The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1135

By beating or touching people and objects with fists, usable zippers can be made on them, and the space can be opened and closed without damaging the surface of objects with zippers. Also useful for storage, sneaking, joining objects and wounding.

It is also the stand-in ability from "Jojo's Bizarre Adventure". After Nangong lost the "Guardian" that month, Luo Pei gave this ability that belonged to Buccarati to his concubine according to his promise.

In addition, Nangong was very proficient in the ability of "Space Control" in that month, and she was able to use the power of "Steel Chain Finger" almost within ten minutes of obtaining it.

Moreover, this stand-in has a melee combat power comparable to Aurora's "World"! Except that the range is only fifty meters, the others are almost perfect.

Nangong liked it very much that month.

"Yu, so that kind of thing can be exchanged..."

Misaki Sasaki felt dizzy from hearing this, and simply gave up thinking.

Originally, she was not good at thinking about complicated things, the witch's secrets and contracts, and the mysteries in it were as embarrassing as the heavenly book.

Nangong didn't want to continue explaining about "steel-forged fingers" that month, so he continued to ask.

"So, besides your silly pranks, is there anything else going on?"

"Other things... that's right!"

Misaki Sasaki's eyes lit up.

"I took a very good job here! The other party is just a small shrimp from Hokkaido, but the reward is unexpectedly rich. How about it? Then, do you want to go to Hokkaido with me for a tour? After two days It's summer vacation, so there's no problem at all, right?"

"No, go by yourself."


"I still have to go to Xiangami Island Residents' Commune to apply for a marriage certificate. I may not have time."

Nangong Nayue shook his head.

"The one in my family seems very eclectic, but unexpectedly, he pays attention to rituals in this kind of thing. I don't want to disrupt the arrangement and make him unhappy. If he becomes self-willed, I will have a headache... What's wrong? ?”

Goth loli raised her head and saw Misaki Sasaki's frightened expression.

"That moon sauce... what did you just say?"

Sasazaki Misaki twitched the corners of his mouth and put on an ugly smile.

she asked pointing to her ear.

"I didn't have auditory hallucinations, did I? You seemed to be talking about... applying for a marriage certificate? It's you, isn't it someone else?"


Nangong said naturally that month.

"You have also seen the subject, that "Lord Ardichia" Rope. I plan to marry him this summer vacation. "


The beauty in the cheongsam took a few steps back hastily, holding on to the edge of the window with one hand, and covering her forehead with the other.

"Sure enough, I've fallen under the enemy's illusion... That Nangong Nayue couldn't have said the word "marriage"... Who is the enemy? "

"Stop playing tricks."

Nangong Nayue took out her parasol from the different space.

"Miss, you are not allowed to speak out to the students. If those brats know the news, they may be so noisy. I don't want my class to become a press conference, understand?"


Sasaki Misaki replied rather downcast.

"I didn't expect that among our peers in the past, the first one to enter the marriage hall was your little loli, and the other party was a handsome high-ranking nobleman... a hateful winner in life."

Immediately, the fairy girl smiled as if she had changed her face.

"Well, although I was so shocked that my brain flew to the moon, I still wish you well, that Yue-chan."

Although he was a little unwilling to be left behind, Misaki Sasaki's blessings were wholehearted.

She is that type.

"Thank you then." Nangong Nayue looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "If there is a wedding banquet, I will send you an invitation. But judging by my appearance, it will probably cause quite a stir and the society The public opinion on the Internet, so it is very likely that there will be no wedding banquet... At that time, we will just have a drink once."

"Oh! I'm not polite when it comes to drinking!"

"Well, I'll go back first."

Abandoning Cape Sasaki, Nangong left Caihai Academy that month.

She didn't choose to move in space, but walked slowly under the scorching sun holding a parasol.

After getting back her body, Nangong Nayue liked to waste time on such "meaningless" things.

get married...

"I didn't expect that as a witch, I would have such a day when I was ready to spend my whole life alone in the prison barrier."

There was a gentle smile on her lips.

This kind of life trajectory is not annoying.

Soon, Nangong Nayue saw two familiar figures on the opposite side of the commercial street.

Rope and Aurora.

The black-haired young man was holding a parasol, standing helplessly outside the women's clothing store. Aurora happily dragged Luo Pei into the store, as if she had taken a fancy to a certain piece of clothing inside.

The Fourth Primogenitor became more and more lively.

"—Nangong Attack Magician?"

Just as Nangong Nayue was about to cross the road from the viaduct, a serious voice came from a high-end black car beside her.

A middle-aged man in a black suit got out of the car.

"who is it?"

Nangong Nayue squinted at each other from the corner of her eyes, and at the same time noticed several burly men in the car.

And the special firearms they are equipped with against the demons.

"Please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit."

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