The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1218

The strength of a vampire is seriously linked to age.

The only group of "old generation" vampires who can exude enough power to shake String Kamijima is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

"Snow vegetables!"

In the light of the fire, Sayayaka cast a spell to ward off fire, and her spiritual power was like a thin protective barrier, isolating the surrounding heat waves.

"Saaya Hua, you stay here and act according to the situation. "Wu Weiyuan" is inferior to "Sword Shaman" in a frontal battle. If the opponent is really an "old generation" vampire, then I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in battle. To protect your safety. "


That being said, Himeragi Yukina was even more curious about who could force the vampires of the "old generation" to violate the law of Itokami Island to use the beasts.

Flying on the top floor of Warehouse Street, Yukina arrived at the very center of the battlefield like a nimble bird.

The beast in battle is a pitch-black demon bird like a crow. The color of amber, screaming, the magic power spit out of the mouth and the storm are the most fundamental reasons for the explosion.

But the object it was fighting with left the girl dumbfounded.

It was a young girl with long dark blue hair.

The emotionless pupils and the artificially sculpted face made her identity easily recognizable at a glance.

- Artificial life.

But this is not what Yukina was surprised by. "Artificial life forms" are not such a rare life in the Demon Zone.

The artificial life girl is manipulating the beast.

The symbol that only belongs to vampires, the beast of natural disaster that can only be controlled by infinite negative life.

A pair of rainbow-colored giant wrists floated behind the girl, and after a moment of trance, the wrists touched the pitch-black demon bird.

Relentlessly tearing from the root, accompanied by the anguished roar of the demon bird, the wrist seemed to have life, and it devoured the vampire's beast.

"Devouring magic power...!?"

Before Yukina could fully comprehend the scene in front of her, the man's screams rang out.

Standing on the tall building opposite, the vampire, who looked like a beast manipulator, was split into two from the shoulders, along with the heart.

And it was also a middle-aged man who made this terrible act.

The burly man over 190 centimeters tall, the half-moon ax blade he carried in his right hand, and the magic robe worn on the armor-enhanced suit were all stained red with blood, the blood spattered by vampires.

"Witness?" The middle-aged man said in a low voice: "This is really beyond my expectation. I remember that on this filthy island, this place is already the most inconspicuous place..."

"Please stop fighting immediately!"

Yukina was not intimidated by the man, she stared at him and lowered her body slightly.

"Xuexia Wolf" is not around, but the practice of "Sword Shaman" largely includes unarmed combat.

As the price of not being good at spells and spells, Himeragi Yukina's talent in this area is outstanding.

"Little girl, what position do you use to say this?"

The middle-aged man looked at Yukina with contempt.

"National Demon Attacker? You're really young, well, although he doesn't look like an accomplice of this demon clan."

As he spoke, he also kicked the vampire who was about to turn into a corpse.

"Masochistic killing of demons who are unable to move is a violation of the special treatment law for attacking demons."

"Do you think I have reason to follow the law set by the apostate who flatters the demons?"

The man raised his half-moon-shaped battle ax and continued.

"Little girl, I will give you a chance for the sake of being an attacking magician. Just pretend that you haven't seen this incident today, and leave this cursed filthy island as soon as possible, otherwise you will have to accompany this demonic island." The islands polluted by the clan lie forever in the bottom of the sea."

"I can't do it! The "Sword Shaman" of the Lion King Agency will never shrink back from the "Magic Criminal"! "

"The Lion King agency?"

The man frowned.

"That heretic exorcism organization in the far east... Whatever it is."

He took the half-moon ax off his shoulder, and held it lightly in his hand as if it had no weight.

"For the heathen, my kindness only has one chance. Since you have chosen the wrong direction, you should leave this world one step before this island sleeps forever. By my teacher, Rudolf Ostach Come be your last opponent!"

"Master Annihilation of Lotharingia!?"

Why did the teacher from the Western European Church appear on Isogami Island?

There was no time for Xuecai to think about it.

The man kicked towards the ground, his burly body accelerated violently, and swung down the half-moon battle ax in his hand, approaching Yukina like a sharp guillotine.

With the support of reinforced armor specially provided by the army, the power of this slash can easily cut even an armored vehicle in half.

But not fast!

Xuecai deftly dodged the slash, took advantage of Teacher Jian's unfinished attack, lowered her body, and fiercely hit the opponent's abdomen with her right hand.


The sword shaman and the melee combat skill "Eight Thunder God Method" learned by Six Blades is a ferocious skill that transforms the original gentle spiritual power into various lethal moves.

Ordinary demons, even rough-skinned orcs would be unconscious after this blow, let alone ordinary humans.

But Mr. Jian's figure didn't even shake, and there was a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"how come……?"

"The strength is good, but you still lack some firepower to break through our holy-level armor!"

Rudolph turned the handle of the ax upside down and slammed the pickled cabbage off the top of the warehouse.

The girl didn't have time to care about the pain in her abdomen, and the moment she landed, she rolled and dodged to the side.

In the next instant, Teacher Jian's foot crushed the concrete floor where Xuecai had landed.

"The reaction is good. The sword witch of the Lion King mechanism does seem to be as powerful as the rumors. Even a little girl like you has such skills."


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