The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1102

At the same time, she also wondered why the race that gave birth to these rotten guys was honored by the world as "Nobles of the Night"?

I'm afraid, apart from the super high combat effectiveness of the "old generation" nobles of their same clan, there is no other reason...


The impact of the high heels and the ground stopped.

She has come to a place that is not conspicuous enough, no matter what happens here, even if she kills people, it will not cause panic and riots among the outside residents.

"Could it be possible, do you want to be here? What a bold little sister..."

One of the vampires licked his lips, his eyes were scarlet like blood, and the "blood-sucking urge" inevitably erupted.

The young girl pulled out the lace folding fan from her sleeve, and tapped her forehead as if having a headache.

Then, she spoke.

Surprisingly, it was not a soft loli voice, but a deeper and more mature voice, full of a wonderful sense of majesty.

"Let me tell you, you look like a vampire over forty years, right? Don't you feel disgusted to call yourself "brother"? "


The vampire blinked in amazement.

He didn't expect that the girl who acted "honest and timid" just now would say such pungent words.

Then, with a crisp sound of snapping fingers, at a speed that even the two vampires' sensitive five senses could not perceive, a pitch-black chain appeared out of thin air and locked them up.


"Damn! What is this!?"

The vampire struggled crazily, bursting out with strange power, but the chain remained motionless, getting tighter and tighter.

"Let me see……"

The young girl walked up to the vampire who was forced to be honest, grabbed his wrist, and operated the bracelet a few times, and the identity of the other party appeared at a glance.

"It's not the D type... Are you just ghosts? I thought it was a big fish worth my trip, but it turned out to be a small shrimp."

She pouted.

"Type D" is the title of the vampire whose bloodline was inherited from the First Primordial Forgotten Battle King. They can use beasts and are closest to the vampires recognized by ordinary people.

"What about Hun, Hun ghost!?"

The vampire yelled, as if his pride had been stimulated by a young girl.

The gothic loli girl shrugged and said flatly.

"I don't mean to discriminate against Hun ghosts. You are Hun ghosts. The problem is that you have violated the laws of this "Devil Special Zone". Lately my female students have been claiming to be harassed by vampires in the area, so I took time out of class preparation to come and have a look... well, you're under arrest, scumbags. "

The girl took out another ID card from the cuff that looked like a four-dimensional pocket.

In the darkness, the vampires saw the golden words "National Attacker" and the name printed under the girl's head.

——Nangong that month.

"This name is... the witch of the void!?" one of the ghosts exclaimed.

"Oh, although he is a ghost, he is quite knowledgeable."

Hearing Nangong Nayue's generous admission, the two vampires felt bad in an instant.

They were trembling all over, with tears and snot streaming down their noses, looking extremely terrified.

Even if they haven't seen it with their own eyes, they have already heard about the horror rumors of the "Gap Witch" among the European demons. Even the old generations and nobles, as long as they are targeted by her as a sorcerer, none of them can escape. Or even evaporate completely.

I didn't expect that just the act of striking up a conversation would provoke such a terrifying existence.

"Please, please, don't kill me, let's get out of here immediately..." the vampires begged.

"I never intended to kill you, idiot!"

Nangong scolded the terrified vampire that month, lit his temple with a folding fan, and muttered helplessly.

"It's not a good thing to be too makes me look like a murderer..."

A psychedelic purple magic circle appeared, and the two ghosts were locked into a different space by Nangong Nayue's ability as a witch.

All that is left is to hand over the two criminals to the police officer of the special zone, and then lock them up for a few months to educate them.

It's just striking up and harassing, if you don't use any violence, it's only this level of punishment.

Putting the folding fan back into the sleeve, Nayue brushed her long hair and tidied it up a bit.

After completing the deputy job, it's time to go back and finish the main job English teacher's lesson preparation, otherwise it's not good for the students' evaluation of her teaching to drop tomorrow...

Attacking magician is only a deputy. For Nangong Nayue, the teacher is the main job.

"Oh? Is it over already?"

The voice from the entrance of the alley made Nayue's pace pause.

She turned her head, and there was a handsome young man standing at the end of the alley. He has clear eyes, wears ordinary casual clothes, holds a bunch of grilled squid in his mouth, and looks like a commoner shopping.

General public?

Have you been seen...

"Well, it's all right."

The gothic loli was doing business, and replied in a tired voice.

"Personal suggestion, don't wander around in such a dark place at night. If you are beaten by the demons, even if you call the police, no one will deliberately accept such a small case. You can only ask for trouble."

She kindly warned in her own way.

But the other party didn't intend to leave at all, instead, he walked over directly.

"But, a lovely lady like you is staying here..."

That month sighed again, and took out the magician's license again.

This kind of misunderstanding is not the first time.

Thanks to her body shape and appearance, not to mention ordinary people, even her students often call her "Little Nazuki" as if joking.

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