The Endless Shuttle

Zongman: Endless Shuttle Chapter 1220

"This is really... it's time for the "Saint's Right Arm" to happen, time flies so fast. "

The black-haired young man held his forehead, stared at Teacher Jian and the artificial life form below, and muttered to himself.

"After so many things happened, you still plan to use force to take your "holy relic" from Isogami Island. Is it because the news is blocked, or do you really regard life as a dispensable thing? The saying that faith makes people fanatical and radical really makes sense..."

"Ape, what should I do?"

"You can figure it out yourself. Originally, Xianjin Island is the territory I prepared for you. Although the two people below are handled by Aurora, although they are a bit overkill, they may as well be a sideshow tonight."

Luo Pei said without interest.

"Oh, by the way, that artificial life body stays."


Aurora elongated her tone helplessly.

"Is Ape still interested in artificial lifeforms? It's not like I said that in Apei's capacity, artificial lifeforms can be purchased in bulk, right?"

"Why don't I remember that I taught you about "human trafficking"? "

"...Nina told me."

The blond vampire lowered his head guiltily and muttered softly.

"I'm just curious. Nina is an alchemist herself, and has dealt with various companies in the commune. When she was bored and went to visit, I asked about the topic of "artificial life"..."

In modern times, even though "artificial lifeforms" have been internationally recognized as "races" rather than experimental subjects or commodities, there are still a large number of artificial lifeforms being bought and sold on the black market as a concept handed down for a long time.

This kind of tool that can be used as long as it is instilled with a good program is in a sense much more convenient than humans and other difficult demons.

"That artificial life body is a little special to me."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Aurora sighed.

"A Pei obviously has such a strong interest in loli, why is he always treating me like a child, and my appearance is not inferior to that sister Yue and the artificial life below..."

"Wait until you're really mature."

"Give me this again."


Luo Pei stretched out his hand and brought Yukina and Sayaka to the tall building, beside him in the space distortion.

Immediately, he took out Coke and potato chips from the convenience bag, as if preparing to watch a show.

"Get rid of him within five minutes, don't use the monsters that destroy on a large scale. I have already told Nayue-chan not to take care of the affairs here, so Aurora, you don't have to worry about being reprimanded by Nayue-chan after using your power... Bah ! What kind of smell is this!?"

Luo Pei picked up the bag of potato chips and looked at the "bitter melon flavored potato chips" written in Japanese on the corner of his eyes.

...It's really lost to Aurora's interest.

The fourth primogenitor likes to try new things, this feature is not only reflected in making friends, but also in her diet.

"Aurora sauce..." Xuecai moved closer to the blond vampire, and whispered, "That man is a teacher from the Western European Church, that is, a variant of a magician, an expert in dealing with demons. He wears very strong Protective powered armor, attack his neck and head as much as possible..."

"no problem, no problem!"

Aurora interrupted Yukina's information, gave her a thumbs up, and showed a bright smile.

"Yukina-chan and Sayaka-san are here to watch over. It doesn't matter if he is a teacher or a magician, I will deal with him right away!"

Himeragi Yukina was stunned.

That's right, Aurora is the "Fourth True Ancestor", recognized as the strongest "Night Lord of Flame".

Even if her appearance is so gentle and her personality is innocent, it can't change this fact.

The "combat information" she focuses on is like rubbish to Aurora. How strong is that teacher J, and whether he has a powered suit or not, it's not worth mentioning at all.

Anyway, the final result will not change.

"What do you want to drink?"

Luo Pei asked the two girls, flipping through the convenience bag.

"Here's cherry juice and Coca-Cola, um, and a little red wine. It's really a good entertainment to enjoy a drama under the moonlight night..."

Looking back, he found that Sayaka and Yukina were not listening to his question at all.

Yukina was fine, but Sayaka, who was standing not far away, was already trembling with her legs.

The abnormal situation was resolved by the violent intervention of the Demon God and the Fourth Primogenitor, and the only thing left in their minds was "releasing the Demon God's pigeons".

"...There's no need to be so scared, right?"

What did the Lion King agency tell these girls? It must have been too much force...

Luo Pei waved silently.

"Come and sit down. I'm not a man-eating beast. I understand the mentality of being raised as "mage-attackers" and I won't punish you too severely. "

Rather, it was the reactions of Himeragi Yukina and Kosaka Sayaka that suited him.

Turning the girls with distinctive personalities in the original book into puppets who obey orders, Luo Pei is too lazy to do this kind of self-inflicted and boring behavior.

"Thank you, my lord..."

Sayayahua and Yukina responded in a low voice, and then sat meekly beside the black-haired young man.

Rudolf Ostach, a teacher of the Western European Church, has been observing the sudden arrival of a man and a woman, and the ominous premonition suddenly rises in his heart.

Men can't see the details, but the blond girl can be recognized as a vampire at a glance by virtue of his years of experience as a teacher, and she is quite high-ranking.

The old generation or the elder...

No, it should be stronger than that!

Rudolph took off the lens on the monocular, looked at Aurora who jumped from the tall building and was walking towards him and asked.

"My generation has heard that this island is dominated by the king of the demons, the illusory Fourth True Ancestor. Is the Fourth True Ancestor talking about you?"

"That's right, I am..."

"Cough cough."

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