The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1119

Hope things go well.

He didn't like the title "Returner of the Dead", because it was poured out with the blood of his former friends and companions. If possible, Xiaoya City sincerely hopes that this time it will never be called an honorable resume.

His daughter and his son are all in this investigation team.

Walking along the coastline at the edge of the ruins, the City of Fangs searched for traces of his two children.

But what is interesting is that the child did not find it. On the concrete road not far away, he saw two figures.

One of them is very familiar, and has dealt with it several times in past missions.

The relationship is a bit bad.

"The witch in the gap... Nangong that month?"

Xiao Yacheng frowned and muttered to himself.

"What is the national attacking magician doing in Gozo..."

Before the middle-aged man could come to a conclusion, the girl in a dress met his gaze.

Afterwards, the witch whispered something to the black-haired young man beside her.

The next moment, like a space transfer and a mirage, the two figures disappeared from the sight of Xiaoya City.

"The Returner of the Dead" Xiaoya City. "

A young girl's voice came from behind, carrying a strange majesty.

"Is this investigation team still organized by you?"

Xiao Yacheng turned his head slowly, and said to Nangong Nayue and the black-haired youth who had come to his side.

"No, I'm just working as a consultant for other people."

He is well aware of the witch's methods, so he is not surprised by the sudden space transfer.

"Compared to that, I'm curious why you, the National Attacker, appeared in the ruins of Gozo Island... This kind of thing dealing with the mausoleum has nothing to do with your work, right?"

"It will be related soon."

What Nangong said that month made Xiao Yacheng's heart skip a beat.

National slayers are basically police officers who deal with savage criminals.

The premise for the police to appear is naturally the criminal.

Can the criminal who can let the Void Witch come here from the Far East... Sure enough, it is not a good thing to have a relationship with the Fourth Primogenitor, and the uneasiness has come to fruition so quickly...

At this time, the black-haired young man beside Nangong Nayue spoke.

The object of the speech was not Xiaoya City.

In other words, the black-haired young man didn't take him seriously from the beginning to the end.

"That Yuechan, in your capacity, how long will it take for those annoying guys in the ruins to leave? Or, let me drive away the idlers?"

"Rope, I know your goal, but they are also people with missions, let me negotiate for now..."

Since meeting this witch, Xiao Yacheng has never heard Nangong Nayue speak to others in such a humble tone.

Yes, humbly.

There was a hint of pleading in distress, as if she couldn't disagree with the black-haired youth.

"The city of teeth."

Facing him, Nangong Nangong regained that majestic voice that month.

The maiden took out the certificate of the National Demon Attacker from the dress.

"It's much easier for you here. In the name of the national magician and the international treaty, I will terminate all the actions of this investigation at this moment, and I will bear all the responsibilities. Go and inform the rest of the investigation team."

"wait wait wait!"

Xiao Yacheng shouted in surprise.

"Hey, are you kidding? Even if it's a joke, it's too much. The funder of this investigation team is the MAR Group. If we refuse halfway through the mission, everyone will be burdened with terrible liquidated damages. Some people just can't survive."

"Debt or death, choose one."

Nangong snorted coldly that month.

"For the sake of familiarity, I will give you a reminder that the "brother of the dead emperor" Glenn Sakharov of the "Black Death Emperor faction" is eyeing this place. Xiaoya City, do you want to leave as soon as possible, or stay and talk to those murderous terrorists about liquidated damages? "


His hunch came true.

Chapter 19: The Fairy's Coffin

"'Dead brother' Glenn Sakharov... huh? "

Xiao Yacheng's face was as gloomy as water.

"I know that guy, the culprit who planned several large-scale terrorist attacks and caused the deaths of several vampires of the old generation. But hasn't this professional terrorist been looking for trouble in Eastern Europe? Why did he come to Gozo Island? "

"Who knows."

Nangong Nayue turned his gaze to the blue sea level.

"Perhaps you can ask the 'Snakeman' Dimitrie Vatora to make it clearer. I took this job from him... The premise is that he is willing to explain to you. "

"Duke Arrudialu in the Warlord Domain..."

The middle-aged man repeated the name, his eyes suddenly widened.

Afterwards, he looked at the periphery of the ruins slightly in shock. Under the bright sun, the brown tone of the ruins brought a hint of conspiracy.

Duke Arudialu, the Black Death Emperor faction, Eastern Europe...

Xiao Yacheng feels that the investigation team and the MAR Group may not be the only ones who can investigate the news that "the fourth primogenitor will exist on Gozo Island".

"I see."

Xiao Yacheng sighed, loosening his neckline a little as if expressing his depression.

"I will contact the funder while notifying the investigation team. At that time, I will ask the Nangong attack magician to come forward to explain, otherwise the capitalists who have not seen the results are unlikely to let these workers and mercenaries go...they is innocent."

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