The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1067

Azrael gritted her teeth and said with a ferocious expression.

"That day, the gathering ceremony of all races was to mock us? It's too contemptuous, God of Disaster!" She turned her head and gave an order quickly.

"All the Flügel, leave a thousand people led by Jibril to guard Lord Artosh's temple! The rest will attack with me!"


Follow orders without hesitation.

Afterwards, covering the sky and blocking out the sun, the largest number of Flügel troops in history was dispatched.

They left Avant Heim, and flew in the direction of the two gods who came alone.

The whale-like phantom species let out a deep roar as if cheering for them.

"They're here..."

"I'll leave it to you, my lovely companion." Luo Pei said with a smile.


Fan Lou hummed softly, and his eyes were fixed on the huge number of Flügel.

"Facing the strongest god, don't die. My only ally, the answerer, is also your partner... If you really can't win, I will find a way to get you from the God of War. out of hand."

The way the girl gods express their concern is awkward.

"Who do you think I am?"

The black air is thick, and Luo Pei slightly reflects the image of a dark blue demon god with four arms and no face.

"The bright star cup will definitely be held in my hands."

"Only this time——with the essence of "asking for hope", I wish your wishes to come true. "

Fanlou waved the brush in his left hand lightly, and the power of the spirit gradually rose and expanded.

The first birth of the gods, her power broke out on the earth for the first time, and was recognized by intelligent creatures, and then there was deep fear.

——Like ants in the face of natural disasters.

That indecent, absurd, and unreasonable power shook the structure of the entire planet.

Forces become waves, waves transform into material shapes, concepts are defined and emerge, "re-created" in an instant.

By imitating the world to open up, copying the miracle of creating the world.

- Create continents in the sky.

The "spirit" of Fan Lou is not good at fighting, so she gave up what she was not good at, and played to the extreme in the field she is good at.

The land rises, the trees grow, and the rivers flow.

The gradually unfolding continent brought a night-like shadow to the ground.

That shadow also surrounded the hearts of the Flügel.

Chapter 97 Before the Throne, "Disaster" and "War"

"Analysis wizard invalidation program loaded..."

"Confirmation" space is fixed. "

""Execute" the authorization of the Creator Essence has been issued, and implement the "seal" strategy against the invading Flügel. "

The five ancestors created by Fanlou replaced their creators who were not good at fighting, and used the power of the God of Suspicion to cover the sky full of Flügel.

The earth hummed like a carpet, and the continents in the sky swept up from both sides, tightly surrounding the Flügel.

Although the killing angel wanted to disperse and avoid the capture of the seal.

But the continent created by Fanlou is too wide, and they who cannot use space to move can't fly out with flying ability alone.

The figure of the spirit species sitting on the ink fountain gradually faded, apparently entering the recreated continent to prevent the Flügel species from destroying it.

"Be careful, Fanlou."

Rope said.

"I made a promise with a certain girl to give her a perfect future. If you can't control your strength and kill all those Flügel, my promise will not be fulfilled."

"I know."

The echo of Fanlou remained in the air.

Luo Pei looked up at the sky, his eyes passed through the huge continent, and he fixed on the whale-shaped fantasy species.

Avant Heim also seemed to be staring at the God of Disaster, exuding a faint hostility, as if warning Rope not to approach.

But this feeling is only for a moment.

In the next moment, the phantom species' strict defense disappeared.

It seems to have received some order, not only hostility, but even the barrier of the "small world" has been opened in Luo Pei's perception.

This is Artoxiu's invitation.

That's why it's good to say that this "strong" type of guy.

Never do useless ink marks with opponents who are obviously of the same personality, what kind of drama will you pass the level and meet the boss at the end.

Artoxiu has been looking forward to the rare "friend" for so long, he crazily advocates one-on-one, and he fights when he is indifferent to life and death, so he will not let Abant Heim hinder this happiness.

"Now is the time to fulfill the gauntlet that was once issued, and be ready to give up the highest throne..."

Rope adjusted the collar of his black cassock, as if going to a banquet.

Surrounded by an ominous atmosphere, the black-haired youth took a step forward.

At the second step, he had already stepped on the ground of Avant Heim.

Without the spatial isolation of the "small world", it is easier for the spirit species to move in space than to eat and drink.

The city made up of discarded Rubik's cubes, as long as you look up a little, you can see the dotted line of the fairy corridor materialized.

Between the ancient trees and on top of the tower, a girl of the Flügel with fluttering wings watched him vigilantly.

Unlike Avant Heim, it is impossible for a Flügel girl to suddenly let go of her hostility towards the God of Disaster even if Artosh's order is issued.

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