The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1100

he laughed.

"Your highness the cunning princess, have you achieved your goal?"

"There is no purpose." La Folia said respectfully: "It is the highest honor for us mortals to provide a little convenience for the Lord God."

"The King and Queen of Ardikia have a wonderful daughter..."

The black-haired youth took back the books and got up from the seat.

"I won't go to see your father and mother, and say hello to them for me. At the same time, in view of your gift, the trouble I just promised you, you can add the "war" related matters. "


"I mean……"

The black-haired young man squatted down and whispered like a devil in the ear of the thirteen-year-old princess.

"I can use the power once for Ardikia or yourself."


La Folia was silent.

In the word of God, there is the taste of blood.

The princess smelled it.

Because of this, she didn't know how to answer.

A princess who was born in a peaceful age, it was hard for her to imagine how terrifying the world would be if she really used the power of God.

"Well, of course this is only a last resort, but I still like Ardikia's "peace". "

Luo Pei combed La Folia's long silver hair.

"Take it as a secret agreement between the two of us?"


"Then look forward to seeing you again in the future, La Folia, my lovely psychic lady..."

The black-haired young man seemed to be role-playing, he smiled and took the back of the queen's hand and kissed it lightly.

Then, his figure disappeared in the palace of Ardikia.

Feeling the residual temperature on the back of her hand, La Folia took a deep breath, and some emotions in her eyes became more and more intense.

Yes, we will definitely meet again...

The only sublime god in this world.

Chapter 9 String God Island, Gothic Lolita, Black Silk, High Heels

The international situation has always been volatile, and more so in recent times.

It's not just the "Black Death Emperor faction" remnants' attack that extended from the "Vistula riots" in Eastern Europe earlier.

The "Hungarian Ghost Alliance", which once blatantly attacked the "Warlord Domain" and occupied the aristocratic territory of the Warlord Domain, has recently made a new move, involving the "Extinction Dynasty" of the Second True Ancestor.

Moreover, according to vague rumors, the actions of the ghosts this time are related to the fourth primogenitor "Night Lord of Flame Light" who only exists in rumors and dreams.

The so-called Xionggui refers to the inferior vampires who "can't summon beasts" and only have physical abilities.

Plundering repeatedly throughout history, purebred vampires are disgusted by their rude and tyrannical habits. And the Hun ghosts themselves have long since disregarded themselves as vampires, and even regarded purebred vampires as their lifelong enemies.

Such a group of extremist terrorists had a relationship with the illusory Fourth True Ancestor, and at the same time offended the two True Ancestors, the Forgotten War King and the Eye of Extinction.

For a time, international public opinion was surging, even covering up the news that Aldikia was the first honorary nobleman to appear since entering the 21st century.

— buzz buzz.

The engine hummed low, and the plane landed on the long runway.

After the hatch was opened, a black-haired young man in a slim trench coat walked out, scanning this modern city with an obvious high-tech feel.

"An artificial island built on the dragon's veins... Humans always have wonderful ideas."

After leaving Ardikia, Rope walked a few laps around the territories of the true ancestors. After finding that it was not as interesting as expected, he went directly to the place where the anecdote gathered. island.

This island is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, floating about 330 kilometers above the waters south of Tokyo. It is made of carbon fiber, resin, metal and magic. A man-made city.

The temperature on the island is maintained above 20 degrees all year round, and the total population is about 560,000. Although the administrative division is called Itogami City, Tokyo, it is actually a special administrative region "Demon Special Zone" with an independent political system.

To protect the endangered demons and study their body tissues and special abilities to contribute to the world.

Of course, this statement can be taken seriously, or it can be taken as a joke.

Human beings will always say that the behavior of infringing on the interests of other races is so high-sounding, and even make other races themselves believe this statement, and in order to get that little money, they can't wait to send it to their door.

A multi-racial fusion society is a kind of mutual aggression of civilizations.

Whichever civilization is more outstanding and closer to the people will win and occupy the dominant position in society.

At present, only vampires are barely equal to humans in this respect, and it depends on the "true ancestors" who have the strongest symbol of force.

However, these things have nothing to do with Luo Pei.

The black-haired young man put on decorative sunglasses for himself and walked out of the airport. When he came out after passing through the tunnel, Luo Pei had already changed into more ordinary casual clothes, like an ordinary tourist.

After all, wearing a windbreaker on a hot day is still too conspicuous, not his style.

Because the overall area of ​​the artificial island is limited, there are lively streets as soon as you leave the airport. Young boys and girls, full of fashion, trend, modern feeling, just over the top.

In Oriental mysticism, dragon veins are called "the river of planetary vitality".

And Xianshen Island, which was built at the intersection of huge dragon veins, naturally inherited this characteristic, bringing vitality to this perennial summer city.

It can be regarded as a subtle feng shui technique.

"Youth makes you breathless..."

The God of Longevity sighed.

--not bad.

After coming to Xianjin Island and intending to stay permanently, he naturally needs a resident first, which is a habit left by Luo Pei from a long time ago.

The black-haired young man took out the ID in his jacket.

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