The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1193

Afterwards, the two girls saluted and exited the worship hall.

Xian Guyong sighed slightly, and put his glasses back on the bridge of his nose.

"This kind of villain character who seems to persecute girls is really unpleasant..."

"What surprised me is that you actually let those two little girls choose." Anbai Nai glanced at Xian Guyong: "You should be very clear about the consequences of rejecting the Demon God, right? The Lion King agency may be because of this matter and destroy."

"Words and actions can be separated. With Himeragi Yukina's character, rather than us adopting high-pressure tactics, it is better to let her walk on this path by herself."

"What if the two little girls refuse?"

"...Then I can only treat the villain to the end."

Xian Guyong said.

"The "brainwashing" technology in the Lion King agency has no problem dealing with the two little girls. "

Anbai Nai frowned.

"Fei Dao, this has deviated from the original intention of the Lion King's organization."

"No. I think the irresistible demon god and the crisis of world destruction are more important than these."

Xian Guyong stood up.

"Master An Bai Nai, you have also seen the barbaric war in the world where the Demon God lives. I don't know what you think, but I don't want to see such a scene in our world from the bottom of my heart."


—Weakness is an original sin.

Anbai Nai deeply understood the meaning of this sentence.

Chapter Fifty-ninth: The Divine Opera House in the Chaos Realm

"Chaos Realm" is an empire of the night located in North America. It is geographically bordered by the United States of America. The third true ancestor "Chaos Queen" Garda Kukokan is the supreme ruler and spiritual symbol. A parliamentary system like the empire.

After the ancient city-state of Shati was destroyed by the arrival of the "evil god" Sasara Macchu, the youngest true ancestor Garda at that time walked on this land of North America, and was born through the technology of the blood servant The vampires who came out of the "T species" began to fight for the territory, and finally reached the vast territory of the "Chaos Realm".

Although it is not comparable to the history of "Warlord Realm" and "Extinct Dynasty" that can last to ancient times, "Chaos Realm" is also one of the few, a huge empire that is truly ruled by one will and one bloodline and stretches for thousands of years .

Good at absorbing the new magical knowledge brought by the progress of the times, and not repelling the outside world. Coupled with the unique cultural atmosphere of the millennium, the "Chaos Realm" is a wonderful and powerful country where the ancient and the new exist together.

But unfortunately, except for the United States of America, which has been at odds with the "Realm of Chaos" for many years, people in other countries that have nothing to do with themselves have the impression of this always low-key Empire of the Night. Beautiful vampire lords who only give birth to women...

After their master, the "Princess of Chaos" Garda, revealed the existence of "Lover", this wind of prejudice spread to the female lords of the entire Chaos Realm.

"It's really troublesome..."

Earl Aina Gatteria rubbed her sore brows and complained a little bit unbearably.

She had just turned down a date invitation from a serious human being, the son of the Imperial Finance Minister.

I don't know what went wrong with that noble young man who used to have a good style. She is more than enough to be his grandparents at her age, but the other party still approaches her with the attitude of treating a lady of the same age. This can only make Aina feel helpless and funny .

Everyone knows the behavior of the "Prince of Chaos" looking for a man.

The result of this kind of lace news is to make those humans mistakenly believe that the distance between themselves and vampires has shortened.

Although the prejudice against vampires and demons has been reduced to a certain extent, the self-sacrificing female nobles in the chaotic realm are miserable.

They are all their own citizens, and they bow their heads and don't see them, so they can't get angry and release beasts to clean them up just because of someone's invitation and courtship, right?

I can only enlighten and refuse with good words.

"If your majesty doesn't make a song, it's enough to be a blockbuster."

Aina's companion, Lady Reina Doro laughed.

"Looking at it from another angle, although we have become a little too popular, His Majesty can change the previous mentality of always playing behind the scenes and really stand at the front. No matter what you say, it is a good thing. The activities of the ancestors have made The guys from the United Kingdom have all quieted down."

The overt and covert firefights and battles between the United States and the Chaos Realm were all under the condition that the true ancestors did not appear in the mortal world.

Now that the Third True Ancestor has just walked from behind the scenes to the front stage, if he dares to make a mistake at such a juncture, isn't that waiting for the Third True Ancestor to go down and mow the grass in person?

"Don't be too optimistic." Aina glared at Reina Doro.

"The Forgotten Warlord has stood at the foreground since a long time ago, but have you seen him taking care of things? The Hun Ghosts have occupied a territory in the Warlord's Domain, and the Forgotten Warlord's reaction was to be angry at the nobles who couldn't hold the territory. They have been deprived of their status in the field of war kings, and they are completely indifferent to the ghosts. The true ancestors are the most powerful immortals, so don't use inertial thinking to consider their behavior."

"Whatever, diplomacy is Solja's job in the military. Why should we worry about other people's business."

"How is your sister doing?"

Mentioning this matter, Reina Doro's smile faded.

She was silent for a moment and said.

"Michaela was traumatized and it took a while to recover. It took a lot of work to get her to sleep alone, to stop her fear of octopuses and yellow cloth...vampires To be afraid of this thing? It’s ridiculous to think about it.”

"Since His Majesty asked her to be responsible for sending the "Night Lords of Flame" to the Demon Zone, Migarella has become like this, maybe it has something to do with the Fourth Primogenitor? "

"It's meaningless to find out the reason. The important thing is how to change Michaelie's psychological problems."

Reina Doro looked at the time and said again.

"Aina, it's time to start, today's three o'clock is the day when the engineering team will finish work. Your Majesty attaches great importance to this matter, and it is estimated that we will arrive at the scene early. Those of us who are courtiers must not arrive later than Your Majesty. "


The countess quickly cleaned up her desk, and she and her companions sat on the site where the magicians of the Chaos Realm were in charge.

The luxury car gradually drove out of the urban area of ​​the capital. In the distance, a Greek-style prototype building stood alone at the foot of the mountain.

The sun is bright, and there are green forests around, but no matter how you look at the building, it will give people a eerie feeling.

"Rena Doro, I have always been curious, what is this building used for? Why does His Majesty value it so much?"

"I don't know the details, but I vaguely heard that it is linked to some mysterious rituals."

Reina Doro paused, then said again.

"Very sublime and terrifying beings—that's how they're described."

"What kind of ceremony would specifically require the establishment of an opera house, and an order from His Majesty himself..."

Aina couldn't figure it out, so she gave up thinking about it.

Pushing open the car door, two female vampires walked into this huge opera house.

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