The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1077

"Remember this moment—"

All living beings humbly, with the unique etiquette of their respective races, offer their respect and submission to the new ruler of this planet.

The end and the end is a cycle.

In throes, a new era kicked off.

In this era, as long as the only God is respected, there will be no disasters out of thin air, and the sudden disasters that fly will take away lives.

Every living being has access to the soil on which they live.

The haze is over.

"Did you make it……"

"God of Suspiciousness" Fanlou muttered a little tiredly, and took back the brush that was swaying the power of the essence.

"As expected partner..."

The girl god no longer had that stiff expression, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Nightmare species are cheering for their creator. Xin Ke and Yu Wuhuan, the favorite concubines of the God of Disaster, wept with joy.

The blood-sucking species are even more fearful and joyful, and they can't find the north with joy-they are the last race to join the camp of the god of disaster, and they almost broke the surrender.

"Smart Dragon" Regin Levi and "Oneiroi Apostle" Inzaen Nibia stayed together and let out a long sigh.

"Congratulations, Phantasmal, your master successfully defeated Artosh and was crowned the "sole god" of this world... A new era has begun. "


Facing Regin Levi, Nibia was still so indifferent.

But when the white-haired girl looked at the sky, there was an uncontrollable admiration in her eyes.

From surrendering to the god of disaster, to the master winning the throne of "the only god". This period of time is obviously negligibly short for the Phantasmal species, but Nibia always has a feeling of "finally over".

——The great god species.

In the north of the main continent, where the cold wind howls.

The red-haired girl, "Blaster" Cthugha withdrew her power to protect the Ashes, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Growth is indeed impeccable... the divinity of "war"... If you lead us, including this hatred sealed by the ancient god, I will definitely not go to war as passively as last time ..."

She stroked her stomach.

"Well... In this way, I will have to compete with those guys for Little Lopez... Damn Nyarlathotep, she has to be one step ahead of everything, it is extremely hateful, I will die in the burning Bar……"

In the middle of the sentence, it turned into a curse on Naiyazi helplessly. Since he said that, how could the nature of the evil god be changed so easily.

The evil god of inflammation flew down.

The ashes of the former human species have established their city-states in this cold land.

The tall city wall of Losric has already stood in the mountains, and various buildings in the city are also rising.

It is foreseeable that after the advent of the peaceful era, the group of human beings who have been confused by fire will have their first civilized city more comfortably.

As for "Blaster" Cthugya...

The long-lost trip inside the world, maybe she will have to stay for a while, follow these rare believers and continue to have some fun.

——Until Rope set off for the next trial world.

Chapter 103 Trial settlement, "The Only God" and "War Knight"

A gust of wind with a soft scent of flowers blows, gently depressing the green grass.

Accompanied by a few butterflies fluttering, and platinum dragon spirits shuttling between the clouds, the azure sky is both dreamy and refreshingly clean. There are groups of goblins playing in the flowers. The residents of these illusory dreams don't like war very much, and the peace now just fits their nature.

The world is like the Garden of Eden in the Bible, perfect and flawless.

The God of Disaster no longer has the name of "Disaster". After he seized the "Star Cup", he has only one honorary title left among the creatures in the world.

——“One God”.

The supreme god who governs the rules of heaven and earth and harmonizes all things.

Perhaps there are still some people in Lopez's old department who still call him the "God of Disaster", but sooner or later, after getting used to the current era, this name will be buried deep in history.

On the top of the sky, there is a dreamlike city.

Using "Almighty", Luo Pei unreasonably dragged the dream city into reality.

It doesn't matter what technology or spiritual limitations.

Because he is the "only God", it is "reasonable" to turn the world upside down. Making "dreams come true" is really a simple matter, so simple that only one thought is enough to complete.

On the top floor of the Star Clock Tower, gentle sunlight shone down, dispelling a little gloom.

A handsome young man with black hair and blue eyes sat on the throne, and he was the only one there, and even the "King of Phantasmal Species" Inzaen Nibia, who was always at the side of the god, let him leave.

The trial to capture the "Star Cup" is over, and it's time for liquidation.

To be honest, in fact, Luo Pei doesn't care much about the rewards of the system.

The merged Nephilim bloodline has been upgraded to "War Knight", and he himself bears the glory of a demigod. Those so-called enhancement cards and item cards are really not as helpful to Luo Pei at this moment as he himself is studying the secrets of "divinity" happy.

—He has gone his own way.

But after thousands of years, the "sense of ritual" is better preserved.

Even if it is not a hard-working trial, it is always pleasant to be rewarded, no matter how much it is.

The black-haired young man opened the pop-up window he hadn't seen for a long time, and found that the interface of the system had changed at some point.

With the dark golden border, Azalia took the initiative to sort out some useless introductions for him, making the interface much simpler and cleaner as his strength grew more and more cumbersome.

"Name: Rope

Bloodline: Great Old Ones

Occupation: Arcanist

Rank: DemiGod

Divinity: Kingship, Chaos, Time, War. "

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