The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1206

The fate that Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka accepted was the Demon God behind the Fourth Primogenitor.

"Yes." Yukina replied boldly.

Immediately afterwards, the atmosphere changed 180 degrees.

Aurora smiled happily, shaking her legs covered in black stockings.

"Say it earlier! I like making friends the most! Since Ape said it's okay, then I have no problem! It's just that you can no longer use spells in school."

Aurora said with a mysterious face.

"This school has a very powerful witch as an instructor. If she finds out, you will suffer a terrible punishment."

"Very, terrible punishment?"

"That's right! That's the stranded tutoring during the holidays!"

Aurora lowered her voice.

"The time of deprivation of freedom imprisoned you in a classroom less than 30 square meters, and the mathematics lessons like mantras were constantly heard in your ears, and finally you were handed out pale test papers to test your grades..."


"Isn't it scary?"

Both girls were stunned.

The outrageous words of the Fourth Primogenitor were like a sledgehammer, smashing all their dark imaginations to pieces.

Himeragi Yukina twitched the corner of her mouth and forced a smile.

"It's really scary...."

At the same time, the girl secretly breathed a sigh of relief, feeling relaxed.

This Fourth Primogenitor is indeed a very easy-going type.

Kosaka Sayaka's eyes also began to smile.

"So, then can I call you Aurora?"

Remembering that she hasn't introduced herself yet, Himeragi Yukina hastily added.

"I'm Himeragi Yukina, a sword shaman from the Lion King facility, a first-year junior high school student. She's Kosaka Sayaka, a first-year high school student from the Lion King facility, Mai Weiyuan."

"Yeah, Yukina-chan and Sayaya-Hua-chan, just call me Aurora, that's what my friends call me!"

Aurora nodded vigorously.

"It happens that we are going to have a dinner party tonight, let's go with Xuecai sauce and Sayayahua sauce, shall we?"

I don't know if it was because of the name of Rope, but the vampire girl suddenly became quite unsuspecting, and directly invited Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka.

This enthusiasm made the two girls feel a little unable to keep up.

It is completely different from the difficulty of the imagined task.

If that's the case, it shouldn't be too bad... right?

Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka looked at each other, the uneasiness that had lingered in their hearts since the beginning of Takagami Forest disappeared under the influence of the blonde girl's smile.

Chapter 67 The second evil god, the old ruler of dry time

The night lights render the city of Itokami Island.

It is like a gorgeous and peaceful protective shell, sheltering the ghosts and monsters that are active at night in this city.

——The youngest demon zone.

Luo Pei got off at the southwest corner of the Keystone Gate, and led Nangong Nayue, who was dressed in a gorgeous dress, towards the magnificent four-story building complex.

This building, which originally belonged to the MAR Group, was left unused after the MAR Group withdrew from Itogami Island due to an "accident". After Lopez bought it, he converted it into a retro-style opera house without any effort, and used it to enshrine the "King in Yellow" Hastur for fun.

Counting the previous few times, today is already the fifth day of watching the drama.


A beauty with brown skin, "Great Alchemist" Nina has long been waiting in front of the door, greeting Rope with a smile.

"Master Shenming is fifteen minutes late, and the honorable majesty inside can hardly wait for you."

Rope shrugged slightly helplessly.

"There was a little mistake in Yuechan's dress that day, so I changed it for her temporarily."

"Don't throw the responsibility on me. Didn't you have a burst of inspiration when you wrote it yourself, and said that it doesn't matter if you delay the arrival?"

"Is that so? Haha, sorry sorry."

Nangong pulled up the black silk gloves that month.

It may be that he stayed in the prison barrier for too long. Although the change in body shape is not obvious from the outside, Nangong's dress before that month was indeed a bit loose.

"Is it necessary to dress so solemnly for such a family gathering?" She couldn't help but whispered.

Rope smiled.

"Don't completely forget the identity of His Majesty Hastur just because you have been together for a long time. She is a very particular evil god. It may be nothing in normal times, but if she is interested in watching operas on clothes, even I can't guarantee it." Will His Majesty Star get angry?"

Nangong was stunned for a moment, then realized and said with a sneer.

"It's true. After such a long time of getting along with each other, I almost forgot that this is "an audience before God"..."

Rope's title of "Devil God" may still have a lot of water from the perspective of the multiverse. But Hastur is the real thing, the old ruler born from the root of the ancient chaos, her honor and greatness, even the ancient gods who have died in the past dare not deny it.

——The one in yellow, the indescribable master of the star sea in deep space.

"Nina, are you the only one here?"

"Huh?" The alchemist tilted his head: "Did you invite anyone else?"

"It's too boring for us to be the only opera house in Nuo Da. His Majesty Hasta notified me in the evening to ask me to call two more people, so I sent invitations to the guys from the Lion King agency."

The gift has already been delivered, so there is nothing wrong with showing some tolerance and kindness.

"You actually invited people from the Lion King's agency." Nangong Nayue put on an evil smile: "They must be both panicked and happy, those guys are thinking about how to contact you every day, but they dare not show up without permission In front of the gods."

"You're wrong, Witch of the Gap."

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