The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1105

He didn't despise the words of that month.

After all, this is the responsibility of the other party. It is pure idiocy to pour cold water on others who want to have a friendly conversation, and he will not do it.

"I have the "Landing Permit". "

He put the certificate that La Folia gave him on the table, and pushed it in front of Nangong Nayue.

After the gothic loli picked it up, she read the words on it in a rather strange tone.

""Honorary Marquis of Ardikia"..." Nayue frowned, looking over and over again.

"Entry visa? The badge certified by the royal family of Lehavain?... Are you the only honorary nobleman conferred by the Kingdom of Ardikia in modern times?"

"That seems to be the case."

Rope shrugged.

Slowly, Nangong put down the certificate in his hand that month.

After a long sigh, she covered her forehead and said.

"Unfortunately, I thought you were a sorcerer in the "Library"... The Honorable Marquis of Ardikia would do such a shameless thing, my impression of that country began to decline... What a farce! "

Some people may wonder why a national attacking magician is in a state of basic trust with just a piece of paper?

Because this certificate with the unique anti-counterfeiting badge of the royal family of Aldikia represents the international reputation of the Lehavain family to a certain extent, and it is impossible for outsiders to easily hold it.

If Rope did something bad, the Kingdom of Aldikia would be fully responsible only by virtue of the certificate and identity recognized by the Lihavain family.

Nangong Nayue didn't trust this inexplicable black-haired youth, but she obviously trusted the royal family of King Ardikia not to make a decision that would damage her reputation.

In fact, in Eastern Europe, the Kingdom of Ardikia has a pretty good reputation, which is much higher than the domain of the Forgotten King of War.

"Lord Ardichia!"

After the identity verification was legal, the goth loli seemed to be expressing her depression, and her tone became a little rude.

"Although I don't know what kind of privileges you enjoy in the Kingdom of Ardikia, how about you please restrain yourself a little in the independent administrative region of the "Demon Special Zone"? Attacking a country's magician, this can be raised to an international event! "

"Don't forget, it was the National Attacker who attacked me first."

"……It does not matter!"

The wrong month gritted her teeth.

"Illegal use of high-level magic technology, illegal stalking and invasion of private houses, suspicion of harassment, I will truthfully report it to Ardikia!"


Rope smiled nonchalantly.

"However, Miss Nangong, being able to say such a thing means that you agree to my invitation?"

"Do you still insist on your silly statement under the circumstances?"

"Boring? No, that's my starting point from the beginning."


In just ten minutes of meeting, Nangong knew certain characters of the handsome black-haired young man who was named as an Ardikia noble in front of him that month.

——If you don’t reach your goal, you will never give up.

And a bad taste that is slightly out of touch with common sense.

After careful calculation, this is the first time someone has invited her since she became this young...

Nangong thought about it divergently that month, and then exchanged the certificate to Luo Pei.

"You've got to be the weirdest guy I've seen in use that level of power just for such a small thing..."

The goth loli sighed wearily.

"Okay, as Lord Ardikia wishes, I agree to your ridiculous invitation. But at the same time, Lord Ardichia, you have to explain in detail why you know about the "Prison Barrier" and me. "

Her eyes narrowed.

"Please don't prevaricate or avoid talking about it. This is a matter of my life and the safety of the 500,000 people on Itogami Island."

Although the other party was really not hostile, and his identity seemed to be okay, Nangong did not forget her secret revealed by the young man in front of him that month.

This kind of important news must find out the source of intelligence.

There are multiple magical criminals imprisoned in the "Prison Barrier", and many of them have their own organizations. If the news leaks out, I'm afraid not only she herself, but the entire Isogami Island will not want peace and cleanliness.

Especially the "library"...

Ah Ye...

Recalling the past and a certain beautiful witch who likes to wear twelve singles, the gothic loli has a slightly complicated expression.

"no problem."

The process was a bit tortuous.

But fortunately, the invitation was finally successful.

The mood of the black-haired young man, who had been tortured by boredom these days, was rarely happy.

Chapter 12 Fairy, Witch, and God in the Tea House

On the artificial island floating on the Pacific Ocean, you never have to worry about dim lights at night.

Youth is vitality, and vitality is excitement.

In the commercial street near the cornerstone gate of Xianjin Island, the flow of people did not decrease even after ten o'clock in the evening, but it was accompanied by more and more vampire activities.

Only those who have seen the night view of Itokami Island can truly understand what the so-called "Demon Special Zone" is.

- Mixing and coordination of multiple races.

Like the wonderful music played by complicated instruments, although there is an undercurrent surging under the gorgeous movement, the surface is always so glamorous and fascinating.

At the end of the commercial street, in a teahouse that doesn't look like mountains or water, demon gods and witches are crammed into a small VIP room.

Judging by Nangong's proficiency in the Japanese tea ceremony procedures that month, it is probably not the first time he has come here. Even though the gothic loli dress she was wearing didn't match the windy surroundings, Luo Pei miraculously couldn't find any flaws.

It seems that everything she does is full of elegance.

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