The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1127

This is completely enough for a true ancestor of vampires.

Under the premise of good destructive power and ability, "World" can achieve the precision that their original beasts do not have, and it is equal to an extra good helper in life and daily life. The most important thing is that the activation of the substitute does not require magic power or other messy powers, and the convenience is simply incomparable.

Think about it carefully, when Aurora doesn't want to move, she can't use the beast to help her get ice cream or food, right? Beyond the range of "A", at least within Itogami Island, Aurora can make the "world" appear anywhere.

"This, this is my new beast!"

Aurora stared dumbfounded at the robust figure floating in mid-air behind her.

With the height of the blond girl, her thighs are not enough to reach "The World", and her forearm alone is as thick as Aurora's waist, not to mention her oppressive and majestic gaze.

"Good, so handsome!"

Aurora began to try to command the "world".

There is no sense of distance to control the beast.

Just like his own body, "World" picked up the strawberry ice cream in an instant and handed it to Aurora.

Then the blond girl started to make the "world" do all kinds of stupid things like getting a new toy. For example, raise yourself high and repeat the call to cancel the process.

If Dio Brando knew that his substitute was being used like this, he would probably cry...


Nangong Nayue frowned and looked at "The World".

"That sense of power... As a god, you can create a beast of the ancestor level without any effort? And you don't need to use magic power to drive it."

This is beyond common sense.

Vampires provide magic power and unlimited negative life to manipulate the beasts, which is the basic common sense in this world.

But the gods broke it easily.

"In a sense, the substitute is the embodiment of life energy. The formed object naturally does not need other things to drive it." Luo Pei said lightly.

"With this ability, Aurora will be more convenient in the "Banquet of Flames". Although I originally didn't intend to let her do it, solve the boring banquet by myself, and send the other electors to hell in an instant...but to prevent accidents! "

"Are you sure it's not your bad taste?"

After getting along for such a long time, Nangong Nayue has been able to clearly judge the mood of the gods from the eyes.

Now, the black-haired young man beside her is obviously very happy, and the reason is definitely not because of the nonsense in his mouth.

It's like what's accomplished, great combinations and achievements that only he knows.

——Vampire plus stand-in ability, this is the kingly way!

"However, the body shape of that beast..."

Nangong developed a sense of déjà vu that month.

It's so similar.

And her as the "guardian" of the witch.

Witches are existences who have signed contracts with demons, and without exception, they will all obtain demon dependents called "Guardians".


The gothic loli asked seriously.

"You often call yourself "evil god" and "demon god", I really want to know, do you have anything to do with "demon"? "

Indeed, there is reason to be skeptical.

According to the black-haired young man, the first existence he saw when he set foot on Xianjin Island was her Nangong Nayue, and Nangong Nayue was a witch.

That alone is enough.

"Comparing me with a devil, are you insulting me, Yue-chan?"

Rope said contemptuously.

"That kind of thing deserves to stand on the same line with me? Don't be kidding. Even at the end of the universe, such a funny thing can't happen. The inferior demons in this world don't even have the qualifications to be my enemy. They can only be like ants. kneel before me."

"Arrogant as always..."

"My arrogance is based on my pure strength."

After the black-haired youth finished speaking, he asked as if he had thought of something.

"That Yuechan, how did you think about the price?"

"...Why did you mention this all of a sudden?"

Nangong felt uncomfortable that month.

Even though she was twenty-two years old, but she had never been in a relationship before, she suddenly got a god boyfriend... This would make everyone feel at a loss, right?

Even though she'd love to fix her troubles, a goth loli's kinks aren't without reason.

"Nothing, just a sudden thought."

Rope shrugged.

"After I tear up your contract with the devil, your "Guardian" can't be used, right? It just so happened that Aurora got the "World", and I can also give her a similar substitute, and it is definitely better than any "Guardian". "

"That's really thanks to Lord Demon God..."

Nangong Nayue sighed.

She didn't really care much about her weakening power.

It was an ordinary female middle school student who became a witch by chance, and then acquired the ability of "space control" through learning. Even if she lost the "guardian", she would not be affected much.

Goth loli only cares about "prison barrier".

"Rope, even if I tear up my contract with the devil, let my body wake up and escape from the dream, can the prison enchantment really still exist?"

"I remember this is not the first time you asked?"

Rope said.

"Then I'll answer you again—that's right! With my help, even without the support of the contract, there will be no problems with the prison barrier. Rather, it will be stronger and unbreakable than before."

He was once the god of dreams.

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