The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 117

Luo Pei clicked on the bullet box, and the options for the mission appeared in his sight.

1. "Dragon Ball Super" goal: kill Monkey King/destroy the earth (choose one)

2. The goal of "The Avengers": Destroy the Norse Protoss/Kill Thanos (choose one of the two)

3. Goal of "God Killer": kill ten gods/eliminate the existence of gods who do not obey (choose one of the two)

4. One Punch Man Goal: Kill Saitama (…take care)

After reading it, Luo Pei closed the pop-up window with satisfaction.

Then there was a violent roar.

"Azalea, I'll fuck you to death! You're going too far!"

'Wow...' Azalia was taken aback by Rope's roar, and even her voice was distorted.

'Why are you scolding me all of a sudden! '

"Can't you do something simple! Why do I have to do tasks in this perverted world? The last time I was a stand-in envoy to fight the Holy Grail War. I finally cleared the level and got some strength, so you just skipped eight levels! ? Do you want to play me to death!"

'...It's none of my business, the system automatically selects it. '

Azalea said guiltily. ‘You can just treat me as a system elf, don’t expect me to be very capable, the last time I helped you was already the greatest help I can do within my authority, only once. '


Luo Pei sat down on the chair resentfully, looking at the pop-up window with a gloomy face.

It's impossible not to choose. I have already tasted the beauty of power. How could I die because of cowardice? It's too embarrassing.

"Dragon Ball" and "Avengers" are the first to be ruled out. There are as many star-killing powerhouses as dogs, ten deaths and no life. Next is "One Punch Man"... Mr. Saitama is the signature, so don't go looking for death.

Rubbing between his brows, Luo Pei found that among the seemingly four options, only one could be chosen.

""God Killer"... Well, it should be easier to fight against the God of Disobedience than the last three." Sighing in distress, Luo Pei finally pointed his finger at the "God Killer" option.

'Decided? '

"Well, it's the God Slayer."

Luo Pei directly pulled out two sets of clean clothes from the closet and put them into a small backpack.

"Shall we go straight away?"

'well? Won't you take a break? ’ Azalea froze, she said. 'You have a month's rest, don't be in such a hurry. '

"No need, I'm afraid that after a month's rest, my energy will be drained, so let's start right now while I just finished the task."

Now that his strength has increased sharply, it is the time when he is full of fighting spirit. If a month passes, who knows what he will become.

Luo Pei is very confident in the speed of his indulgence——

"That's right." Suddenly thinking of something, Rope asked Azalia.

"Were you so lively before? Before the first mission, you were always cold and poisonous to me. Why are you so soft now?"

'...Haha, as long as there is wisdom, it will change. I am also trying to change myself. '

If she has a face, Azalea must be breaking out in cold sweat now.

Oops, have you been spotted?

'What's more, we've known each other for such a long time, and I also want to be a little gentler with you. '

"is that so?"

Luo Pei thought for a while, and he, who blindly believed in the system, still agreed with this statement.

— Anyway, the system won't harm him.

"Let's go."


The dark crossing door opened in the rental house, and Luo Pei embarked on his journey again.

——The second mission, open.

PS: I refer to Silent Hill for the setting of the stand-in, which can be regarded as its upgraded version-Monster Saigao! The third brother is the most handsome!

PS: Because I hate using attributes to make up the word count, so this chapter has 3,000 words (:3」∠) conscientious author

PS: Regarding the exchange of weapons and skills, the secret will be revealed later

Chapter Nine: The First Arrival Godslayer

This is Milan -

The second largest city in Italy is known as the fashion capital and the gorgeous city of the world's art city.

Luo Pei walked casually on the wide streets, admiring the foreign customs that he had never had the chance to see before, and attracted the attention of many foreigners along the way.

The superiority of the Nephilim blood not only gave Luo Pei great strength and various bonuses, but also the outstanding appearance and figure that could not be born in the world, which made people subconsciously ignore his cheap casual clothes and eye-catching clothes. Backpack.

Especially those vivid light blue pupils, as long as a woman sees them, her heart will be moved. In just a few short streets, there are countless foreign beauties named Luo Pei who strike up a conversation with both hands.

But he himself doesn't seem in the mood to take care of those women.

"Azalia, what can we do to meet the God of Disobedience?"

Luo Pei took out his mobile phone from his backpack and searched for a city map of Milan.

‘I don’t know, just let it be. ’ Azalea said. ‘Or you can go to Sardinia and wait for the main character, Kusanagi Godou, which, by the way, is a year before the start of the story. '

"Is there no time limit for this mission?"

‘No, as you like, if you are not afraid of being bored, it doesn’t matter if you kill nine disobedient gods and stay in this world for a hundred years. '


‘Retarded, do you think Nephilim have such a thing as longevity? '

Azalea said contemptuously. ‘Anyway, the perfect Naphile bloodline is the highest level of SSS-level evaluation, and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are even more god-level. You are still worried about dying of old age. It’s terrible to be uneducated. '

"Sorry, I didn't pay attention so much."

Luo Pei scratched his face in embarrassment, not at all excited to suddenly become a long-lived species, and continued.

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