. The observer is the "witch" Yuhuan.

"To sum up, it is for Lord Rope's rule to eliminate unfavorable factors."

Xin Ke looked around at the leaders and continued.

"As we all know, the elves have established a long-term alliance with the elves in the chaotic era of war in the past. Although the alliance broke up after the Flügel incident and the "tainted blood", we are still a race that understands each other very well. So the elves will be handed over to the elves, and I will try my best to make them submit to Mr. Lopez. "


Mikolash made a monosyllabic sound.

"That kind of race that is wandering on the edge of illusion, why is it necessary for Miss Nilbalen to come forward in person? It is not the best and fastest way to let the nightmare species knock on the door with force, and directly annihilate them in their capital if they disagree. method?"

They intend to unify the rest of the clans before Calamity Forest goes to war with the God of War.

Because it involves the issue of asylum.

Even the aftermath of the battle between the two strongest Deity species will inevitably become an absolute misfortune for the lower species. If you are not careful, it will be a big crisis of genocide, and you cannot take it lightly.

"Lord Mikolash, after the war era is over, vulgarity will not please Lord Rope."

Xin Ke said with a smile.


"Of course, it's not just for this reason."

Xin Ke looked at the remaining two reliable nightmare leaders.

"Personally, I hope that the Nightmare can deal with the issue of the Dragon Elves. Although the Elves have also formed a contract with the Dragon Elves in the past, after successive conquests by the Ex-Machinas and Nightmare, and killing one of their dragon kings, In the gathering plan, the dragon spirit is the most difficult one."

"After the failure of negotiations, it will be cleared by force...?"

In addition to the Ex-Machinas, the Nightmare is best at dealing with dragons.

And the Ex-Machinas can only rely on orders to act, and are not suitable for negotiating envoys, so in short, the problem of the Dragon Elves is none other than the Nightmare.

"Yes, once the war starts, both the Ex-Machinas and the Elves will quickly join the war."

Hearing this, Lawrence nodded.

"Understood, then let the dragon spirit species be dealt with by the nightmare species."

"Another point, I hope Mikolas-sama will not go to the "Dragon Cave" and stay on standby at the outskirts. " Xin Ke said.


Mikolash felt a little aggrieved.

He didn't say that he worked hard, at least he never took a step back during the battle.

Either you kill me, or I kill you. This is the consistent purpose of Mikolash.

Never let the enemy die completely.

In the war with the "God of Forging" Orkan, he was also the nightmare species that killed the most giants individually, with more than 80 heads, and most of them were special giants.

"Has your thinking brain been evaporated?"

It was not Xin Ke who answered Mikolash, but William's mocking words.

"Negotiations with dragon spirits will only use force when they are unsuccessful. If you attend the negotiation scene with your irritable temper, the former's success rate will definitely drop significantly."

"Let's not say that the nightmare species have no brains, since there is a "war" option, why not treat the dragon spirit species as enemies from the beginning? Just like goblins and giants. "

"The end of the war has come, and the Creator desires all the remaining races to kneel under his throne."

William said.

"Including dragon spirits."

Moving out of their creator, Mikolash fell silent.

He muttered under his breath.

"Being squeezed out by you all the time, now I even feel that I have nothing but fighting..."

The expressions of "Isn't it?" on the faces of the remaining two leaders of the nightmare species made Mikolash particularly annoyed.

"This is the end of the arrangements for the Nightmare species, next is the Fantasy species..."

"I'm ready."

The white-haired girl said indifferently.

"The Ex-Machines are with me, plus the Phantasmal Species who have turned to our Lord before, I will choose a place where there are more Phantasmal Species to start the war... No, persuasion."

"...Are you really okay?"


The white-haired girl nodded and said.

"Now I will not lose to any of my fellow clansmen in the competition of strength!"


Originally thought that the most difficult to achieve peace was the dragon spirit species, but I didn't expect it to be the fantasy species... Xin Ke felt quite a headache on his forehead.

"Forget it, I'm not qualified to say anything about fantasies, I leave it to you to judge, Nibia-sama..."

"Then, the vampires and the orcs will continue to adjust their internal affairs."

The vampire elder said.

"If there is any place that needs me to wait for the vampire, please tell me directly, the "elite assassin" of the vampire will not let you down..."

"Normally speaking, I don't need it, but with your words, I won't hesitate when I need it."

"Thank you."

The leaders of the various races planned the detailed process again, and completed their last action arrangement that might require the use of force in this era and the world.

Unity is at hand.

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