The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1109

" wrote it?"

"Well, I wrote it while eating barbecue and drinking red wine the night before yesterday."

Rope pointed to the corner of the book cover.

"Look, there are oil stains here, right? I accidentally dropped it, and I didn't bother to wipe it, so I just threw it there. I took it with me when I was packing up the manuscript for publication today..."


Nangong felt that her three views were being impacted that month.

Magic books are basically the product of history and time. I haven't heard of anyone who can write magic books in modern times, and looking at the understatement of the black-haired young man, I am afraid that Luo Pei himself does not know that he wrote it. Books of the "magic book" level.

Who is this guy?

The curiosity that Nangong had chosen to keep that month began to flare up.

But now is not the time to think about that.

Goth Loli stretched out her hand and said in a deep voice.

"If you still admit that you have the same position as me, then hand over the magic book to me. As a national attack magician, I must judge the "harmlessness" of the content. Dangerous. "

When he said this, Nayue was actually a little nervous.

The two of them got along pretty well these days, but this was a matter related to the magic book, even if the kinship turned against each other, it was not impossible.

Magic books have this charm.

"Do you want to see it? I'm sorry... Well, wait a minute."

The black-haired young man put down the manuscript, and grabbed the cover of the magic book with his left hand.

Nangong couldn't perceive what Luo Pei had done that month.

Just in the next moment, the surging aura of the magic guide book weakened by more than a little.

"for you."

Luo Pei smiled and handed over the book.

"I removed the 'poison' so that no matter how you look at it that month, it's not dangerous. However, you still have to be careful not to try the magic ritual above, there will be a very bad danger..."

The goth loli took the magic book in a daze, and asked incredulously.

"You, just give me the book?"

"Am I still stingy with a draft paper? You really look down on me."

Luo Pei shrugged, picked up the manuscript and walked towards the publishing house.

"Just treat it as a boring read to pass the time while drinking coffee, and remember to give me a review later."

Nangong watched the black-haired young man leave in that way, and the real feeling of the book in her hand told her that she was not dreaming.

Am I out of touch with the world?

She asked sincerely.

Not only can you write a magic book, but you can also remove the danger from the magic book and give it to others...

It seems that I have to find a time to ask him about his real identity...

Nangong opened the book that month and saw the title on the title page.

——"The Praise of the Father of All Demons".

A gust of gloomy wind blew past, dispelling the lingering summer heat of Xian Kami Island.

The gothic loli was silent, and walked towards the coffee shop with the ominous magic book.

Chapter Fourteen: The Wicked God Seen in the Witch's Eyes

The third part of "The Praise of the Father of All Demons" is the sea of ​​filth.

In the deep sea of ​​Tyres, the nameless Poseidon lies on his side.

You see, there is a new God coming.

The deep diver holds the corrupted coral in his hand, and the tall star family holds the crown for him.

The nameless Poseidon put the crown on the new god's head and blessed it.

——You were born in water, and you will share the right to control the ocean with me. Every dark tide and every current will sing your name, and you will also indulge in dreams with me.

The new god accepted it with pleasure, and that dark blue twisted figure squirmed forward towards the next world...

"What's this?"

In a corner of the coffee shop, Nangong Nayue covered her head and murmured.

She was obviously the body of the puppet, but she had a headache just like the main body, and the deviation of her thinking made her extremely uncomfortable.

After closing the magic book with a snap, Nangong Nayue let out a sigh of relief.

She became like this just after reading a very small part of the content, not to mention exploring the knowledge and functions of this magic book, reading it again may cause irreversible scars on her spirit.


Very dangerous.

This "Praise Chapter of the Father of All Demons" might be a high-risk magic book of the same level as "Dark Oath".

If Ah Ye was still there, he would definitely be able to judge the value and ability of this book, right?

After all, she is the "Secretary's Witch"...

Thinking of the friend who was imprisoned in the prison barrier by himself, Nangong sighed softly that month.

"That have to can write such a dangerous thing..."

Gothic loli put away the magic book, and tied a knot on it with the "lock of commandments", so that a few words of the content flowed out.

"Hello, the black tea you ordered."


The waiter served the black tea, Nayue propped her cheeks and looked out the window at the publishing house opposite.

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