The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1149

"...In the long reincarnation, I have never heard of it."

"I saw with my own eyes that the last "Elector" of the Fourth Primogenitor is such a demon god. "

Yuantangyuan pointed to his eyes very seriously.

"The third progenitor "Prince of Chaos" appeared on Itogami Island, trying to touch the other party and the body of "Night of the Flame". But Anbai Nai, do you know what happened? The famous Jiada Kukokan, the true ancestor of North America who led twenty-seven beasts, she was like a little girl with no power to restrain a chicken in front of the other party, if it wasn't for the demon god, she stopped for some reason Take action, I am afraid that there will be one less true ancestor in the world. "


Anbai Nai was stunned.

She couldn't imagine the picture in Yuantangyuan's words.

Immortal, immortal, the most powerful true ancestor in the world, like a little girl with no strength to restrain a chicken?

What a joke.

This is simply challenging the common sense of the world.

The miko calmed down her feverish head and asked the elf woman.

"...Yuantangyuan, are you willing to be responsible for what you say?"

"Do you think I rushed from Xiangami Island to Kyoto within an hour and a half just to tell you some ridiculous jokes?" Yuan Tang Yuan asked back.

Anbai Nai was silent.

The candlelight on the wooden table flickered, stretching the silhouettes of the two.

"Gada Kukokan is still staying on Isogami Island, presumably the commune of Itogami Island will know the news soon. But they certainly can't imagine what kind of terrible things happened on that commercial street... ..." Yuantangyuan continued: "For now, only Nangong Nayue, the fourth primogenitor's body, Jiada Kukokan and I know the truth. An Bai Nai, the Lion King agency must take action , such an existence is too dangerous."

The miko slowly put the brush on the pen stand.

"Yantang, I believe your words. But have you ever thought about how the Lion King agency should take action against the existence that can easily defeat and subdue the Third True Ancestor?"

Anbai Nai looked straight into the eyes of the elves.

"Clear? With the strength of the opponent, I am afraid that as long as we show this idea a little, the Lion King mechanism will disappear from the world. Appease? According to what you said, the gods have a strong interest in the "Banquet of Flames", and the Japanese side does not Does not hold any body of "Flame Night Boss". "

"However, such an existence..."

"Yantang, don't be overwhelmed by fear." An Bainai said, "I don't know what you saw, but it really doesn't look like you."

Yuantangyuan closed his mouth.

Although it didn't show it on the outside, the elf's heart was oppressed by the demon god's aura, and fear spread in his heart like a shadow.

"...Then what should we do?"

"I don't know either."

Anbai Nai sighed.

"Let's wait and see for the time being. Wait until the name inheritance is over, and the three saints will gather to discuss countermeasures, together with the mutated "Flame Banquet". Yuantang, you are the only one who has seen that god with your own eyes, can you describe his character? "

Yuantangyuan recalled the scenes and conversations he saw.

"Arrogance that ignores everything. Seemingly gentle and gentle, once something goes wrong, it will show a tendency to be irritable and sadistic, and has a wonderful self-control for unknown reasons. To put it simply, it is like The weather is changeable in autumn, when it is good, the sky is clear, and when it is bad, it turns into violent thunderclouds."

As a long-lived species who is used to seeing all kinds of things in the world, Yuantangyuan's description of Luo Pei is very appropriate.

After his soul sublimated into a demigod of the evil god system, his character has long gone to various extremes, making it unpredictable.

"Such a distinctive character... It seems that the situation is not too bad."

What An Bai Nai is most worried about is the kind of evil god who has no nostalgia and feelings.

Coupled with the power to easily crush the True Ancestor, it is simply a disaster that one can't even imagine.

Even more terrifying than "Holy Annihilation".

After all, "God of Blame" Cain was killed by the true ancestor of the vampire.

"Yantang, I will continue to trouble you to collect information on Itogami Island. Once there is a countermeasure here at the headquarters, I will notify you immediately."

"That's the only way to do it."

Yuantangyuan sighed and stood up.

"I'll go to Gaoshen Forest to see those little ghosts, if something happens..."

She thought about it, and felt that it was not auspicious, so she swallowed the second half of the sentence.

The elves left the Sansho's shrine.

An Bai Nai picked up the brush and wanted to continue writing, but found that her heart had already been messed up by this surprising news, and she could no longer write that ancient style of writing.

"Thousands of years have passed, not only has the world not become peaceful, but it has become more and more chaotic..."

Chapter Thirty-Five Lolita Married Wife, The Lowly One Delivered to Your Door

The damage to the Quartz Gate Commercial Street was ultimately classified as a "leaked magic experiment".

Even people with a discerning eye could see that it was a battle made by vampire beasts of a high level, but Xian Kamijima Commune insisted on suppressing dissent and public opinion in the cradle.

Because this matter involved, it was not an ordinary vampire of the old generation.

The fourth true ancestor "Night Lord of Flame", and the third true ancestor "Prince of Chaos".

Leaving aside Aurora, her identity has some special and other meanings. But Garda Kukokan is the real ruler of the Empire of the Night, and she herself represents the vane of the "Realm of Chaos". They have to weigh whether they can wrestle with the "Chaos Realm".

The United States, the country with the most developed magic technology, is still struggling to resist the invasion from the back of the "Chaos Realm" on the border. Even if Japan's magic power is not weak, it is impossible to compare with the "Chaos Realm" that has lasted for thousands of years.

Under such a weird situation, no one dared to contact Garda Kukokan immediately.

In this way, Xian Kamishima slowly returned to its usual appearance.

It's just that the undercurrent under the brilliance is a bit more turbulent than before.

In the most luxurious part of the education district, the sun shines into the three-story one-family villa.

The black-haired young man was sitting on the sofa beside the bed, wearing only a thin light blue shirt, shaking a glass of some vintage red wine in his hand, admiring the "Guide to Hating Demons" that he had written and perfected these days.

"Chapter in Praise of the Father of All Demons"; "Fable of War"; "The Deepest Depth of Dreaming Hell"; "The Terror in Time"...

Although in terms of fame, it is not as good as those well-known Cthulhu cults, but the power and corrosive knowledge contained in it are genuine.

Their charm is stronger than the magic books of this world.

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