The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1214

Murphy's Law says that the more you worry about something happening, the more likely it will happen.

This sentence may not be correct when used to describe Sayaka Kosaka and Yukina Himeragi, but regardless of the meaning behind it, the meaning on the surface is undoubtedly very suitable for the moment.

Wu Weiyuan and Jian Wu sat at the innermost table in the family restaurant, opposite them was a black-haired young man who was leisurely looking at the menu.


Since receiving the task, the two girls have been thinking about the circumstances under which they will meet the gods and what will happen, and they are anxious about such a future.

But they never expected that the encounter between the sacrifice and the god is so common.

In the leisurely afternoon, in the noisy and bustling family restaurant, the black-haired young man sat across from him with a smile on his lips. If he didn't know the identities of the few people, he might think that this was just an ordinary dinner between three friends.

"A Coke and a side of French fries."

Luo Pei said to the waiter, and then gave Sayaya Hua the menu in his hand.

The long-haired girl was nervous and took it at a loss.

"What do the two ladies want to eat?"

"No, we're not very hungry..."

The person who will serve her whole life, the god who lives in the sky is right in front of her, and Himeragi Yukina still has time to eat.

She barely recalled the conversations she had practiced for the first time, but she found desperately that those prepared words had long been forgotten under the huge impact.

Rope smiled.

"Don't lie, I heard the conversation between you and Sayaya Hua. Putting your fate and responsibilities aside for the time being, I don't want to see the two girls who took the initiative to invite become robots who can't speak and can only bow their heads. .”


Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka glanced at each other, but it was Yukina who plucked up the courage to take the menu from the long-haired girl.

After ordering two meals casually, the waiter smiled and stepped back.

Except for the slightly noisy conversation coming from the ears, there was a strange silence between the three of them.

"Aren't you going to say something?"

Himeragi Yukina took a deep breath and stood up.

"It's our first time meeting, my lord. We are affiliated with the Lion King..."


As soon as the words were spoken, the black-haired youth pressed the pause button.

Kosaka Sayaka was so frightened that Yukina said something wrong, which annoyed the gods, and in an instant, a bad picture with more than two digits turned in her mind.

But what Luo Pei said next made them realize that it was just their nervousness.

"Don't just stand up, people around are looking at us."

Luo Pei took the Coke from the waiter and said slowly.

"I invited you, which also means that you have the qualifications to talk with me on an equal footing. Also, there is no need to introduce yourself, "Sword Shaman" Yukina Himeragi from the Lion King Agency, "Mai Weiyuan" Kosaka Sayaka, I know your names and backgrounds. Aurora has been taken care of at school, but she shows off to me all day and has made friends again..."


"It doesn't seem to be of high quality."

Rope shrugged with feigned regret.

"I thought my strike-up was perfect, but I didn't expect to make the two ladies feel uncomfortable."


Himeragi Yukina said hastily.

"We are grateful that you invited us, it's just..."

"It's too sudden, don't you know how to adapt to the status quo?"

Luo Pei made up for Himeragi Yukina what she dared not say.

The short-haired girl nodded honestly.

"Everyone will experience a turning point in life, and they may not even notice it themselves. It comes suddenly, and it is in front of us suddenly, but this is not a reason to stand still, just keep going at your own pace."

The black-haired young man picked up a piece of French fries, pointed at Yukina and Sayaya Hua with a smile.

"I can roughly guess the content of the mission given to you by the Lion King agency. Since I agreed to let them send you over, I will naturally not be too harsh on you. All your worries now are unnecessary. Something. Could it be that you think of me as a violent and unreasonable evil god?"


Is not it?

Sayayaka complained secretly.

Hearing that the Lion King agency was about "the destruction of the world" and "all members died under the wrath of the gods", the two girls had already given a rough positioning of Luo Pei's identity in their hearts.

Willful, unreasonable, god with unparalleled power.

Although it can't be considered wrong, the girls obviously don't know that Luo Pei's violence is usually faced with irrelevant people and makes him a bad first impression.

"So... after you see us, will you allow us to stand by your side as the Lion King's mechanism Sword Sorcerer and Wu Weiyuan?"

"Did you hear what I just said clearly..."

Luo Pei raised his forehead.

"I have already said that I agree to let them send you here. If not, do you think I can still sit here and chat with you normally?"

"Thanks you!"

Although Himeragi Yukina's little head was still a little dazed, she could clearly hear the affirmation that the gods allowed them to serve.

After a month of fun with the Fourth Primogenitor, the task was completed immediately after a casual trip, and the sudden increase in progress made the two girls feel a little unrealistic.

But also within reason.

The Demon God is the master of this String God Island, and his thoughts are the supreme decree, which no one can violate.

"Although the little girl is not talented, I will ask you to give me more advice from now on..."

Himeragi Yukina lowered her head with a reddish face.

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