The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1089

What is this feeling...

Dark, deep, so terrifying... an irresistible sense of powerlessness...

And so sublime...

La Folia's psychic characteristics belong to the "highest" sequence even in the Lehavain family of generations of psychics.

Although she hadn't tried it, La Folia knew that she could even summon the spirit furnace of the "High Elf" in her body.

This is an ability that the rest of the Leharvain family psychics do not possess.

Pursuing the guidance of inspiration, La Folia raised her head and looked around, her blue eyes constantly scanning the crowd on the street.


Where is the Inhuman...?

In the end, inspiration made her lock her eyes on the windows on the fourth floor of the hotel.

Inside the opened window, there is a black-haired young man who is so handsome that he does not look like a human being.

Holding a book in one hand, he looked down at the convoy of the royal parade in a nonchalant manner, without any external emotional expression, just like watching a group of ants bustling human beings.

Soon, the eyes met.

Like fiery pincers piercing the brain and making it boil. Obviously without any pain, La Folia's consciousness was instantly deprived of some powerful sense of existence, and she fell down as soon as her eyes went dark.

At the end of the blank line of sight was Justina's anxious expression and her worried appearance calling out her name.

I don't know how long it has been.

When the hazy consciousness began to recover, La Folia was already lying in a certain room in the annex, where the banquet was held.

Her father and her mother looked at La Folia worriedly.

"Mother... my lord?"

"Fulia, are you too tired?"

The princess asked worriedly, with a bit of self-blame.

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have the banquet earlier because I'm happy. Whether it's tonight's banquet or tomorrow's class, I'll cancel it for you..."

"It's not for this reason, it's just..."


"...No, it's nothing. Queen Mother, please let me have a good rest."

In the end, La Folia didn't tell what she saw, because she didn't want her parents to worry.

Just thinking about it made me tremble with fear.

But there is also a certain kind of wonderful attraction that makes La Folia, who is a psychic medium, unable to give up.

If there are professionals proficient in oriental mysteries present at this moment, I am afraid that they can give a sharp answer to this state.

Another name for psychics in the East is "witch".

And just as "gods" are attracted to witches, witches are also attracted to more "noble" beings.

These La Folia who specialize in Western magic knowledge are destined to be impossible to know.

After the king and princess had left the room, La Folia got up from the bed, opened the window and stared at the sky at dusk.

The idea of ​​"going to see that young man" automatically came to her mind.

Without even thinking about how to leave the heavily guarded annex, such an idea came up.

La Folia felt very strange.

"The bloodline of the Lihavain family...the psychic...what happened?"

Princess Silver clutched her collar in pain.

Soon, unbearable to bear this weird torture, she made a decision.

La Folia has always shown others with a straightforward and decisive personality from the time she could remember until she was a slim thirteen year old.

And so it is.



From the shadows, the princess's personal knight, Ji Knight, stepped out.

La Folia said seriously.

"Justina, I want you to do me a favor..."

Leaving aside the lively royal dinner, tonight in the capital of Ardikia is not destined to be peaceful.


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Chapter 4 The Queen and the Evil God

"His Royal Highness La Folia, it's too risky... In about forty minutes, the king and queen will come to see you after the dinner. If you find that you are not in the other hotel..."

Justina, the royal guard knight, placed her palm on the hilt of her sword nervously, while looking around from side to side.

This is the King's Avenue in the capital, and it is full of people who come out to shop and have fun in the dark. Coupled with the festive atmosphere of the "royal dinner", the number of people increased by two or three levels compared to usual.

If any of them are bad for the princess...

Justina didn't dare to think about it, she already regretted obsessively agreeing to La Folia's request to "smuggle her out of the other building".

"There will be no problems."

The silver princess lowered her hood to cover her long silver-white hair.

"I just went to 'confirm' something. Even if my talent, that feeling is not close, I can't recognize it again... I have to confirm it. "

"The matter has come to this, you still don't plan to say why you came out specially?"

Justina asked in embarrassment.

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