The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1190

Time is like an invisible hourglass, whether you care about it or not, it is slipping quietly towards the future.

For the great man who transcends the mundane world, the influence of time has been negligible.

Whether it is the ancient vampire ancestor, the wise great alchemist, the pure-blooded witch, or the terrifying evil god from outside the world, they have all rejected the curse that time bestows on living beings, one month, one year, For their long lifespan with no end in sight, it is almost like passing by in a flash.

But the world composed of ordinary creatures is not like this——

The sun in midsummer hangs in the sky, and the breeze blows through the green and ancient forests, bringing rustling sounds like Shinto chants.

Two young girls in the cardamom age were walking on a path in the woods.

The older one was wearing a high school uniform, which accentuated her slender and tall figure. The light-colored long hair is tied into a single ponytail, which makes people easily think of cherry blossoms in full bloom.

The younger girls were wearing plain private clothes, their black hair barely hanging on their necks. Her figure is slender and slender without giving the impression of being ethereal. On the contrary, the girl is like a finely forged blade, feeling the softness and toughness. In every respect, she is a beauty who is not inferior to the girl next to her and is still growing.

——Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayayaka.

A talented girl who was adopted or bought by the Lion King Agency was summoned to the headquarters of the Lion King Agency immediately after graduating from the long training in the "Forest of the High God".

"Hey, Yukina."

Even though her height and age are her "older sister", Sayaka Kosaka is not as calm as Himeragi Yukina at all.

She looked around anxiously, with a timid expression on her face.

"Master Yuantang should have said that there is no shortage of manpower in the Lion King... Logically speaking, we graduates should have followed the seniors for a few years before we can work alone. Why did the headquarters let us come here?"


Yukina couldn't answer Sayaya Hua's question.

In fact, she was also very nervous.

Excellent performance in practice is excellent, but it is completely different from the practice of a real "Magic Attacker".

In the past, there were also examples of top students being killed by demons and magus criminals for the first time as a magician. Himeragi Yukina was not confident that she would be perfect for this job.

Probably the same mentality as a college student entering a job for the first time.

— except that this job is going to kill you.

But the matter has come to this point, the Lion King agency has issued a decision, even if they have objections, they can only obediently agree with the arrangement, too many questions will affect their future career, giving people a feeling of "unreliable".

"It can't be helped. Master Yuantang said that, no matter what work the Lion King agency gives us, we have to do it with all our strength."

"The days in the same dormitory with Yukina are like yesterday. They are still at the age when they should go to school. The good time of school is over. It is clearly written in Japanese law that child labor cannot be employed..."

Sayaka muttered.

"I really hope I can be in a group with Xuecai..."

"Impossible, right?" Himiragi Yukina calmly analyzed, "Sayaka is "Mai Weiyuan", and my practice direction is "Sword Shaman", they are completely unrelated professions. "

"Oh! Don't puncture other people's illusions so quickly!"

When they were about to reach the crimson torii gate of the shrine, the two of them coincidentally put away their laughing expressions and became more serious and serious than ever before.

This is the highest center of the Lion King's agency.

Although they didn't make it clear, the two had heard from their master Yuantang Yuan that the "Three Sages" who stood at the top of the Lion King's organization lived here and the three strongest national attackers lived here. A decision with a far-reaching impact on the Lion King organization, Japan, and the world.

Notifications are being made step by step.

Under the watchful eyes of the silent shrine guards wearing white face coverings, Yukina and Sayayahua bit the bullet and came to the worship hall in the atrium of the shrine.

The bamboo shutters on all sides were pulled up, and the faint sunshine brought shadows, and only two figures in it could be vaguely seen.

The girls didn't dare to look too much, and after taking off their little leather shoes, they knelt down on the floor with their heads bowed and observing etiquette.

"Head up."

It was a young female voice with a sense of vicissitudes.

Yukina and Sayaya Hua looked up at the same time, and saw the person who was asking the question.

Red and white priestess costume, plus a head of gray hair hanging down to the waist, and beside her, sat a girl wearing glasses wearing a purple priestess costume.

The strongest attack mages in the "Three Saints" are younger than Yukina imagined, and in appearance, they are all girls who are not far from Kosaka Sayaka.

But neither made light of the other's authority because of their age.

Being able to sit here as the "Three Sages", I am afraid that appearance is just a cover-up to confuse the world. It is not inconceivable to prolong life and stay youthful after practicing to a high level.

"Is Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka right?"


"Although the old man pays close attention to you and has seen your photos, it is the first time to meet formally like this. Yuantang has always been in charge of your teaching."


Xuecai said cautiously.

"I am very honored to have received the guidance and love from my teacher."

"Me, me too."

"Oh, don't be nervous, just follow your usual way."

Anbai Nai smiled lightly.

"I won't ask any more about your courses and practice. Yuantang has already handed over a fairly detailed form, "Sword Shaman" and "Wu Weiyuan" with excellent grades. Maybe this is a bit different from the usual employment, but please adjust your mentality as soon as possible. "

"Yes! We are ready to accept the work of the Lion King agency!"

"Then, Xian Guyong, I will leave the rest to you."

The pale-haired priestess handed over the topic to Xian Guyong.

The girl with glasses nodded, and then spoke coldly.

"Himeragi Yukina, Kosaka Sayayaka, you will be different from other sword shamans and Mai Weiyuan. In the Lion King organization and even the Japanese government, you don't have to worry about anyone and feel responsible. You belong directly to me and Yuantangyuan jurisdiction."

"Master Yuantang?!"

Yukina and Sayaya Hua looked at each other, a little overjoyed.

They did not expect to have the opportunity to work with Master after leaving the High God Forest.

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