The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1203

"Why did you in the first grade come to the classroom of the third grade? Did you come here specifically to find me?"


Hasase Natsune nodded softly.

"Sister Aurora left in a hurry in the morning. Teacher Nangong asked me to inform you that she, brother Luo Pei and Master Hasta have something to do tonight, and they won't be going home. Let us go outside Solve the problem of dinner."

"Definitely going to the opera again..."

Aurora sighed old-fashionedly.

"That big sister Hasta is good at everything, gentle and good at cooking, completely different from the fierce sister Yue, but that retro interest is really troublesome. Obviously there is everything on TV and the Internet, but If she insisted on going to see something old-fashioned like a live opera, Ape would always accompany her..."

The Fourth True Ancestor was a little tasteless.

The number of girls beside the demon god gradually increased. Although Aurora was not the type to care about such things, the distraction of Lopez's attention still gave Aurora the illusion of being left out.

Aurora glanced at her breasts, the slightly raised buns, and her slender body like a doll. According to Luo Pei's preference for being able to shoot that month, no matter how you think about it, it should be within Luo Pei's tolerance.

But it's strange that her breeder, Luo Pei, didn't have the idea of ​​shooting her.

"What is missing... Could it be that there are too many women, and they have forgotten me..."

Aurora muttered.

"Sister Aurora?"

"It's fine."

The blond vampire immediately smiled at Haze Natsune.

"What would Xia Yinjiang want to eat tonight? I saved a lot of money from sister Yue's stingy pocket money! I can treat Xia Yinchan to a good meal tonight, um, and then go back and look for that Sister Yue will reimburse you."

“Family restaurants off campus will do just fine.”

"Xia Yinjiang is not interested in fast food."

Aurora lay down on the table exhausted.

"I really like hamburgers and Coke."

"But, eating those is not nutritious, right?"

"I'm a vampire cursed by God, so I'm fine..."

Now Aurora only occasionally talks about various secondary school words.

If the two years of school life had changed anything about the Fourth Primogenitor, then probably only her way of speaking had changed.

A split second of time.

Aurora, who was rolling around on the table a moment ago, sat up straight the next moment, and quickly pinched something from the window with her right hand.

The speed was so fast that Haze Natsune couldn't even see it.

It was only at this moment that Aurora looked like a real vampire.

——That unreasonable physical fitness.

"What's this?"

Aurora spread her palms and frowned as she looked at the things in her palms.

It was a neatly trimmed white paper figurine.

No words were written on it, but it revealed the feeling of spiritual power and spells, which immediately awakened Aurora, who had a super high perception of magic power.

God formula?

The girl remembered the magic knowledge that Nangong had taught her that month.

This is an alternative magic with a strong local color within the scope of the East, that is, Japan. It is extremely convenient and can be used in almost any way.

Aurora followed her deep feeling and looked out the window.

On the playground, there are a large number of students wandering around during the lunch break.

Under the shade of the trees at the edge of the playground, a tall and beautiful girl with a single ponytail was looking at her intently. The moment she noticed Aurora's gaze, she hid behind the tree.

"that is……"

Haze Natsune followed Aurora's line of sight and also saw the girl with the single ponytail.

"Does Xia Yinchan know her?"

"Well... you can't say you know each other, can you?"

Hayase Natsune said.

"Two transfer students came here in the morning, one is a girl from the same class, Himeragi Yukina, and the other is a senior from high school. They seem to be friends, so they had a brief encounter during recess. Yuan... If I'm not mistaken, it should be the high school senior who is traveling with Yukina."

"Why does the transfer student use "Shikigami" to spy on me..."


"Well, it's fine."

Aurora smiled and stood up.

"Xia Yinchan, let's go back to the classroom first, I suddenly have something to deal with, so I won't accompany you."


Don't ask why, don't talk too much, just respond gently.

Haze Natsune's tolerance beyond her age is the fundamental reason why she was named "Holy Maiden".

Leaving the classroom, Aurora in sailor suit walked in the corridor of the campus.

From time to time, familiar students greeted her with a smile, and Aurora also responded with a smile.

The turmoil caused by the identity of a "vampire" only lasted for less than a month. After getting to know Aurora gradually, everyone couldn't bear any disgusting thoughts towards such a girl. The identity of the girl adds a bit of mystery, so that Aurora is not only not isolated, but has become one of the most popular girls in the middle class.

When I came to the playground, the hot sun shone on the blond girl's head, making her feel dizzy.

Even for the Fourth Primogenitor, the vampire's innate aversion to sunlight still played a role. Aurora seldom walked out of the teaching building at noon.

But there are always exceptions.

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