The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 112

"My compatriots here! Now use your ability to change, and transform yourself into a human female, preferably between the ages of twelve and twenty! Remember, the appearance must be beautiful!"

The weird request, the gods didn't react for a while, look at me and look at you, obviously don't know what medicine is sold in Cthulhu's gourd.

"Turning into food... sounds so boring." Satorgua said.

"Hoho, I've changed into a human form once, so it's quite unique." Ygoronak said he was very pleased.

"...inconvenient." Berkrug remained silent.

"Appearance? What is that?" Basatan didn't even understand the meaning of Cthulhu's words.

"Xiao Ke was planning this idea~"

Nyarlathotep thought for a while, and immediately understood Cthulhu's thoughts.

She raised her hand on the stage, waving excitedly for fear that the world would not be chaotic.

"Everyone, hurry up, if you continue like this, little Luo Pei will come and scare him later, and then he will be in trouble, and there are still many things to be asked of him in the future." She pointed to herself and Cthulhu. "If you don't know what human females look like, just imitate our form, and modify the hair color and body shape a little bit."

As one of the three pillar gods, Nyarlathotep the 'Chaos' has spoken, and of course the gods have no reason not to listen.

Under the rendering of colorful divine power, they began to transform from the basis of creatures, and their hateful bodies became slender and slender limbs. Coupled with the faces they had seen or eaten, girls appeared in the evil god's cave one by one , even the lazy toad reluctantly turned into a young girl.

For a moment, the scene that was scarier than hell turned into a male Garden of Eden. Except for the minced meat on the table, no one could think about it. These beautiful girls were just horrible monsters before.


Naiyako nodded, obviously satisfied with the scene presented in his eyes.

"Ahem, since everyone is ready, let me explain today's purpose."

She took out a bamboo whip and hit it on Luo Pei's portrait.

"Today's purpose is only one, and that is to persuade the caller, um, that is, little Luo Pei to carry out the World Raiders Battle!"

Chapter 5: The Ultimate Goal of the Evil God

(The picture shows Hastur’s character design)

"World strategy plan?"

Hearing Nyarlathotep's words, not only the gods, but even Cthulhu, who was standing aside, looked sideways at him.

"Wait, what should be discussed today is who will be responsible for presiding over Rope's 'transformation ceremony' in the future and using various powers and benefits for him to corrupt his mind?"


A blond-haired woman next to her also nodded eagerly.

To say who wants to get Rope the most, there is not only Cthulhu who is jingling with the abacus, but also Hastur, the "king in yellow" who has been integrated with him.

Different from the sinister intentions of the big octopus for future benefits, the indifferent Hasta came all the way from Suang Zengshiliu. A considerable part of the reason is that she is greedy for Rope's unique soul structure, so she will participate in Rope' Transformation Rituals' discussion.

...Just drag him into Lake Harry, maybe he will never be lonely again.

Thinking of this, Hastur strengthened his belief.

"Lord Nyarlathotep, I think..."

"You are not allowed to think! You are short-sighted!"

Like an elder, the silver-haired Naiako interrupted Hastur's words with a knife in one hand.

"What is the most important thing for a caller?"

"...The legendary bonus to the rules of the universe after becoming a god?" Cthulhu touched his smooth chin and said.

"As long as Rope uses the power of the 'Cthulhu pantheon' to be crowned as a true god, then the rules of the multiverse will follow the popularity of the 'Legend of Becoming a God'. As long as he is included in the legend, the power will show a spurt-like increase. At that time, even if I get that power, it will be no problem to create the world in my kingdom of God."

Having said that, Cthulhu is not only fiery in his heart.

Her strength is determined by nature, and it is impossible to increase it the day after tomorrow anyway. This is how much torture she has for the evil god who can never be satisfied with strength.

Now that there is such an opportunity to increase strength in front of him, he would be a fool not to fight for it.

The gods, who didn't know the truth at first, started whispering after hearing Cthulhu's words. Although they are not as powerful as the superior old rulers, it's okay to give mortals a share of their power.

"Oh, so you are too young, little octopus, and the long-term confinement still restricts your vision."

Naiyako said with a sigh.

"The greatest value of a caller is not 'after becoming a god', but in the 'process of becoming a god'."


Cthulhu hesitated and said. "Before he became a god, he was at best a mortal who was constantly accumulating strength. How can this help us? Logically speaking, it should be time for us to give our strength to him and wait for the harvest."

"You will know after listening to me."

Nyarlathotep's expression became dark and he said bitterly.

"The ancient gods and the bastards relied on their own authority over the multiverse, and forcibly imprisoned all the evil gods except me and a small number of other evil gods in the Kingdom of God, preventing us from freely entering and leaving the inner world. prevent chaos from disrupting order'."

Naiyazi looked at her hands, she was able to be here now, she completely gave up most of her strength to come here through the cracks.

Most of the gods present are in this state.

"In this case, don't say that we release our nature, even conveying our own existence must be achieved by borrowing humans or other intelligent creatures."

That was a very long time ago.

The words of the Chaos Messenger evoked sad things that the gods didn't want to recall, and the whole hall slowly began to fill with angry roaring divine power, which was the dissatisfaction that the evil gods had accumulated for a long time.

"Even I, as one of the supreme three pillar gods, have been bound by the stupid restriction of 'can only convey the thoughts of Azathoth', the ghost knows what that soulless body is talking about! Not only that, 'The Heavenly Body In'Ghroth was forced to wander in the universe and could never return home. Yogg Sotos! His power, which was so huge that the ancient gods were afraid, was actually restricted to the very edge of the universe and could not move..."


The pitch-black divine power crushed the solid rock like a gravitational wave, and any intelligent creature could tell that this silver-haired, green-eyed girl was in a rage.

"Of course we are not convinced! In terms of strength, what are those false gods attached to order! In terms of age, they didn't know where to feed when we were born! Why should we be bound! Why should we be defined by 'evil'!"

Nyarlathotep held a bamboo whip and knocked on Rope's portrait again.

"The caller this time is the clarion call for our counterattack! What we can't do, he can use the loopholes in the rules to do it! After becoming a god, relying on legends to improve strength, Luo Pei will definitely experience countless different things during his experience. World, as long as he is firmly tied to our chariot and let him spread the 'Cthulhu Myth' and chaos and fear in various worlds, the authority of the multiverse will slowly fall to us, and the plan is successful, break free Bondage is nothing but casual."

Naiyako seemed to think of the scene at that time, and a charming and bloodthirsty smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The multiverse begins with chaos, and it will end in chaos. When chaos infiltrates most of the world, it's time for those bastards to pay us back for countless years of suffering."

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