The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1091

Justina clenched the hilt of the sword in her hand, pulled out a sharp blade, and the simulated holy sword system could be activated at any time. And La Folia also stared intently at the position of the stairs.

It was as if a monster was attacking with a shadow, and the air was filled with the illusion of dead silence and coldness.

The increasingly tense atmosphere forced Justina's rationality into a straight line, and she would collapse at the slightest explosion.

Finally, someone showed up.

"You guys are really brave."

After these plain words, it seemed that all the terrifying atmosphere was an illusion and disappeared.


Justina was dumbfounded.

It was not a monster that appeared in sight, but a handsome black-haired young man.

He was wearing a slim windbreaker, holding a thick ancient book in his right hand, and his azure blue eyes looked playfully at the two girls who seemed to be posing exaggeratedly during a drama...  

La Folia blinked her eyes.

Suddenly, the moment the young man appeared, all her psychic perception disappeared.

At the same time, the "attraction" that will come no matter what, also rises away like water vapor.

"La Folia Lihavain..."

Rope sighed.

"You came here on your own just because you met my gaze in the afternoon. Are you stupid, or are you involuntarily caused by your blood? Probably, it's the latter?"


Princess Silver didn't know what to say.

Without her attractiveness, her IQ and rationality regained the upper hand, and at the same time she knew how bold and ridiculous she had acted.

La Folia took a deep breath. The good education of the royal family made her bow slightly and speak elegant words.

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty to come here, trying to meet you without notification is really not my wish..."

"It's okay, it's my wrong estimate of your psychic qualifications. I didn't expect your qualifications to be so outstanding. After I covered up my breath, I still read part of my personality... Fortunately, your brain's self-protection The mechanism is still there, and the instinct is not too deep, otherwise even I don't know what you will become."

If you had to make a comparison, La Folia should be considered the one with the highest aptitude for "inspiration" among the "human beings" that Rope saw.

Even the priestesses among the former godslayers are incomparable.

Luo Pei walked to the sofa in the hall and sat down with his legs crossed.

"Okay, I've removed the inexplicable "attraction" for you, and you've seen me satisfy your curiosity. Go back quickly before your parents notice. If you want to get to know me, please come here as a formal meeting, I don't want to cause unnecessary trouble during my vacation..."

The silver queen's cheeks were burning red.

Not shy.

Sheer disbelief and embarrassment at his actions.

Justina looked at the two of them left and right, and she couldn't understand the causal relationship and logic of this conversation, which seemed like a conversation between gods and gods.

It's like the two are talking about a secret that only they know.

The hall gradually fell silent, and the sound of boots colliding with the concrete floor came from a distance outside the door.

There are groups in groups, and an expert can tell it is a well-trained army as soon as they hear it.

— Knights of the Holy Ring.

At the same time, the sound of martial law sirens resounded throughout the capital.

The black-haired young man picked up the book to cover his face, and sighed silently.

The blood attraction to high-ranking beings; the willful nature of the little girl; two seemingly unrelated things have led to the current situation by chance and coincidence.

As far as he is concerned, although he is interested in La Folia, the meeting he wants is definitely not in the form at this moment.

"your Highness!"

"Your Highness La Folia, are you alright?!"

The knights in white armor rushed into the hotel and immediately surrounded La Folia with guards in the middle.

Then came a lady with long silver hair and a strong Viking man in a straight suit.

King, queen, princess.

The three most important members of the royal family of Ardikia gathered here.


Second update, continue to ask for monthly tickets and rewards!

Chapter 5 The Origin of Her Royal Highness's Gossip

The increasingly complicated environment made the black-haired young man a little uncomfortable.

He hadn't planned to make such a big commotion.

Stop and go, play games, and then go to settle in Xianjin Island, spread his "horror novel collection", and then intervene in the plot by chance, this is Luo Pei's original plan.

But the young Silver Princess broke his plan.

Of course, it doesn't mean that the pretty little girl is at fault, she just obeyed the call of her own "blood".

——Fate tricks people.

"La Folia."

The queen with long silver hair, Pollyfnia Lihavain casually glanced at the black-haired young man sitting obediently on the sofa, and then stared at La Folia seriously.

"Why did you sneak away from the annex without telling me and your father, and even asked Justina to issue an "alarm" to summon the Knights of the Holy Ring? "

"Master Empress..."

At this moment, La Folia no longer had the determination to face Knight Ji.

Like a thirteen-year-old girl who really did something wrong, she lowered her head with guilt.

"It was just a little accident..."

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