The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1125


The thin eyebrows of the gothic loli twitched, and the pencil in her hand was broken into two pieces because of anger.

Taking a deep breath to calm down, Nangong saw in a blink of an eye that month that she had missed the best time to taste the black tea she had brewed.

The petite female teacher couldn't bear it anymore.

"I mean you two! The Fourth Primogenitor, Demon God!" she shouted loudly.

"It's fine to break into my mansion, can't you even keep your voice down when you're playing? I'm still grading the students' homework here. The words written by those little ghosts are as annoying as the ciphertext of the magic book." , your voice makes me unable to concentrate at all!"

"Then come and play together."

The black-haired young man threw the ice cream in his hand to Aurora, ignored the blond young girl who was eating and playing games, and sat beside Nangong Nayue.

"The essence of the so-called teacher is that students write for a month, and you write a review? It's because you are too serious about yourself."

"I'm not the kind of teacher who is perfunctory. Becoming a teacher is the path I chose. I haven't heard of anyone who is not responsible for his choice."

Seeing that she couldn't finish correcting her homework, Nangong Nayue simply dropped the pencil in her hand and relaxed on the sofa.

There is still a day off tomorrow, so let's change it then.

"It's just ridiculous."

The gothic loli couldn't help but complain.

"The fourth primogenitor of the world's strongest vampire, the ominous God of Calamity, such an existence doesn't want to go outside to make troubles, but instead hides in my residence and plays games..."

"Hint, am I working?"

Luo Pei raised the draft in Yang's hand.

His Cthulhu myth creation has never stopped.

Not only is he copying the original works of Master Love Craftsman, but his ability to control the text has become more proficient after practice, so that he has begun to write his own Cthulhu mythology.

"There's no difference, right? I worked eight hours and spent seven and a half hours playing with the vampires over there. Would you mind me, Luo Pei?"

"I understand."

Luo Pei touched his chin with a serious expression.

"It seems that Yue-chan thinks I've left you out in the cold. I'll pay attention next time..."

"Don't distort other people's meaning without permission!"

The black-haired youth smiled and said.

"Isn't this great? We are enjoying our daily life safely, so Yue-chan can save a lot of worry, right? If we all start to act, I'm afraid you won't be able to relax."


Now Nangong has nothing to say in that month.

Indeed, the immeasurable Demon God and the Fourth Primogenitor can live as they are now, which is a boon to her and to the residents of this string god island.

"I lost to you."

Nangong sighed that month.

"Obviously your residence has everything, but you insist on relying on me. I feel that the degree of fatigue recently is the sum of the past year."

"It's lively when there are many people." Luo Pei said, "Doesn't Yuechan hate such a warm atmosphere?"

"Well, it's not that I hate it... Anyway... forget it."

Nangong gave up the sophistry that month, picked up the black tea and took a sip.

"As you two big shots like."


Luo Pei called the name of Uncle Flame Night.

The blond girl tilted her head, then smiled sweetly and dropped the handle in her hand, ran to Luo Pei's side, and threw herself into the arms of the black-haired young man.

Just like a chick develops an affinity for the first being that opens its eyes. Aurora, who has been in touch with Lopena's noble soul and felt kindness, is now in a very clingy state.

If Nangong Nayue has a mature soul stored in a young body, then Aurora is a young girl's mind stored in an ancient body.

After all, she has been sealed since she was born, and she has no chance to act on her own.

The black-haired young man stroked her head and asked.

"How is the manipulation of the beasts recently?"


Aurora puffed out her chest proudly.

"The reason why I couldn't control it when I just woke up is that my mind is still in a state of chaos! Now I can freely control my limbs!"

"very good."

Rope nodded.

"Listen, Aurora, since I have chosen to be your "Elector", I naturally have the responsibility to teach you to become a qualified Fourth Primogenitor. It just so happens that the atmosphere is good today, so let me tell you what a "real vampire" is. "


To be honest, Aurora couldn't understand.

But that didn't stop her from cheering on Luo Pei's earnest expression.

Not only Aurora, Nangong Nayue also pricked up her ears after hearing "real vampire".

Of course she knew all kinds of secrets about vampires, but sitting next to her was a god, who was noble and knew countless hidden existences. Maybe she could hear different conclusions from Luo Pei.

There are not many such opportunities.

"To know the truth, we must first understand what is false."

The black-haired youth said.

"False vampires usually have a non-combat appearance, a slender figure, fear of the sun, a gentle personality, and the characteristics of consciously blending into human society. Not to mention the appearance and figure, I like Aurora's appearance very much, the point It's character. Aurora, if someone offends you and says something rude to you, what will you do?"

"...ignore him?"

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