The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1201

When this question is mentioned, most people will definitely have a picture immediately.

A dilapidated room full of strange materials, a cauldron with something black and strange, a toad, a black cat, a black hat with pointed horns, and a long or short wand.

But unfortunately, this is just a misunderstanding brought about by film and television works.

Maybe witches really looked like this a long time ago. With the progress of the times, this kind of sad style has long since withdrawn from the stage of witches. Now even the old school witches will not go back to their ancestors.

The same is true for the secretary witch who was born in the early days of Heian-kyo.

Proficient in all kinds of modern equipment, and can also use the induction cooker to cook good dishes. Xiandumu Aye not only memorized the knowledge of the magic book, but also did not let go of these trivial matters.

The leader of the "library" is even more "daily" than Nangong that month.

Luo Pei lay on the desk, nimbly turning the pen with his fingers.

In front of him, Xiandumu Aye's gorgeous kimono was dragged on the floor, holding the cult book with a concentrated expression, frowning from time to time.

"How does it feel?" he asked.

The twelve beauties closed the book politely, looked at Luo Pei and replied.

"I just took a rough look at a single book, and I know that these "knowledge" are powerful enough to overturn the world... Do I need to praise your greatness again? "

Young brunette smiling.

"I intend to send them to the Library through you. "

"Why are you doing this?"

There is no free lunch in the world, Xiandumu Aye is very sensible.

She has already understood the degree of self-importance and willfulness of the demon god in front of her.

If it is said that "the demon god wants to win over the library", Xiandumu Aye would definitely not believe it.

It is true that the "library" has some strength, and a large number of magic books will not be intimidating even if it faces a country. But in the eyes of the demon god in front of him, this level is probably not even an ant.

Even as the leader "Secretary Witch", she has already knelt at the feet of the Demon God, so why bother to send magic books to the "Library"?

"What I want and what you think are not the same thing."

Rope laughed.

"A Ye, have you heard of it? The story of the king and the crown."

"I have never heard of it."

"A long time ago, there was a very poor king. Even the crown on his head was not pure gold, but brass. When the treasury was empty, he planned to sell the only crown."

Rope spoke eloquently.

"But you see, his crown is nothing more than a cheap piece of brass, and even with his status as king, it won't sell for much. At this time, the king in trouble thought of a clever way, and he preached His own crown is a rare treasure, and he secretly ordered his army to forge a huge thieves snatching action. This kind of momentum that almost broke the boat finally attracted the attention of several big kings around, and also successfully promoted his crown .”

"Sure enough, you are being smart. Weak people don't have the strength to keep the treasure, so they shouldn't let others know that there is a treasure."

"That's right."

Rope nodded.

"What the king never expected was that the big kings didn't want to use the method of "buying" to obtain the famous crown, but directly forced him to hand it over by force. In desperation, the king not only did not get the money he wanted, but also lost his only crown and kingdom. "

The black-haired young man paused for a moment, then leaned back in the chair.

"But the story doesn't end here. Those big kings all thought that they should hold the crown, and started a long battle over the crown. In the years, ten years, and hundreds of years, even many people knew The crown is actually just a cheap piece of brass, but the bloody "battle" of countless people has endowed the crown with a strange value, and the price is increasing day by day, even to the point where it can buy a country. At that time, no one cared whether the crown was made of brass or not. "

It is well known that objects can be experienced to add value.

Xiandumu Aye waited silently for the Demon God's next words.

"What I want to do is no different from that king, I want to promote these magic books through the "library". "The power that can end the world" should be quite attractive, right? Then "battle" will endow these magic books with higher value, so as to spread the knowledge inside widely. "

What Lopez writes is not fake "brass", but genuine and powerful knowledge.

The mutual superposition of treasures and authentic products is no longer as simple as one plus one equals two in terms of attractiveness.

Under the seasoning of the battle, the knowledge in the cult will gradually ferment into a psychedelic vortex, drawing everything into the crazy world preset by the demon god.

"...You want to destroy the "Library"? "


"Then please forgive me for being rude."

Xiandumu Aye said.

"This statement may be a little bit beyond the status of a slave. If you are displeased, please stop being a concubine. With your strength and authority, whether you want to promote magic books or destroy the "library", there is really no need to be so complicated. Everything you have comes in the quickest way as long as you reveal who you are to the world. "

"You are so boring, Aye."

Rope pouted.

"Why should I do such troublesome things during the vacation? Now I throw these magic books to you, and then you give the magic books to the "library" and spread the news, the result I want will still be achieved, And the whole process has nothing to do with me, so why not do it? "

His purpose in this world is to be easy.

To put it simply, it means killing but not burying.

Showing violence to the world would be quick and easy, but the aftermath would not only be detrimental to the spread of "culture" but would ruin his vacation altogether.

"The concubine knows."

Xiandumu Aye nodded, and put away the magic book with a flick of his long sleeves.

"Your request will be fulfilled faithfully."

She can't understand the thinking of the demon god, but the words are already at the limit for that sake.

Xiandumu Aye has not forgotten his status as a slave, and obeying the master's order is everything a slave has.

Besides, the life and death of the library and the casualties caused by the battle are nothing to this thousand-year-old witch.

"I've already carved the formula in your brain."

Rope smiled meaningfully.

"You can read those magic books without harming you. And that knowledge is also the hope I gave you after tearing up the dark oath."


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